The Animal in the Cage

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A/N: Huh? What do you mean I was supposed to post this earlier? No way.

Sorry this chapter is a little short, the next few should be much longer!
Enjoy the show...

Sanji walked into the large, cold cell.  It took awhile for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Eventually, he could make out a figure against the wall. He came closer.
"Zoro," he breathed. He saw the sword-less swordsman chained to the wall, his head bent, "Zoro," he whispered. He was dirty looking. The mussels of his arms bulged out from being forced up for so long.
At first, Sanji was hesitant. But when Zoro didn't seem to move he bent down.
"Zoro, what happened?" He scanned him closer. His bare chest and arms exposed cuts and bruises all over.

The prince watched as his chest slowly moved up and down. Perhaps he's calmed down? Thought the prince.
Carefully, he placed a cool hand against Zoro's cheek. He was taken my surprise. Despite the dungeon cell being cold and damp, Zoro was burning up.
"Hey!" Sanji felt Zoro's forehead. Then Zoro's eye opened. He glared up at the blonde. His breathing became faster.
"You're burning up! Are you alright? Say something!" Sanji felt the other man's sweat under his fingertips. The green haired man opened his mouth, trying to speak but he just gasped as if for air quietly.
"Zoro! Don't worry I'll get you out of here," The swordsman growled like an animal, just as he did before. Sanji tried to pull at his metal restraints, "I'm getting you outta here. I know you didn't mean to hurt me so just hold on!"
All of the sudden Zoro broke free and launched himself at the blonde, knocking him to the stone cold ground. Sanji hit the back of his head, causing him to grunt out in pain.
"Gah! No Zoro, stop! I'm trying to help you! What's the matter with you?!" He tried to defend himself but Zoro was just too strong. He grabbed the price's arms with one hand. Then he ripped open his shirt. Sanji was beyond shock when the man on top of him yanked his legs apart.
"Is he going to-?" The blond's mouth quivered. He began to feel dizzy from hitting his head. He wanted to call for help but his body wouldn't let him. There was a beast on top of him. He couldn't get him off.
"Stop," He pleaded weakly, "Stop it. This isn't like you..."
Zoro grabbed the blond's hips and yanked his body closer to his own. Sanji could feel Zoro's length touching his own. Sanji gasped and looked around wildly for a way to escape.
"Stop it!" He began to yell when he felt Zoro about to pull his pants down, "This isn't you. Zoro!"
WAM! The iron door of the cell bursted open.
"Prince Sanji!" The guard from before rushed in with a weapon in hand. Then came Krieg. He kicked Zoro in the side like he was a wild dog. Zoro rolled onto the ground a few feet away, while the guard pulled Sanji away from him. 
"Dear god! Prince Sanji!" Sanji sat on the ground supported by the guard. His eyes wide as he watched Zoro shout and growl as Krieg tried to pick him up off the floor by his green hair, and chained him back to the wall. He heard Krieg yell, "That's where you belong!" and forcefully let go of his green locks forcing the boy's head to the side.
Zoro's head was bent down again, his arms chained up to the wall, like a bug tacked on a wall for display. It was as if nothing had ever happened, except there was now more bruises and blood over his body.
The guard tried to lift the prince up off the ground.
"Prince Sanji, don't worry I'll get you out of here and somewhere safe." The blond didn't respond. He couldn't. He stared in confusion at the man chained against the wall as the guard supported him as they walked out of the cell.
Sanji glanced back one last time and saw Krieg slam the cell door, locked it, and hit the key in his pocket, all with a grin on his face. A grin!
Poor Sanji was so confused and shocked by it all that he didn't give it much though.

The warm hearted guard placed Sanji in a chair in a warm small room upstairs. They were well away from the dark dreary dungeon.
"Where does it hurt you're highness?"
"N-nowhere. I'm fine."
"I mean no disrespect sire but, you're face tells me otherwise." The guard scooted up another chair and spun it so that he was sitting in it backwards, so his arms rested on the back of it, "You can tell me anything you're highness," said the guard, "It'll just be between you and me. I won't tell a soul." He smiled reassuringly.
There was a long pause before Sanji sighed.
"I don't know what to think anymore. Something's not right. First Krieg comes here out of the blue, then this happens to Zoro. I-I don't know what's going on. What am I supposed to do?" He buried his face in his hands.
"It seems like you have to get to the bottom of it!" Said the guard tapping the top of the chair back with both hands, "You feel like something isn't right. So you have to be the one who's gonna do something about it!" He then slapped both hands down on top of the chair's back, "Go on Prince Sanji. Save what you love most in this world."

That talk must have really done the trick, because now Sanji was pacing back and forth, up and down the halls trying to think of a solution to this mess.
"What the hell is going on around here?" He said aloud, "Nothing seems right. Ever since Krieg showed up-" He stopped in his tracks, "Wait a minute, every since he showed up everything's gone to hell. No one shows up for a trade deal with hundreds of men! I know he's up to something. I'm sure he's behind Zoro's strange behavior."
When he thought about Zoro his wrists began to hurt where he had grabbed him. His body was hot where he had touched him. His heart ached at the thought of him.
He would never do something like that. Just because it's Zoro's body doesn't mean it's Zoro inside of it.
He put a clenched fist to his heart, "Don't worry Zoro. I'll get to the bottom of this!"

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