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A/N - Hello, ALL. I am deeply sorry for the late update(s), school is almost over for me and I've been working on bringing grades up by retaking tests and quizzes. My goal is to finally finish with middle school and move onto high school. So fixing my grades gives me a higher chance of passing. Anyways, without further-a-do, let's get into it. - chels

5 Months Later

Last day of tour. Four months of Emerson and I being together. Almost a year since I've seen my parents. Lets just say I am ready to go home and see them again. We are all exhausted and ready to be home, to say for all of us. Nothing much has changed, but the headliner band has been total assholes to Palaye; destroying Emerson's drums and fucking with cords. After this tour, we have a month off then we're going back on tour. But I also start college. thankfully it can be done online, so there's no fret. 

"Have a wonderful rest of your night everyone!!! We love you all!" Remington yells and walks off stage. 

Emerson did the usual flower throwing, throwing one into the way back for me to catch it. Afterwords, the fans made their way out of the venue. The floor was T R A S H E D.

It's currently 6:22 P.M. and everything is packed up. Jason the driver, is now driving all of us home. I called my mother letting her know that i'd be a few days because I'm going to be meeting Sebastian's girlfriend, Stephanie, and their mother. From what i've heard, she's a very nice lady. 

"Ready to go?" Sebastian yelled.

"Hells to the yeah." I replied.

Everyone usually intended to ignore Sebastian. I felt bad so I was like the messenger girl for everyone else. 

Emerson was drawing in his bunk, listening to music, Remington was either Face-Timing Ana or watching Netflix, Daniel and Sebastian were drinking, but Seb was the one yelling. 

In the time span of 9/10 months, he managed to tip over a porta-potty, piss everyone off, drink till he passed out and hit a joint from a random guy in the crowd. Emerson got angry a lot, he broke a gallon of milk in a parking lot, walked around Wal-Mart with a black sheep furry head with Remington and break his drum set every night. Remington managed to hang from the rafters every night, even if he got yelled at for it, he had over 10 things of nutella, and continuously brought up how much he loved Harry Potter. 

So if you ask the tour summed up in a paragraph, read what I just said. 

DDFGCHJK;L,KJ I think that'll be the chapter summed up for the book for a while. I've run out of chapter ideas so if u have ANY, MESSAGE ME PLEASE. I hope you enjoyed, ill be back soon


- ChelSEA.

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