Don't fall asleep in an Onsen

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A/N: Enjoy the show...

The doors to the palace baths were thick and heavy to keep the heat in, but they were thin as paper to Zoro as he swung them open with ease. He was determined. He tried not to think about what he was going to say to the blond prince if he was there. If he did, he would over think it, and probably freak out over the simple things.

The heat of the massive room engulfed him as he stepped foot inside, the door slamming shut behind him. He stood there for a moment, surveying the premises. There was three large baths in front. He scanned those, for a blond head. The first one. Nothing. The second. Nothing. The third had people in it, three people. They had red, blue, and green hair. Zoro realized it was the princes from the other kingdom, and quickly tried to turn in the other direction.

"Hey you," one of them called. Ugh, great. Zoro thought. The captain turned to them.

"What is it?" He tried to sound annoyed in hopes that they would take a hint that he was in a hurry and leave him be. It was silent for a few seconds, until the one with blue hair smirked.

"Yonji... looks like you have a twin." He sounded smug.

"Eh? He looks nothing like me." Zoro saw the one with green hair turn his head to him, "Tch, his head looks like moss." Zoro gritted his teeth. He hated that. The last time he was called that when was Sa-

Trying to ignore them, he turned away from them once more, but once more, the blue haired man called,

"Hey you." Zoro turned slowly, one more time.

"What is it?" he asked, keeping his cool this time.

"You know this is a bath, right?"

"Isn't it obvious? What do you think you're sitting in right now?" was the captain's reply. This made the one with red hair smirk.

"I was just making sure," continued the blue, "I was curious, seeing as you have all those layers on." Zoro said nothing to this. The one with red hair "swam" to the edge of the bath close to the captain, his chin resting on crossed arms. With a toothy grin he said,

"Why don't you join us. If you're not presently occupied... captain." It was quiet for a moment. The captain's face was relaxed but still a little stern. Perhaps he'll show up here.

Slowly, the captain made his way to the showers, were he carefully put away his three swords, and removed his armor. He could feel the three pares of eyes on him as he removed his shirt, showing off his strong back mussels. He disappeared behind a wall of a shower and threw his pants with the rest of his clothes. The three in the bath watched as the steam rose from the shower, and the sound of a bucket of water being dumped filled their ears. Then the shower was turned off, and out stepped Zoro. Naked except the small white towel around his waste, and the one he was using to dry his green hair.

They watched as he walked up to the pool and slowly got in, without removing his towel. His black eyes glared at them.


"Very," replied Yonji, awed at the sight he had just seen. The other two glared and him and rolled their eyes. Minutes later everything was calm. The captain watched as they chatted. They look just like him. Zoro thought as he soaked, Are they his...

Zoro's eyes drifted shut. Soon he was fast asleep, so he didn't even know that they had left the bath. So there he slept, totally forgetting what he was there for in the first place. Not only this, but he was totally and utterly unaware that he was not alone in the Royal Baths.

In the farthest end of the massive room, there was another bath, hidden behind thin, deep purple curtains; and there was only one other person in there.
It's only occupant, also was finished with their time. They stepped out of the bath, causing a sudden sound of splashing water. There was a pause. Then the sound of wet bare feet walking against the tile flooring.
It was Sanji.
He was about half way across the room, when he stopped, eyes widened, surprised.
There, in the steaming bath, was a green head sticking out, with tan arms flanked beside it, spread out over the edge of the bath. Sanji gulped lightly at the sight. It could only be one person.
With extreme caution, the blond tip-toed across the floor, hoping he wouldn't catch the captain's attention. He was close to where his clothes were folded neatly, when there came a faint snoring sound.
Sanji's head spun around. Is he-? Once again he tip-toed, much faster this time, over to the green haired man, whose eyes were closed and body calm.
Sanji didn't realize that he was staring at the man in the water. He watched, carefully, to every detail.
His tan skin, and how it stretched over his huge mussels, and how his lips glistened from the water. Then he noticed something new.
Sanji bent down on his knees in his little towel, extending his hand toward the sleeping man's face. On Zoro's eye was a scar. That was definitely new. How could he not have noticed it before? Really he was too riled up the first time they saw each other that day that he hadn't noticed. Silly blond.

"Who did this to you?" Sanji asked quietly. He suddenly realized that his finger tips were only centimeters away from the swordsman's face.
Snatching his own hand away quickly, his face was a little pink. He still didn't leave, instead, we went back to staring. Still on his knees. Gazing at those huge mussels again, they were bigger now than before. They simmered with a layer of Zoro's sweat on them. And the swordsman's face was all read, and his chest heaving up and down, panting slightly.
Wait... Sweat? Red in the face? PANTING?!
Sanji gasped suddenly.
"You idiot!!" The blond speedily took the green haired man by the underarms and yanked him out of the water with all his strength.
Plopping him on the warm tiles the prince shouted, "Are you an idiot?! Falling asleep in an onsen?!" Only now was Zoro's eyes beginning to open slightly. The doors of the bath house opened abruptly.
"Are you alright your majesty? We heard you shouting!" Asked the guard.
"Ugh. I'm fine, but help this fool!"
I know that voice... Zoro thought in a daze.
Sanji stormed off to get dressed, W... wait, was all Zoro could think. But the blond never returned, leaving to guards to assist the sick captain.

A/N: Zoro is an idiot.

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