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Ah... College.

Something Emerson didn't attend to. Haha.

Occasionally I'd ask for Sebastian's help because he was the smart one, most days.

Let me just say college has been stressful. Being in a bus with all boys is difficult.

Emerson likes to make it hard for me to focus, purposely biting his lip and smirking.

He's one of those people that act innocent in public but is a F R E A K when all alone.

"Fuck this college stuff!" Yep, my blood had reached it's boiling point.

I need a drink.

"Relax Lydia. Do you need anything?" Emerson asks.

I chuckle insanely and reply
"Uhh yeah, a break!"

I stand up and walk out, Emerson following behind me with a pack of cigarettes.

"Want one?"

"Yes." "Thank you."

After the cigarette I sat down on the cement in silence when Remington had stormed out of the tour bus.

"That bitch cheated on me." He says angrily.

"I guess that's pay back for cheating on Lydia, told you Rem, karma is a bitch." Emerson says as he stomps out his cigarette.

To be honest, I felt bad for Remington. For the next days, he's did nothing but drink and cry. It wasn't normal of him to be angry and depressed. But we all go through emotions. So, I'll do what I didn't think I was going to do, and help him.

I approached his bunk and sat down.

"Hey Remmy, I know you don't want anyone talking to you but would you like to go out to dinner with me? It'll be just the two of us. I feel bad." I speak softly.

Emerson and Sebastian were out at a bar, I'm not sure where but I thought this would be a good chance to help Remington out.

He looked up and wiped his eyes.

"Y-you would do that?" He speaked lowly.

I smiled small and replied.

"Of course Rem, we're still friends after all."

He smiles back and nods, getting up and washing his face, changing his outfit and spiking his hair.

Then, he was finished.

It's crazy how time can change our looks.


"Born ready." Remington walks behind me to my car.

He hadn't lost his respect, he opened my door and smiled, getting in the passenger.

"So where are we going Lydia?" He asks looking out the window.

"Do you like Stake and Shake?"

"I'm always up for stake and shake." He claps his hands together.

For a moment, it was silence until I spoke up.

"So, how'd you know Ana was cheating?"

"Check her Instagram." He sighs and fiddles with his fingers.

Once we arrived, I stept out of the car and walked with Remington into the building.

Stake and Shake was where we had our second date together. I'm not sure if he remembered or forgot. At the date, we shared a cookies & cream shake. It was a fun night.

We got seated in a booth, preferrably what I like best.

"I'm sorry Rem."

"I'm sorry too Lydia." He sniffles and looks down.

I sit next to him and take his hand in mine.

"Honestly Remington, I got to know you more. It's completely okay, I forgive you and what's done is done. The past helps us shape together for the future."

"I'm sorry for cheating on you as well Lydia."

I wipe his tears and kiss his cheek.

Oh God, I hope this isn't cheating.

"I forgive you Rem, it'll just be a while before I have trust in you."

He nods, making eye contact with the server and places an order as I did the same.

We ended up sharing a shake and the bill.

It brought back memories like all hell, but I let it all go.

The question is...

Are the feelings that I feel meant for Emerson or Remington...?

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