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14 days... 14, almost 13.

To think that I was meeting the boys that helped me when I was alone was truly insane, even if I thought it over and over again. It just felt like an absolute dream to finally meet them.

I even smacked myself over and over again to make sure it just wasn't some dream, or that I fell into a coma because of an accident and I'm just... dreaming. But, its real, the tickets are in my hand and my mom is saying that she's happy for me to meet them. It's real, for sure. 

Today was one of those days I had woken up early just to say goodbye to my parents before they are gone for work, so I'll be taking the bus. 

"Have a great day Lydia" My parents said as they waved bye and left. 

I nodded slightly then went back upstairs to get ready. Whilst doing so, I got a notification from R. 

R- Good morning, I'm so excited to meet you!! I'll make sure you have a blast. 

L- Thank you, R. I'm stoked!! 13 DAYS! it feels like a dream to be able to say "I met Palaye Royale and my Pen Pal buddy on the same day" 

R- Right!!! Well, I have to be somewhere in a few, my brothers and I are on the road like I mentioned before, we have a long way to head to our home state, California... so we're just stopping for gas and other simple things. We'll talk later?

L- Yeah sure, i have to get to the bus in a few anyways, catch up with ya later. :))

R- Good luck at school, lmao, E hates life even more thinking about it. 

I left him on read cause I realized I only had like 10 minutes to finish up and walk to the bus. 

I put my makeup under my bathroom sink, turned the light off, got my daily things and headed out the door and to the bus stop. 

7:29.... 7:29.... 7:30. 

The bus is now here.

I got on and looked left to right, trying to find an empty seat, I prefer to sit alone.

I finally found a seat, that was in the way back, but hey, I don't mind. Usually the 12th graders would be back here, laughing at the nerds, but it's quiet today. 

"So you're the one that's going to see Palaye Royale, huh?" Some 12th grader asked me. 

"Yes I am, why?" I folded my arms. 

"My little sister is a huge fan, if you want us to stop messing with you, and be friends, get a video of them saying hi, or else you'll have a rude awakening miss." He said.

"I'll see what i can do." I fake smiled.

"Good." and with that, he sat down behind me. 

well that's fairly weird.

I sighed as I sat back and waited to get to school.

Just then I got a text from R again. 

R- What's your Instagram so I can follow you?

L- my insta is miss.lyida.leith :) 

R- CUTE. i'll follow you when I can.

L- :) 

read 7:37 AM

I turned off my phone as the driver pulled up to the school. Today's going to boring.. i just feel bleh, i don't know why.

I stepped off and took a breath of the air, but i just got a whiff of cigarettes, and a hint of bullying already, nothing new here at Troy High School. 

As i headed inside, I just sat in the back of the cafeteria and looked at my phone until it was time for class. 

Sometimes I ask myself if I were dead would anyone care. This concert cannot come faster... What if R is a fake person?... 

The thoughts just started to flow in my head and I began to feel nauseous, and light headed. 

Oh no... I forgot my medicine for my Anxiety attacks, 

crap f*ck... sh*t... what do i do?

I suddenly felt a wave of sickness and tears come from my body as the tears rolled from my eyes, i fell backwards... then, everything went black.

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