Word's Hurt

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What in the fuck is wrong with this woman. I've ran across some crazy chics in my life but Ivy by far beats them all. One of my men spotted her as soon as she entered the neighborhood where I operate out of a empty building. He didn't know who she was but knew she didn't belong there judging by her attire.

I just so happened to be at that location checking on a shipment of cocaine when I was alerted of a potential undercover in the area. I decided to scope it out myself from a near by window and saw her eyeing the slummy apartment next door. As I watched, she walked over to a huge stoop trying to conceal herself. It was obvious she was scoping out someone but it wasn't me.

Curious as to what she was up to I decided to stick it out by the window and find out. Not only that but just in case she ran into trouble. As I watched her I couldn't help but ponder why this irritating lady kept popping up into my world. I tried my damnedest to avoid her but no matter what it didn't help. Then the kiss we nearly shared scratched it's way to the surface. I had many confusing regrets about that night. I regret I took Cole up on his bet which led to all this. I regret that I didn't kiss her. Since that night I often wondered how she would taste.

Suddenly I was jerked from my daydream when I heard a altercation below. I saw Jone's exit the apartment building to attack a prostitute. Instantly the scowl that marred Ivy's face indicated that this was who she was waiting for. I didn't personally know the man but I did know that he had been doing some small time job's for this so called new leader in town. Jone's understands clearly that he isn't to work for other's or sale their product in my territory. I had plans to handle him at a later time. Still didn't tell my why Ivy was interested in him.

Suddenly I saw a change in event's. Ivy had taken off in the ally between the buildings which only led to an dead end. All the while Jone's was following her. Scaling down the stairs I knew I had to act quickly. Images of Sam's death jogged my memory and I couldn't let this happen again. Much to my luck she was leaning against the door I opened. To prevent a scene or alert Jone's to my location I did the only thing I knew to do. Clamping my hand over her mouth I tugged her inside. Immediately she put up a fight clawing at my skin and jerking her body wildly. I knew I had to get her out of here so I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder. Moment's later she fainted probably from fear.

Using the key's in her pocket I had one of my men to deliver her car to her apartment and let myself in. I laid her down on her pink flowery couch and ordered Chinese. I wasn't leaving until she woke and answered my questions.  Thankfully I didn't have to wait long. Right after the food arrived she wondered into the kitchen. To say she was surprised would be a understatement. A look between anger and fear mixed with a bit of confusion etched her features. "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment? Get out now".

Well hell, the lawyer bitch is back. "That's no way to talk to someone who just saved your life". I said calmly.

Ivy scoffed. "Saved my life? You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack".

"Wrong". I snarled feeling my temper rise. "You brought this on yourself. The fuck you doing in a place like that? Your lucky I was there".

"I don't need your protection or your saving". Ivy spat jutting that bitchy chin up trying to show toughness.

"Remember Ivy, I know that tough girl shit is all a facade. Don't pull it with me." I smiled and added nonchalantly. "Should I go get my drill?"

Ivy bit down on her lips to remain calm but she also wondered if I was serious. "Now sit down and eat and tell me thank you".

She snorted but did take a seat. I slid the food containers toward her. "Now you will answer my questions, understood?"

"Stop bossing me around". She demanded.

BY DEMARCO'S STANDARDS (Part 5)Where stories live. Discover now