Return to Grand Jipang

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Chapter 1

A/N: I'M BAAAAAAACK~!!! You guys are so lucky ( ̄▽ ̄) ANYWHO! Who's ready for the next part in this smexy, yaoi, Zosan sh*t?!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) NO ONE? Well too bad! ENJOY THE SHOW!!

          Winter was nearly over. You could tell from birds chirping in the blooming trees. It wouldn't be long before the Sakura Trees blossomed fully.

          Walking briskly down the great halls in the palace  of Grand Jipang, was a royal captain. He was in no mood to speak to anyone, he was in a hurry.
Stopping at the doors of the Captain's Hall he waited.
           "Welcome sir." Both guards said in unison as they bowed. With a nod of the captain's head, the doors were opened to him and he walked through.
           "-of course," said a man in the massive room. The captain knew he was late, judging by the fact that he had walked in mid-conversation. Everyone else in the large room looked at him, but his face stayed relaxed and emotionless. He didn't care that he was late.

          He bowed once to them all, they nodded, he took his seat around the round, silver table, and crossed his arms over this chest. The man who was speaking before he was interrupted cleared his throat.

          "Now," his voices echoed throughout the room, "As I'm sure you all know, his majesty, King Zeff, is anxious about the return of the prince." The late captain's hands tightened slightly, "It won't be long before his highness returns to Grand Jipang. Knowing the prince personally, I don't think he would want a large celebration for his return, but the King believes it best, at the very least, for there should be a smaller event. Now, I know this is not our job to organize such an event, but it is our job to make sure that everyone taking part is safe, as well as the palace itself. And now, Captain Jinbe will display the plan for the celebration." The fishman stood up, but the captain who came in late, was not listening by this point. His heart beat loudly in his chest. His mind was absent the rest of the meeting.

          A week past. The time was ticking. What will I do when he comes back? the captain thought to himself.


He was in the middle of training, beads of sweat rolled down his tan skin, What will he say to me? Will he say anything? Will he even care? He put the training swords he used back in the barrel where he had got them, I bet he won't say anything... I won't... if I was him. He sighed, "He doesn't care anymore. I'm sure."

          Another week had pasted. Today was the day. All Royal guards, servants, and of course, captains and other military officials were decorated in their uniforms. The palace itself was more beautiful than ever before.

          Everyone was outside the palace gates, King Zeff was in the front, beside him was all the captains and other officials. The young man almost feared that his heart could be heard by those around him it was so loud. He looked to the ground, an almost sad expression on his face.
           Suddenly, everyone began to cheer and wave. The captain's head shot up to see a carriage-like vehicle come to a halt before the entrance were they all stood. It was large, surly there it wasn't meant for just one person. Well it wasn't.
           With his pounding heart, the young captain watched as the door of the carriage opened. The passenger put his foot down on the ground. It was not the prince. He was a very tall, middle aged man, with blond hair like a lion's mane. His voice was loud, "Zeff," he said, "It has been too long."
           "I agree," King Zeff replied.
           "I hope you are in good spirits and in good health."
           "I am. Same to you as well...Judge." The man named Judged nodded and then turned back to the massive carriage.
           "May I present my only daughter and my eldest, Reuji." Then out stepped a young woman, her hair was a light pink, and she wore a white short dress and a short red cape. Many of the young men standing to attention stood there in awe at such a sight. The captain could hear other guards whisper things like, "wow" and "what a beauty". He had to admit, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
           Sadly for them, Judge's voice cut through the (lovey-dovey) atmosphere.
           "May I also present my three sons. Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji." Then stepped out three young men. All dressed similar to their sister before them.
The first thing that everyone, and I mean everyone, noticed was their hair. The first boy had red hair, the other blue, and then green, a painful looking green.
           The guards of the palace made no sounds to those three. Sure, they were quite handsome, but their hair. Oh! The hair. What a let down.
           "Now!" Judge broke the (painful) silence, "I'm sure you have waited eagerly for this moment, Zeff. I will not waste any time." The people of the crowd held their breath, "I won't keep you waiting anymore." He turned to the crowd, "You're Prince-"
           "Sanji!" Zeff exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.
           All eyes stared desperately at the door of the carriage. Not a single breath escaped anyone's lips. All hearts raced, but no one's heart beat faster, and more fiercely than the young captain's. Everything was in slow motion.
In the door way, there was a figure, tall and lean. The prince's feet touched the ground beneath them, his head down low.
           The young captain's heart stopped as his eyes widened, he couldn't see the prince's face clearly. But just as he was raising his head, the crowd of people began to cheer and clap; they threw flower petals into the air as they crowded around the prince as he made his way to the king.
           The captain, almost frantically, tried to catch a glimpse of the prince. There was too many people in the way, and the king and the prince began walking back into the palace, with Judge and his kids in tow.
           Nearly fifteen minutes later, and people were still crowed around the royals, greeting their newly returned prince.
Just as the young captain spotted an opening, another man with a deep voice called him over. He couldn't disobey him.
           He took one more glance to the crowd, before quickly turning the other way, leaving the prince behind...

A/N: YAS! FINALLY. It took forever for me to write this... for some reason. But who's this captain guy? O-O

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