It All Starts Here

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A/N: This is the last chapter everyone. I'll save all my thank you's for the end. For now, enjoy the show...

The events of the night before flooded Sanji's mind as he sat at the table during breakfast. It was quite obvious he was in thought, but King Zeff spoke up all the same.
So kid. How's that swordsman guy?"
"Which one?" He replied not taking his eyes off his plate.
"Don't play dumb with me brat, you know which one I'm talking about. The moss headed one."
"He's... good, I guess. How should I know?"
"Well I just figured, since you spend all your free time with him." There was a smirk on the King's face, "Say, when are you two gonna get married?"
Sanji choked on air. His face turned bright red and even his ears grew a shade darker.
"W-what are you talking about old man?!" Sanji's voice echoed in the huge room, "Why would you say something like that? It's not funny!"
There was no smile on Zeff's face anymore.
"Keep your shirt on kid and sit back down."
He sat.
"I don't bring it up to embarrass you. I'm asking because I know you two kids care about each other. It's no secret how you feel about him. The whole palace knows you're head over heals for that kid." Sanji's reddened face hung low with his golden bangs covering his eyes. Zeff continued, "Look, as you know someday you'll be king." The older man was cautious with his next words, "I think that that boy would be... A good ruler and... protector... for this kingdom, and for you. He risked his life for you. He was ready and willing to give his life for yours."
Then, Zeff leaned over and offered his hand to Sanji, who raised his head to reveal his eye slightly teared up, "I wanna see you happy cause... I love ya you damn brat."
Sanji swallowed at these words and took his hand. He never in his wildest dreams thought Zeff would bring up something like this. He didn't know what to say.
"I think you know what to do kid. I just want you to know that whatever you choose to do... I'll be beside you."
Sanji's mouth curled into a smile. He nodded and quickly ran off. Zeff watched him leave the room, his eyes sparkling knowing his nephew he loved so dearly was grown up.
"Why must you always be so reckless?"
"Ugh, not this again Traffy. We already talked about this!" Whined Luffy.
"And still you do all these crazy ridiculous things!"

The two were currently in Law's quarters. It all started during training. Law was working his squad when Luffy showed up out of the blue and pulled Law aside. Law knew what the boy wanted. He got lonely so quickly, or maybe he was just bored. Either way, they always ended up hiding in a corner or a dark hallway to make out.
This time however, Law wanted to remove the bandages on Luffy's hand which lead to the two quarreling.
"You would have done the same thing if it was you!"
"I would not! Unlike you I think before I act."
"So what? You know I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself!" He snapped back.
Law replied quietly, "Says the boy with a stabbed hand." Law was still holding Luffy's healing hand. They were silent for a moment as the older boy re-bandaged him.
Luffy spoke softly and looked at Law in all seriousness.
"Why are you always so gentle with me?"
"I have to be gentle, I don't want to hurt your hand," he replied without taking his eyes off the bandages, his face covered by the rim of his hat.
Suddenly, Luffy ripped his hand away, "I don't mean like this. I mean when we're doing it."
He saw Law swallow lightly and place the roll of bandage on the table.
Luffy gripped Law's jaw and forced him to look at him, "I'm not a kid."
Law was, of course, quite shocked by the boy's actions. Instead of the cute happy boy he knew and loved, there stood a young man who looked just about ready to ravish him where he stood. He could tell by the look in his eyes, one of absolute certainty and will.
"Don't go easy on me... Law..." And in that moment Law knew... he was about to get laid good.
"I just can't believe Luffy is a captain," commented Ace.
"And a great one at that. Law says he's the strongest out of us all," added Sabo.
"Eh, I don't know about us all but he's certainly one of those on the top."
"Speaking of Law, why do you think he knows so much about Luffy's progress?"
Sabo shrugged at this, "Most likely because he trained Luffy and continued to monitor his progress as he moved forward." Ace shifted a little against the wall he was leaning against.
"I don't know. Something seems off to me." Ace placed a finger on his chin as the pondered, which made Sabo laugh since it looked like he had to try so hard to do so.
The dark-eyed blond chuckled, "As a matter of fact I have to see Law to discuss the strengthening of our defense, why don't you come along and ask him yourself?"
"Yeah..." Ace stood up fully and followed his brother.
"Hey did you tell Luffy about your girlfriend yet?" Ace hit Sabo's arm playfully. Sabo blushed slightly at the mention of her.
"N-no not yet. Hopefully he'll get to meet Koala soon. Ah here we are."
They stood outside Law's quarters. Now for some reason unbeknownst to man, the two did not feel the need to knock and as a result swung the door open.
Instantly jaws dropped.
"WHAT THE HELL?" They both cried in unison, for in the room, on Law's bed, was Law himself laying on his back with his hands firmly gripped on Luffy's waist. Luffy was nearly naked as he sat saddled on Law's crotch, his hands in the process of ripping open Law's kimono.
Not a soul moved or made a sound that is except Law's heart beating rapidly.
I'm in big trouble he said to himself.
"What the hell Luffy?!" Ace said angrily, "What are you doing?" Sabo just stood beside him in shock.
"What does it look like we're doing?" the boy said, "We're trynna fu-"
"-We we're going to tell you both eventually!" Law said instantly as he pulled away from Luffy, "I mean no disrespect in not telling you both sooner. I'm sorry."
"How... how long has this been going on?" Asked Sabo. Law couldn't answer fast enough,
"We've been dating for two years!" Exclaimed Luffy with a large triumphant smile.
Sabo and Ace stood shocked.
"Luffy... do you," Ace managed, "Do you really care for him?"
"Not that you're not lovable Law," Sabo added looking at Law, "It's just that... this is Luffy we're talking about."
"I understand," replied Law.
"Traffy? Of course I really care for him. I love him!" Then he smiled, it was that warm smile that made Law feel at ease.
"I understand that this might be difficult and sudden, but I assure you I love no one else in this world as much as him." Law declared.
"Hm. Well I guess that's settled then." Sabo smiled, "Come in Ace let's go... Ace... Ace!"
"HUH? Uh. Y-yeah!" They began to leave, "We need to ask a you a few things later Law, not related to... this." The boy was blushing as he rushed out.
"Also," added Sabo before closing the door, "Use protection."
The door was closed.
"Hey... Law?"
"Shall we continue?" Law turned to Luffy's cheeky grin.
"Huh. Hell yeah."
Red Haired Shanks stood still as stone, his eyes were widened and his cheeks were slightly flushed.
"What did you say?"
"You heard what I said Red Hair... don't make me say it again."
Mihawk stood just as still but his eyes showed determination.
"But..." Shanks didn't know what to say, "But Mihawk..."
"If you do not return my affection I will understand, but do not lead me on in pretending you have such feelings for me if it is not true."
"T-that's not the case!" Shanks blurted out, which surprised them both, "I... I do like you. I just thought that I'm kinda old now."
"We're the same age Red Hair. There is no age limit to love."
"I know that it's just, uh..." Shank's face was just as red as his hair now. He was scratching the back of his head when Mihawk's eyes grew wide before closing as he let out a long sigh.
"Red Hair, you aren't referring to sex are you?"
"NONONONO not at all!" He then laughed nervously. His hysterics were cut off when Mihawk grabbed his kimono and pulled him in closer.
"When the time is right," his said huskily, "I think you'll find that my age has not effected my proficiency in bed. I'm sure you are the same." He then pulled away, "I'm glad you return my feelings. I will see you at dinner." He then left the room with a smile on his face and with Shanks more flustered than ever.
Then Shanks smiled and touched his Kimono where Mihawk and touched him. He felt welcoming warmth all over
Sanji was so incredibly nervous, yet he knew exactly what he wanted to do. He wanted to tell Zoro how much he meant to him, among other things.
In truth, Prince Sanji was a very romantic man, and in a way he had been waiting for this moment his entire life.
He had it all planned out.

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