12- Part Three

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Everything I ever needed was finally packed and ready to come with me for summer, on tour with Palaye Royale.

Never in a million would I ever think I would be going on tour with them, nor having Remington Leith as my Pen Pal... Who turned out to now be my boyfriend. 

I feel as if this was all a dream, and I haven't woken up from it just yet... I feel like someone else deserves to go on tour with Palaye. But, its my time to shine, and I won't hide from what life offers me anymore. 

This was it. The final day of being at home for the summer. Sebastian came to help me load things in his Denali XL. Let me say, he has a good taste in music and vehicles. 

My parents weren't home; sadly. But they wrote me a goodbye note, and I too, wrote one back. 

"Goodbye mom, goodbye dad. I'll miss you. Have fun being home alone, it'll be nice and quiet, LOL. I love you both. I'll call you when we hit the road. -Lydia"

I set the paper on the counter, getting my remaining bags and heading out, locking the door. 

"So, how does it feel to know you're going on tour with a band?" Sebastian asks, shutting the trunk.

"More so like a dream." I laugh, getting in the passenger seat. 

"Welp, I can tell you we will all have our moments a lot. So, bare with all three of us." He chuckles, starting the vehicle and driving off. 

Majority of the time that was spent in the car, was rather quiet. I didn't mind it, though. Sebastian had a Spotify playlist going on, which was just a bunch of random music... Some of the music, I was aware of, some of it, I wasn't aware. But, Seb knew every song. What else shall I say? He's a unique, talented person. 

Soon enough, we had arrived to a hotel. There was a big bus in the parking spot, which Sebastian pointed out. 

"That's what we'll be traveling in for five months." 

"Wow." Was all that came out of my mouth... I mean, this thing is ginormous! 

Once Sebastian parked his car, we got out, unloading it and walking to the bus. He opened the door and Panic! at the Disco was blasting, with Emerson running around in a checkered blue and white suit, which suit him very well. And Remington, sat in his bunk, wearing a pastel pink shirt, with plaid designed, red and black pants. 

(if you know what outfits im talking about, good for you, you're a super fan.)

"LYDIA" Emerson shouted, giving me a hug. 

"Hi Emmy bear." I blushed, hugging him back. 

"Remington is grumpy, you should go see him." Emerson says, offering a smile. 

I nodded, walking to his bunk. 

"Why hello, Remington." I smiled.

"My my, look who it is... My precious baby girl." He smirked.

I got into his bunk, sitting on top of him, after giving him a hug. 

"This is a good angle, if you're asking me." Remington laughs, putting his hands around my waist. 

"Mhm well you've had your fun, I have to go get my bags." I get off of him. 

"Not so fast. You're staying with me." He pulls me back in his bunk, cuddling me, in a rather protective way. 


"No. I don't like sharing. You're mine." Is all he says, before kissing me, full of passion. 

I can say, I was shocked. I wasn't used to dating a rock star with good looks and an amazing personality. But, Remington was the opposite. He's so loving and doesn't care what anyone says or thinks. He just, he's very protective. And, I don't mind it. I love it. A lot.

About half an hour goes by, and Rem was passed out, his arms wrapped around my waist. So, I had to do what I do best... Which was sneak out quietly and slowly.

I slowly unwrapped his hands from my body, getting a blanket and applying it to his arms. I'm not stupid. Usually, when something is moved off of your body, it gets cold. And the blanket I had put on Remington's arms was warm. So, he wouldn't be able to tell, that is, once he wakes up. 

I come out to see my bags were already on my bunk... which was the last one to the right, on the top. Emerson's bunk was on top of Remington's. I'd have to say, Rem and Em are super duper close. 

                                     -----------------The first night------------------

My things were unpacked, everything put away where I would remember them. I brushed my teeth, my hair, changed into my pj's, and I was ready for tomorrow. The first day of tour. I don't remember where exactly we'll be going. 

Everyone in the bus was up late... So it was difficult for me to sleep...

All that was heard was blaring music and Sebastian singing. I guess he's drunk? Remington warned me about it... Didn't believe him, but now I do. 

Emerson fell asleep before me, seeing it for my own eyes. I eventually got up and decided to ''party'' with them. That consisted of Sebastian dancing weirdly, and Remington being extremely clingy. Remington, I can say, wasn't as drunk as Sebastian. Which was a good thing. It's also a good thing that Emerson is out, because he told me that he thinks a lot,and draws in his sleep, which helps him when he is isolating himself, so he gets very tired... but also very angry when anyone tries waking him. 

(video is at the top, it starts at 6:20, with what im talking about)

While I watched all this go on, I remembered tomorrow is April 1st.... PRANK TIME. 

Chapter 14 coming soon. - Chels xx

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