Author's Note

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To anyone who's new, hi there! To all my usual readers, hello to you as well. I'm gonna tell y'all some things, and then feel free to jump on in.

-This has been heavily inspired by other works in certain aspects so if you see similarities between this and something else, that source will be credited to so relax. I would never steal anyone else's hard work.

-The above sentence relates to major works of fiction, not stories such as this one. (Particularly The Selection and Red Queen) So if anything does seem fishy call me on it and I'll explain where any ideas have come from. If a source from another type of work is needed they will be credited. Most of this will though, be coming from my own thoughts, as this ties into my 'big' story that I've been working on for ages.

-You might notice the really shitty art for the cover. That was made with my blood, sweat, and tears. Please do not take it for your own use unless given permission. (Though who'd want to anyway I mean seriously look at that awfulness. Hideous.)

-Quick thing about the people in this, the story here is set in the book I'm writing (Because it's easier to add to one world then make two) so here's a few facts, most upper class people have grey skin and one of seven different eye colors (think of the rainbow), as do many many lower class people. That's the majority of the population. Almost everyone, if not everyone, has an eye color that defines their 'caste'. Eye color also sometimes has an effect on what abilities a person has. Just a background thing to keep track of. Hopefully I've explained it well enough in the chapters. If you get confused about anything, hit me up, I'm willing to explain it to you directly or in the story.

-This, like my other story, is to be updated whenever I find the damn time. Originally it was every two weeks but at this point I'm just trying to cram quality content when I can. That's just how I do things (sorry). *As of now the story will be updated every 2 weeks on Fridays at 3:00pm EST*

-Also about my other story, check it out if you want to see more Dark! x reader stuff. Only with, (get this) actual fictional characters. (Horray)

-There's going to be some mature content in this. Such as smut and the likes. These chapters will have warnings of course and will be optional to read. Though there won't be too many of them so don't worry too much if that's not something you're interested in.

-Adding on to the last point, this is a slow burn. A very slow burn. A very very very slow burn. Mostly because I like yanderes (dark!) who slowly go into madness rather than bam! Here's a yandere (dark!), welcome to hell. It's more fun this way. It draws out your guy's suffering for my enjoyment. I mean that as a joke, by the way. Otherwise that would be fucked up.

-There will also be darker themes in general. Themes relating to abuse, manipulation, sexism AND racism, and many others that I can't say specifically because it will ruin the story experience until after the fact. The point is, it's not a happy go lucky story (none of my yandere/ dark works are). There will be a bad ending. I'm just not going to tell you about it until after we've gotten to it. If you feel uncomfortable or triggered during any part of the story, PLEASE do not read any further and exit the book. I can not and will not claim responsibility for any content that upsets you should you not chose to avoid it. It is not my intent to upset others, but I am not stupid enough to not believe it can't happen while reading. Again, if you feel triggered or uncomfortable LEAVE.

-The P.O.V might switch it up a bit, depending on the chapter. Relax though, I'll tell you guys which is which before-hand. For the most part it'll be first person though.

-Originally this was in the mature section however I don't feel it's necessary any longer as the story is marked as violent with strong language. I'll put warnings in sections that I think they are needed but I've already stated what you can expect. If you have an issue with the content bring it up with me, don't report it beforehand.

-If you see mistakes, let me know. I want this to be readable. It always gets on my nerves whenever I myself see basic spelling and grammar errors especially in my own writing. Entirely in my own writing.

-Got some advice? Tell me. Writing is my passion. Whether or not its my strong suit, not really sure at this point. I just ask this, don't be a dick about it.

Alright, I'm sure you're itching to get into it, so go ahead. I tried my best.



Glass Bones, Glass Heart: Yandere X readerWhere stories live. Discover now