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Many Months Later

So... What's happened during the tour? Emerson has gotten a new girlfriend named Shy. Remington got back with Ana and Sebastian is still with his girlfriend, Steph.


Eventually I gave up on finding love and stayed to myself. And I think this is how I'll end up for the rest of my time. I graduated early, so now I'm living by myself. My parents come by every now and then, but usually I just sit at home and watch updates with Palaye Royale.

That's just when, I got a call from Sebastian.

"Lydia? I need you to listen to me..."

"Seb, what's goin on?" I respond. He's never called me before.

"So Remington and Ana got into another fight... Remington got angry and got into his car, driving off. He was speeding and got into a car accident. I need you to drive to the hospital. I'll send you the directions."

At that exact moment, I knew something was gonna happen like that in only a matter of time. My brain wasn't accepting it. I couldn't form words and I didn't know what to do. I just sat there, speechless. It was as if everything around me didn't matter anymore, and I was just... Numb.

I stood up, grabbing my purse and my keys.


Shit I forgot about Sebastian being on the other line.

"Y-yeah, I'll be there sh-shortl-ly.." I stuttered and spat out.

Damnit Remington, why do you have to be such a drama queen?

Pen Pals (Plot Twist!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora