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In the seconds of her pausing, my heart began to race as if I was being held at gun point, all I could ask for is for my parents to say yes so I can go on tour with Palaye Royale... I felt as if I was sitting in a teacup spinning... Watching the world slowly drown.. But I snapped back to the conversation, feeling my breath hitch. 

 (hehehe i used a reference from their song Rag Doll.. hehehe... dont worry ik its stupid... like ME) 

"Of course you can! Yes! I want you to have the life I have never got to have. I want you to fulfill your dreams and aspire to be whoever you want to be, Lydia. Go and have fun, live your best life because you only live once." 

I suddenly began to burst into tears, falling to the floor, repeatedly saying thank you. 

"Oh god thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much momma"

I got up and hugged my parents, my dad smiling proudly.

"I agree with mom, you need to go out and experience more things in life. We've hidden what the world is really like for so long and I need you to be aware that this society is not secure always... make sure you have someone by your side at all times..." he says.

With that being said, Remington, Emerson, and Sebastian came walking in from the back door and I began crying again.

"Oh man I picked a bad day to wear makeup" I laughed, wiping my tears. 

"Well come here!!" Emerson says excitedly

I get up and walk over to them giving them each a hug. Remington then pulls me closer, kissing me deeply. 

I turn around, blushing as my parents eyebrows raise and their eyeballs look like they're about to pop out of the sockets. 

"Mommy, daddy... Remington and I are now official." 

"Oh hunny that's amazing!" My mom replies, as she claps her hands together. 

My dad goes up to Remington, shaking his hand as they walk outside to talk... at least I think that's what's going on.

Emerson face palms and Sebastian laughs. 

"The dad treatment... you know how it goes." I burst out laughing again, going to my room as Emerson follows, whilst my mother and Sebastian talk. 

"I like your room miss Lydia." Emerson says calmly, looking at the drawings I have hung up on my walls. 

"Why thank you dear." I smile, beginning to pack clothes I will end up wearing during the summer. 

As I pack, I realize how calm and quiet it is in my room and through out the whole house. I turned around and Emerson was sitting on my floor, meditating. 

"Your room is an escape from reality, and what it has done to you.." he says calmly. 

"y-yes, it is." I reply, as I put my clothing in my travel bag. 

He gets up and walks over to me, hugging me tightly. 

"If you ever need someone to run to, you know where I'm at." He smiles and walks out. 

Well that was rather weird, but he just instantly made me feel so calm and relaxed, and for the first time in a long time, my palms weren't sweaty. 

I smiled to myself, as I put my traveling bags next to my door, and Remington walked into my room. 

''Wooowww, nice room, princess!" He smirks and looks around. 

I blushed and thanked him, as I sat down onto my bed to take a break.

"Are you excited to leave for the summer?" He says excitedly. 

"I am beyond excited, I can't wait for school to be out so I can just... go live wild and free." 

"Inspirational" Remington chuckles, sitting down next to me. 

I laugh, and look at his hands, biting my lower lip. He might've noticed because he placed his hand on my thigh. 

"What're you thinking about?" 

Shit... he's onto me. 

"U-uhh.... I like your hands, they're aesthetic." 

He laughs and holds my hand. "You really think so?" He asks. 

"Yes, I love hands with veins that just pop up, its arm porn." I blush, holding back my laugh. 

"Then I shall send you pictures of my hands everyday until you're out of school for summer." 

"Oh come on, no fair, that's teasing!" I giggle, throwing a pillow at him. 

"That's how I felt when I met you the first time, it was like a trick, and I was falling for it. Your body, and just... you. You're a drug, a drug that cannot be cured no matter how hard you try." He says calmly, as he lays me down, kissing me gently. 

"Ahem... We should get going now." Emerson stands in my doorway, his arms folded. 

I laugh and look away. 

"Yeah, we have to get back on the road tomorrow. Here, use this money to fly out to us on the date you're finished with school, we'll continue the tour and get you arranged on the bus." Remington smiles, handing me money. 

I gasp, clenching onto the money tightly. "Thank you, i'll see you all soon." I hug Emerson, then Remington, giving Remington a kiss goodbye. 

"Not now Remington... gross." Emerson fake coughs, going downstairs. 

"Sheesh, someone must be jealous." Remington laughs, kissing me once more.

"I'll send Sebastian up here, I love you Lydia, see you soon." 

"Bye baby, I love you too.. See you soon." 

He smiles and waves, going downstairs. 

"Hey" Sebastian smiles, hugging me. 

"Hey, I'll see you again soon." I smile. 

"Yeah, and remember what I told you about the guitar." He winks, then smiles, heading back downstairs to go. 

I smile to myself again and walk over to my window, watching them leave in plain sight. 

"Goodbye boys, see you soon." 

Authors Note - Heyo! So yes, Lydia IS in 12th grade, but her high school continues on with college, for free. So she'll be going on tour with Palaye for the summer, coming back once its finished, beginning college, and we'll see how this book goes on from then out. :) She won't have a graduation until she's finished with college. Just clarifying things so its not too confusing. - Chels x

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