I'm So Crown

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It's amazing how one word, one phrase can change your path in the blink of an eye.

Since I met Demarco my life has been nothing but a out of sequence pattern of changes. Hot, cold. Near, far. Up, down. Over, under.

But never in order, no. If we was hot, we were far. If we was up, we were under. I went from being a strong woman that lived on their own while achieving their goals to being under his thumb, running off to my homeland and eventually claiming my throne as well as being pregnant by the toad headed bastard.

And now....

Let's just say the word's he tossed at me as I revealed my love for him severed whatever hold he had on me. I was no longer anyone's puppet on a string. I was a queen and it was damn time I acted like it. I'm taking back the crown regardless who liked my rules or not.

As I was midway through the treaty I stopped and ripped it into shreds. I don't need any damn treaty to get what I wish. I rule here and if they don't like it so be it. I'm the mother of this child and I will make decisions for them as well as myself. Finally at peace with my mind I went to bed, for in the morning all the Harper's were in for a surprise and I'm sure they wouldn't like it.

Upon rising, I showered and put on my most professional looking dress, which reminded me that soon I needed to do my own shopping. Once put together I had my maids prepare a grand breakfast to be served in the big conference room. Then I had word sent to the Harper's as well as my most trusted men. Which also reminded me that I needed to choose a right hand man.... or woman.

An hour later I made my way to the conference room. I intentionally ran a few minutes late so I could make a grand entrance. I wanted them to see the confidence in my step, the seriousness on my face.... my queen attitude.

As I stepped in all the men rose out of respect and I made my way to the head of the table where I was seated. With a brilliant smile I swayed my hand toward the food. "Please let's all eat first then I will say what needs to be said".

Most everyone rose and went toward the buffet of breakfast delights. For the first time I made eye contact with the father of my unborn child. At first Demarco gave me a apologetic look but I rumpled my nose up at him in a sneer. His eye's instantly grew dark but I didn't let that intimidate me. Instead I made my way to the foods.

We all sat around the table chatting about the weather, politics and such as we ate. When it was obvious everyone had filled their bellies I indicated for the maids to clear the dirty dishes and cleared my throat to gain everyone's attention. Once the help was gone and the chatter subsided I stood. "First I want to thank the Harper's for all they've done for me and the help given. You all are free to leave after this meeting".

I heard a few mummers buzz around the room but I held my hand up to silence them. Once everything quieted down I began to speak again. "I need to do this on my own if I'm ever to run this Empire. I do appreciate your help and concern but I've got it from here. I will remain in your debt as well as an alliance. You have my word London that I want move into your territory's". A few snickers could be heard as I openly teased London. Then I finished my statement. "As long as you all adhere to my wishes".

Laney suddenly sat up straighter and asked with a bit of a undertone. "And what might your wishes be?"

I took a moment to piece my word's together properly because the last thing I wanted was Laney for an enemy and I knew where her son and his child was concerned was a touchy subject. In fact I have came to admire her and was hoping for a friendship of sorts. Biting the bullet I continued. "I know you want me to return to the state's to complete my pregnancy and I understand why but I'm choosing to stay here and conduct my business. Of course I want you all in the child's life and will never deny you access to see the baby, however our home is here. All I ask is I'd you will leave a few of your men behind to ensure my men are as trustworthy as they claim".

"That's bullshit and it ain't fucking happening". Demarco roared standing up. "My child will be raised with me, in my family".

Rolling my eye's I spat. "I assumed you'd have something to say. So let me put it to you this way Demarco, my baby, my body, my decisions. My child will be born here. I will keep everyone  in the know of my progress and such but if Demarco doesn't back off I'll cut all ties meaning no information, no pictures, and absolutely no visits."

Demarco started to move around the table but Laney glared at him and he stopped. I could see the fire in her eye's as she stood and stepped toward me. London tried to clasp onto her wrist but she flung his touch off. When she was mere inches from me she spoke ever so calmly. "I understand you feel the need to rule your new kingdom and not come with us. That's actually the best move having just gained control. I will not force you to come back with us as long as you do involve us in the child's life. I will also try my best to see to it that  Demarco doesn't cross any lines, however he is a grown man and I can't control his every move but let me be very clear on something. Rather you like it or now the child you carry is Harper blood and no one will keep any of us away. If you try to cut off ties, if you try to hide it will not be Demarco or even London that will come after you... no it will be me. I do like you Ivy but make no mistake at what I will do when it comes to my son or grandchild. Yes, you are a queen now and feel powerful but there's a lot more to be a damn good queen darling  than being spiteful. Boo fucking hoo, so Demarco hurt your feelings last night".

The shock at knowing she knew of our spat must of registered on my face because she smirked and reminded me of Demarco. "Do you know how many time's the asshole I sit beside has hurt my feelings? Yet I didn't run and cower in a room planning spiteful shit. No I fucking dealt and wouldn't give up until he gave in. In other word's I fought for what I wanted".

"Impulses Laney, impulses". London mumbled toward her warning her to back off me a notch. Turning her head toward Demarco she spat at him. "And the same goes for you. Man the fuck up and get over your fucking pride."

Turning back to me she said. "I will leave a few men behind to ensure your safety. Now we will be taking our leave if your done?"

Fuck, what could I say after that. As Laney sat back down beside London he pulled her close and kissed her cheek further spoiling her. I looked at her and decided to address her. "I'm sure you heard your son say last night that he's stuck with me because I'm carrying his child. So I'm supposed to just accept that, believe that everything's still okay".

Looking me dead in the eye she said. No. The both of you need to work your issues out. Regardless if your together or not that baby is coming and are you both okay with bringing a baby into the world  amongst so much bickering. It's simple. If you love each other let each other know, if not move on but come together as decent parents for this child. I'm done here. Get up London and get me home."

They all left but Demarco stood looking at me.

BY DEMARCO'S STANDARDS (Part 5)Where stories live. Discover now