The Findings

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A/N: I know I have been dead for 100 years but I'm alive again with this juicy chapter. So! Enjoy the show...

Now fired up and determined Prince Sanji went into detective mode. He began with asking around as to where Krieg was last spotted. Unfortunately he didn't see him leave the dungeon, Krieg had just disappeared.
Some folks said they last saw him speaking with King Zeff others said they hadn't seen him at all that day, (to which they seemed most enthusiastic). But none of these things helped Sanji, and he was beginning to think of going about things another way when he managed to see one of Zoro's men outside the courtroom doors.
"Excuse me," Sanji said.
"Sir!" The young man stood straight in attention.
"Have you seen Krieg anywhere?" The guard was shocked at first but then replied,
"Actually your highness, I believe I saw him slip away into the south wig of the palace."
"The south wing?"
"Yes sir. That's were he and his men are lodged during their stay."
"I see," Sanji paused and stared at the marble palace floor, "Thank you." He dashed off then, leaving the young man back to himself.

Once again fully fired up and determined, Prince Sanji went into ninja mode. Sneakily, he swerved in and out of halls and snaked past Krieg's men keeping watch. The blond became more and more skeptical of Krieg's intentions as he past more and more guards.
Finally he made it to the larges chambers. The south wing was no different from the other wings, so the price new his way around well.
He leaned in closely. He listened... nothing. Cautiously, he slowly turned the handle of the door and peaked in. No one. He glanced around one last time before slipping through.
The room was large and decorated in the traditional Grand Jipang style. But what was odd was the big thick table in the middle of the room. Upon closer inspection Sanji realized that there was a map laid out. His eyes were wide when he realized that it was a map of the palace and its grounds, and there was a scribbled circle over some the land that surrounded be palace walls. Also on the table there was little figurines — tiny soldiers and horses.
"It can't be," he said in disbelief, "this looks like a-" He was cut off by the sound of many voices and footsteps approaching the room. He searched frantically for a place to hide. The door was opening. Where could he go?
Krieg walked in, he looked as if he was annoyed. Four men walked behind after him, they were almost dressed as fancy as he was, and they had metals on their uniforms. 
"Lord Krieg, with all due respect, don't you think we're rushing this? We want the king to trust us!" Krieg spun around and barked at the man who spoke.
"I know what I'm doing! I have a plan that you fools could never comprehend!" The four men hung their heads low as if they had just been scolded by their evil step mother. Krieg continued loud as ever, "The entire palace has already gotten used to us being here. They've grown unaware of my guards posted around the palace. The captain's and their soldiers haven't said a word of complaint to their king. And look what I've done, even the great Roronora Zoro has fallen to his knees!" There was a sudden creaking sound. Then it was silent. Krieg and his men didn't move, but searched the room with their eyes. All was still and quiet.
The blond prince was hiding in the massive wooden wardrobe, peeking through the slight openness between it's doors. His ears rang from straining them hard as he listened in.
"Soon my plan will be in full swing. By nightfall tonight, you will deploy your men." Sanji couldn't see it, but he assumed by the sounds that Krieg was hitting and moving the figures in the table around.
"When I give the order, you'll sneak into the king's quarters, then-"
"What of Vinsmokes sir?" Asked one man. Krieg answered angrily,
"You and your men will be the ones who sneak into their quarters!" His voice grew low, "Then, while they are sleeping... we take them!"
Sanji's eyes grew wide. One man asked, "And... for the prince, sire?"
"The prince?" Krieg let out a chuckle that sent chills down the spine of the boy in hiding, "I'll be the one to take him myself, as he sleeps." Sanji was frozen stiff, "And after all of that, we use the royal family as ransom, that way the captain's can't come after us. We will take King Zeff out onto the highest balcony in the palace, over looking the town. And then, with his people and family watching... we take his head!" Sanji's heart beat wildly in his chest, "The people of Grand Jipang will no longer have their king. They'll have no ruler! Soon all of Grand Jipang will be mine!"

Sanji's legs shook. He knew Krieg was up to something, but this exceeded his expectations in the worst way possible. He felt sick to his stomach, and like he was about to faint. It took all his strength not to do so. If he did then he might fall out of the wardrobe and they would see him. What would happen if they saw him? What would they do to him? He was sure Krieg had some ideas.

All of the sudden an abrupt knock came at the door. Shrump came rushing in.
"Lord Krieg! Everything is complete."
"So all is in order?"
"Yes your highness. I've done everything you've asked."
"Good." He turned back to his men, "You know my plan. There's nothing further we need to discuss. And don't forget..." he grabbed the neck of his sword that was sheathed at his side, "Don't fail me," he growled.
"Y-Yes Lord Krieg!" They gave him a solute as he left the room, then eventually they too exited.
Despite the room being totally empty, Sanji didn't leave his hiding place for a good while. He was still trying to process everything he had just saw and heard. His mouth was open and his eyes shook in disbelief.
I...I can't be hiding like this! He thought as he pushed the wardrobe doors open, There's no time!

He shot out of the room, down the stairs, and down the halls. He had to find his uncle. He raced to the king's quarters, barging in scaring the servants half to death.
"Where's my uncle?" He asked in an almost pleading voice.
"He just left your highness," answered one male servant.
"I believe he was going to the Courtroom. Your highness, did you know that your family-" the servant girl didn't get to finish because their blond prince had vanished.
He was now racing to the Courtroom.
I have to get there and tell him!

The Courtroom was peaceful, with only a few people in it. That is, until the doors were fiercely kicked open. King Zeff spun around.
"It's about time you showed up brat," he yelled, "Didn't you know that you're brothers and sister are going back today? Show a little respect!"
Panting madly, Sanji ignored his uncle's anger and rushed toward him.
"Uncle Zeff you gotta listen to me! I knew Krieg was bad but I didn't know he was planning all this!"
"Planing what? Slow down boy I can't understand a single would comin' outta your mouth!" The eyes of the Vinsmoke siblings were wide as Sanji gripped Zeff's arms. Even Judge leaned in in interest.
"He's planning to take over! We have to stop him. We have to stop Krieg!"
"What the hell are you talking about brat?" Asked Zeff, agitated from the young man's strong grip.
"How do you know he's planing something?" Inquired Reiju quickly.
"I heard him. I heard Krieg say everything. He's got it all planned out old man! We gotta stop him. He said- He said he was going wait till we're all asleep! I heard them!" His voice was so full of emotion it grabbed everyone's attention, "He said they were going to take you! And then he's going to-... He's going to..." Sanji's voice trailed off suddenly. His light blue eyes were wide with horror as he spotted a large figure in golden armor standing in the shadows. The figure stepped out into the light. The prince took a step backward every step the man came closer.
"Well. Well. Well..." They all spun around to see Don Krieg, "I do believe you've invaded in my privacy. Do you know what I do with spy's in my kingdom Prince Sanji..." The Vinsmokes and Zeff looked shocked as they realized they were surrounded by Krieg's men, "I punish them." He snapped his figures, and in an instant they were captured.

A/N: Let's hope I can get this done quickly huh?

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