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A/N: I'm a horrible author for making you wait 40 years for each chapter.
Enjoy the show...

Luffy was gone the instant he heard what he had to do. He was stupid most of the time but when it came down to it Luffy knew exactly what to do. He was focused on one thing and one thing only, and that was finding Kreig.
The boy was angry enough as it was. The war on palace grounds was taking too long to win. Too many people were injured or worse. But now he was furious.
I'll make that bastard pay! The look on Sanji's face as he desperately explained the situation, the tone and distress of his voice, it made Luffy's blood boil. He let it happen. He wasn't there when his friend needed him most. 
He gritted his teeth then screamed into the air: "KREIG I'M COMING FOR YOU!"

Meanwhile the devil himself was hiding on the highest balcony of the palace. Zeff and Judge were chained up, forced to sit as Kreig ranted about how Grand Jipang should be his and how he was planning to take it. He then turned to Judge and yelled how he planed to pull Germa 66 from under him. His rant of insanity lasted far too long and is not worth explaining here.
He was not even finished with his speech when he heard someone scream his name. He spun around madly and gazed out into bodies scattered below. Out of them all he laid eyes on a young raven haired lad in a bright red Kimono. Kreig squinted his eyes and growled...
"Straw hat."
The boy was looking everywhere. Left, right, down then up.
He spotted them.
"Kreig!" Luffy yelled, "You're not getting away with this!" He stretched out an arm toward the balcony. Kreig smiled wickedly. Zeff shouted,
"Watch out brat you'll get yourself hurt!" And as soon as the boy's rubber hand gripped the balcony's balustrade, Kreig pierced it with a knife all the way through. The boy let out a scream as he tried to pull away.
His eyes were squeezed shut so he couldn't see Kreig raise a spear into the air.
"Ha! This is a seaprisom spear boy! Looks like I finally caught the raven."
"Kid!" Zeff shouted.

The battle was thick at the foot of the palace. But Mihawk could sense that it was drawing to its end.
There was a small group of Kreig's thugs rushing toward him. He readied his massive sword and- he was still. His golden spiral eyes grew wide in surprise.
There, standing before him, were Kreigs men but they were still as stone. Stone?
He slowly turned his gaze and saw a gorgeous, tall, slender woman standing on one leg atop the roof of the palace. The most intriguing thing about her was the massive snake that wrapped around her like a fashion accessory. A smirk appeared on the man's face.
"Well well well. Fancy seeing you here... Hancock." He turned to face her fully and spoke loud enough for her to hear him, "Forgive me I wasn't aware that your squad was going to show."
"Honestly," she said, "Do you really think I would just sit back and allow my country and home to be taken over by some MAN?! Ugh, men!" She flipped her hair.
"Forgive me but. If your squad is here... then where the captains of squad 12 and 13?"

Luffy gritted his teeth as he yanked as hard as he could but it wouldn't budge. His eyes were wide as Kreig swung his arm. It was too quick, he couldn't dodge it. His hand wouldn't budge!
Everything was in slow motion. Luffy eyes grew wide. The spear was in the air spiraling down toward him. It was only a few feet away now. The boy knew there was no getting out of this one.
There was an odd sensation. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He felt heat on his back. Then walls of flame surrounded him but never touched him. The spear was melted to ash in and instant.
Out of the flames two figures appeared.
From up on the balcony Zeff chuckled and said, "Well look who decided to show up."

Luffy eyes almost sparkled. Forgetting all pain a humongous smile spread on his face.
"Sabo! Ace!"
The two young men lifted their heads so that their eyes could be seen from the brim of their hats.
"Hey Luffy," said Sabo, "It's been awhile."
"Seems like you're in trouble as always," said Ace with a smirk, "We got this."
And in a flash they were in action. Out of furry Kreig and his men shot at them with everything they had, but they couldn't even touch the young men below. Instantly and almost effortlessly Ace sent pillars of flames at Kreig's men as Sabo appeared, standing on the balustrade, his feet flaked the knife driven into Luffy's hand.
He tipped his hat, "You're highness. How are you today?"
"Bha! Cocky brat!" Was the reply.
"If you'll excuse us." With a kick the balustrade broke beneath his feet and the chuck with Luffy's arm attached fell down to the ground below. Sabo then jumped off and landed down below.
Luffy pulled his arm in best he could but the knife made it hard to be separated from the balustrade piece.
"Whoa whoa take it easy Luffy," said Ace as he approached him, "Let's find Law and have him get that out for you."
"Ugh I can do it on my own!" The younger boy protested, "I'm gonna kill that bastard for what he did to Sanji's family!"
Sabo chuckled slightly, "No Luffy. That's his job." He pointed to the roof and Luffy eyes grew wide. Sanji was sneaking up from behind. Sabo and Ace were merely a distraction, "Now come on, you're bleeding a lot."
"Hm. Yeah." Then the three were off. The large rock piece dragging behind them as they ran.
Krieg watched them and snickered, "I'll find him. I'll find him and make him squeal like a pig. That straw hat-"
"Like hell you will." Said a young voice. The man turned and a horrible grin spread across his face.
"Well well well. The honorable prince has come to rescue his beloved uncle. How sweet. How disgusting."
"How does it feel, to loose?" Sanji grinned back.
"Ha! I wouldn't know. I've never lost a day in my life. And I don't plan to start today, brat!"
"Au contraire." The blond held up a silver key and the sound of chains falling to rock floor rang in the air. Zeff and Judge were finally free.
"Ha. Not so bad brat." Zeff smiled, "Don't get yourself killed."
"Tch. Whatever old man like I could do worse than you. You're welcome by the way."
"It's time to stop this ridiculous war!" Yelled Judge.
"Can you handle this kid?"
"I was trained by the best." Sanji smirked without taking his eyes of Krieg. And with a grin Zeff and Judge were off.
"Heh. You're sneaky I'll give you that," Kreig growled, "You May have the upper hand. But I refuse to give up until I have what I came for."
"I'm sick of hearing your stupid world domination bullshit. You'll never have Grand Jipang."
"That may be so, but I intend to leave this place with one thing and one thing only. I'll call all this off right now... if you let me take you here and now!"
Absolute disgust grew like a vine with thorns in the prince. He gritted his teeth and his fists. His legs grew hot, almost as if they were to burst into flames. His replay spewed out like fire.

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