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For the next two weeks on tour, Emerson has only developed to getting closer with me, and Remington began to lay off of him about it. Which was fairly odd, so I sent Emerson a text, asking him what was going on.

(look at the image above) 

I got ready curiously, then walking out of the bus- Remington no where to be found since last night. Sunday night was when we'd all go out and have a few drinks. The last time I seen Remington, he was with Sebastian. And that was rather confusing, because Sebastian and Remington never really were to be seen together, only Remington and Emerson. The messages explain themselves. 

As I arrived to the park, I sat down and waited for Emerson patiently, looking around. 

"Hi mon lotus." Emerson speaks softly, sitting down next to me. 

"Hi, Emerson." I reply back. "So, what's going on that I don't know about...?" I ask, anxiously.

He takes a deep breath and begins to tell me the story. 

"Your original Pen Pal was supposed to be me. Remington took over my account and began talking to you, and he knew I was in love with you... He made a deal with me, telling me that he'd help pay to get my art work in the museum, if I let him talk to you.. I hesitated at first but I really wanted to get my artwork in, so I could get money back and help my brothers and I sleep in our own spaces." 

As I listened to his words, my heart began to go numb, but once Emerson took my hands in his, I felt alive; all over again.

"So, why did Remington want to talk to me then...?" I asked.

"He was in desperate need of a girlfriend, he says that good karma would come my way for doing this, but, the only karma I got was not being able to be with the girl of my dreams, that's why I've been acting the way I have been since we first met." He takes out a paper from his bag, handing it to me. 

"Its a drawing of you, Lyida." He smiles. 

Yeah, I teared up. I had a bit of fan girl left in my system. And, no one has ever created a drawing of me, but this piece of work was incredibly beautiful, Emerson does amazing work and he has a lot of patience to create all the pieces he's created before. 

"Holy fuck Emerson... This, this drawing is beautiful." I say through voice cracks. 

fucking aye. lol.

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it." 

"Like it?? I love it." I hug him tightly. 

I pull away and smile small, and without a warning, I was kissed deeply. 




The last state test for me is tomorrow, then I have two essay assignments to write ahead of time... Stupid me thought it'd be great to wait to do one of them once its  due, but the second one doesn't have a due date yet; i don't believe. 

But, i do hope you've all enjoyed this chapter.  - Chels

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