Time Running Out

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A/N: It takes me too long to update. You poor guys. I want to finish it so you guys know how it ends. You've obviously waited long enough so...
Enjoy the show~

The pair ran down halls and up stairs, and by running I mean Sanji leading and yanking Zoro in the right direction. Sanji kicked down a door (later confirmed to be a Vinsmoke thing) and they were met with sunlight touching their faces.
"Is the sun rising or setting?" Asked Zoro.
"Setting. We don't have much time. That bastard said he was going to kill my uncle at sun set!"
"And he'll probably rush that plan now that he knows we've escaped."
"But I don't know where he took him!" Sanji added almost desperately.
"It's a horrible plan, but we'll have to wait until Krieg gets to him."
"Listen. Kreig is the type who likes to put on a show. He'll most likely bring the king like for everyone to see. We can strike then."
"But what if he doesn't. And we never see him." He swallowed, "Then I'll never be able to see him aga-"
"Hey, hey," Zoro cupped his hands on Sanji's face, "Don't worry. I'm going to search for him. In the mean time, try to find Law and he'll send out some men to do the same." He ran a hand through the prince's golden hair, "It's going to be alright." Their faces were so close they could feel each other's breath on their faces, "I wish I can make you mine again. Right now. I wish I can spend the rest of the night with you to undo what that bastard did."
Sanji lightly touched the side of Zoro's face, as bloody as it was, "Then let's save my family, and take back Grand Jipang."

The battle was thick but with the force of captains and soldiers of Grand Jipang and the might of it's people the battle was growing closer to the win. Kreig's numbers were running out. And it was a marvelous scene. Men fighting men, large plants snatching the enemy off the ground and into their mouths, thunder clouds raging lighting down, arms grabbing and breaking their appointments, huge explosions from all directions.
"The palace sure as hell better be standing by the time this is all done!" Shouted captain Law.
"It will, so long as we protect it," replied Mihawk.
"Never give up!" That was Jimbe, "Have we found the royal family yet?"
"My squad should be back any moment," said Law. Speaking of squad, Hawkeyes Mihawk saw his own struggling on the battle ground below. He instantly jumped down from his perch and aided them. He fought with a massive sword, and cut many foes.
He suddenly felt something hit his back. He turned to see red locks and a smile that, though he would never admit it, he was very fold of. Of course it was Shanks. The redhead had his own sword and with a funny voice and strange accent he said, "'Ello love. Starin without me eh?"
Mihawk allowed himself to show a small hint of a smirk before they fought along side each other.
In the meantime Jinbe had found Franky and Brook, he too aided them. The three made such an outstanding team and where extremely valiant, to which they would be awarded for later.
Law scanned to battle field for his squad. They weren't his squad really, but he couldn't help but watch out for them.
As time seemed to go on he began to worry. The sun was going to set soon and still no sign of them or Krieg. Had something happened?
He was so deep in thought in that moment that he didn't hear one of Krieg's large men creep up from behind. In a flash Law was locked, his arms forced to his sides by a pair of much larger muscular ones. He tried to break free, as he did so the goon lifted a large knife into the air saying, "You're the captain of the Heart squad yeh? Then I think your heart will be a fitting prize!"
He ripped open the left side of Law's kimono, revealing tan inked skin.
The young man's golden eyes grew wide as a fist shot threw the air and punched the goon's face so hard he was rocketed backward off the tower and down to the ground below. Law stumbled forward slightly but was caught by strong arms.
"Hey, leave some fights for me okay!"
"L-Luffy..." The boy's smile turned into a frown, he then closing Law's kimono again.
"What are you-"
"No one's allowed to see your tattoos but me. Got that?!"
Despite a battle raging around them Law still blushed and became embarrassed.
"W-What did you find?" He asked urgently, snapping out of it, "Did you find the royal family."
"Usppp and the others are looking for them no-"
"Law! Luffy!" The two dark haired boys turned.
"You're highness?!"
"Sanji! You're okay!" Their prince rushed over to them.
"Listen guys. I need your help and fast!"
This moment was the one time in history that you would see Law and Luffy standing right beside each other and not yelling (or other sounds). Sanji began to explain,
"Okay listen this is the situation: my siblings have escaped Krieg and are running around somewhere. We don't know where they are. Krieg still has my uncle and Judge. We don't know where he is at the moment but he's planning to kill the old man by sunset!"
"And now that we've escaped he's bound to do it a whole lot sooner," added Zoro.
"Luffy you're the fastest. I'd like you to try and find the old man and Judge," Sanji then turned to Law, "I'm gonna need you to tell the other captains the news!"
"Right. But there's something you need to know."
"What is it?"
"The captains from squad 12 and 13 have come to our aid. They've just docked and are on their way with their men as we speak." Sanji's eyes widened.
"That's perfect. If anyone can end a war it's those two! Luffy will be pleased right Lu-"
The boy was gone.
"Okay let's move!" Zoro shouted and their plan was in action, the order set. Law was gone in a flash, his body replaced with that of an enemy corpse. Sanji and Zoro took off.
"We should split up and look for the king," Zoro suggested to which the blonde nodded and stopped running. Zoro halted as well.
"Hey," Sanji places his hands on the sides of Zoro's head, "Not that anything is gonna happen but..." he leaned in and kissed him deeply. When they parted Zoro looked at the prince with his one good eye.
"Nothing will happen." They did not want to part from one another but they soon went their separate ways.

Law was working like a mad man in the midst of all the chaos. He shouted at every Jipang soldier her saw:
"Krieg is planning to kill the king by sunset! We have no time for this! Give it all you've got!!"
Exhausted and beaten the soldiers of Grand Jipang summoned all that was left of their strength and fought harder than ever before.
"Spread the news!" Captain Law commanded.
"Law what's happening?" It was Robin followed by Hawkeyes and Shanks.
"Krieg has his highness captive. He's planning to kill him any minute."
"The king's life is on the line. Luffy is looking for them as we speak, and Sanji-"
"Is the prince safe?" asked Robin urgently.
"Yes. But he went off with Captain Zoro."
"Zoro," said Mihawk, "How is he?"
"We don't have time for this small talk!" Boomed a voice from behind.
"The kid's fine just saw him running around 'n' shit. You said you wanted to end this? Then let's do it."

A/N: OooooooOOOooOooh who do you think the captains of Squads 12 and 13 are?

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