Joshifer Fanfiction - A Different Love

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"Jennifer Lawrence hits the big life, she has a million dollar mansion, a great celebrity reputation and her good looking hunk just proposed, what more could she ask for?"

I roll my eyes. Another report that Nick proposed. Where would they get such personal information?

I get the remote and turn off the TV. I'm sick of this crap.

I go to the fridge, that's really the only place I can be myself. I grab some cake from dessert last night. I take a spoon from the drawer and sit down.

I eat the spoonful of cake and savour that delicious taste. Chocolate.

I hear my phone buzz so I walk over to the couch and pick it up. It's a message from Josh. I've been working with him for Mockingjay for the past couple weeks.

I really missed him.

I read his message and smile,

"Hey Jen, wanna go get lunch later on?"

I reply,

"Sure. Got nothing better to do."

He replies only seconds later,

"Sweet. I'll drop by at around 12 then?"

I look at the clock, it's 11.

"Sounds good."

With that, I turn off my phone and go get ready. I step into my shower and feel the warm water rush on me.

I love to have lunch with Josh, we usually go to McDonalds or somewhere that we can eat alone without having paparazzi surround us.

I wash my hair and get dried and dressed into sweatpants, a singlet and a leather jacket.

I don't do much else, I sit around and wait until 11:50, that's when I go wait outside. I sit on the steps and stare at the deserted road.

But of course, it's not deserted for long. Paparazzi come screeching around me. They get out of their cars and start to ask me questions.

What a stupid idea, now I have to wait here.

"Jennifer! Jennifer! What are you doing outside?"

"Waiting." I grumble.

"For what? For what?"

I open my mouth to tell them, but that's when Josh pulls up and motions for me to hurry and get in. I point to Josh before pushing past them and getting into the car.

I slam the door before they can do anything and Josh gets in reverse, goes back and waits for them to come to us.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"You'll see." He smiles.

They sprint to us, coming to the sides of the car and rear. Josh gets out of reverse and accelerates so fast they all jump back in fright.

We laugh as we keep driving and get out before anything else happens.

"That was insane." I say, still laughing.

"I've done worse." He replies, smirking.

"Yeah, me too." I agree.

He gives me a hug with one arm and I hug him back, he keeps his eyes on the road as we hug.

I pull back.

"Jen?" He asks.


"What were you doing outside, anyway?"

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