7; Part 3

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Emerson's POV- 

Somewhere along a beach on a sunny day, whilst listening to the seagulls and the waves of the water is where I wish to be with Lydia, but of course, everyone tends to fall in love with Remington. Why can't I be the heart throb for once? Is it because of the weird clothes I wear? That'll be my guess, I just hope Lydia and I will be good friends before the end of the day, if not, something more. 

(End of Emerson's POV)

After being teased by Remington throughout the show, we talked. I told him we should wait and see what happens after the tour. He agreed and was still happy, still teasing me.. The smirks, the winks, and the grinding on the stage had everyone screaming, but deep down, it had an effect on me like no other.

I got a notification saying Remington had followed me, as well as Emerson and Sebastian. I was intense fan girling on the inside, I still cannot come to grasp that Remington... THE Remington Leith was my pen pal, and that this was all planned by my parents and my teacher. 

"So, did ya like the show?" Emerson asked, handing me a drum stick. 

"Of course, the drums is what makes it best" I smiled, then thanking him for the stick. 

"No problem, maybe we can walk later when the fans begin to leave?" He says, sticking out his bottom lip as if it's a suggestion.

"Sure, I appreciate being able to have the chance to talk to my idols." I smiled brightly. 

"Great, well, I'm gonna go cool off... see ya then." He replied, walking to the tour bus, and getting attacked by fans.

I laughed to myself and walked around, watching fans get stuff at the merch table and other fans crying, others talking to Sebastian and getting autographs. I smiled to myself and looked to the ground, thinking about what i'd be doing if I didn't get Remington as my pen pal. 

"Hey!" Remington runs up to me. 

"Oh, hey." I look at him. 

He puts his hands in back pockets of his skinny jeans and walks around with me, being silent. 

"So, we're thinking of letting our merch guy go, he's been on tour for the longest time with us and we don't want to keep someone away from their family... do you maybe wanna-''

I cut him off as we stopped walking.

"You want ME, to be YOUR merch girl?!" I was shocked

"Yes, that is, if you're allowed to and want to."

"Of course I want to be! I just need to finish the school year, it's almost over anyways, and I can ask my mom to go with you guys for the summer!" 

He clapped his hands happily "Good, it gives us an idea of when we can let him go." He smiled hugging me. 

I hugged back, inhaling his smell again... the cologne, the smoke, the sweat... and the Febreze... "You smell good." 

"Do I?''



When we finished walking, I looked around and seen nobody around. Just me and Remington. He lifted my head up with his fingers to match his eyes and as I looked him in the eye, I felt something inside of me explode and fall. I don't know what it is with myself when I'm around him. 

"So, I was thinking... do you wanna get some cute selfies? This is good lighting." He smirked. 

I held back my laugh and nodded. "Why not?"

He nodded as well and took my phone, opening the camera and getting some cute selfies of us. The last one took me by my breath. He kissed me, but it was a video..

"Send these to me baby doll, and I just might tease the fan girls on my Instagram." He smirked again, before kissing me once more, and waving to me, walking into fans. 

At this very moment I had no words to let out, I had no energy in my knees to move, I was frozen to the ground, letting every second of the day go by, as the sun hit my back. I didn't know what to do. I still can't process that, Remington had kissed me twice, and just, smirked about it. At this time, I couldn't help but collapse to my knees, I didn't feel the air escape my mouth neither enter my nose, and all I could feel was my heart beating faster than someone that had just gotten into a car crash. 

For the rest of the day, Emerson and I had talked once the fans left, and ended up calling me pretty, and he said once they have a break, that we can go on a date to talk more, until then we could FaceTime and text. 

Remington and I laughed for a few hours, watching Palaye crack... well, I laughed most of the time and Remington was  pretty serious. 

And Sebastian and I shared some embarrassing moments, and he taught me a lesson on the guitar. 

Today was a blast, the dirt on my legs and the knots in my hair was worth it all, and I can say i'm ready to come back here for the summer, and go to school on Monday. 


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