Sparks Fly

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A/N: Well here we are. Only a few chapters left so here we go... enjoy the show.

There was a warmth over his eye. His scar tingled slightly as he felt it. His body moved slightly as he turned his head to the opposite side away from the light. His one eye opened, and he looked around.
He was back in his room in the palace. The place was just as he had left it. The sun was shining bright and cheerful through his window.
"You're awake." Said a voice, "It's about time Roronora."
"Mihawk," said the boy, "What day is it?"
"It's the 24th. You've been asleep for five days. You had your friends worried."
Zoro sat up suddenly. Too suddenly because his body ached from the inactivity but he ignored it.
"The Prince?" Mihawk interrupted knowing what he would ask, "He's alright. His injuries are nearly healed. You've had him worried seeing as he was more injured than you and yet recovered first."
Zoro mentally kicked himself for sleeping so long, as if it was in his control.
"Damnit," he swore under his breath.
"The small doctor was here yesterday," the dark haired man stood to his feet from the chair he had been sitting in, "He said it must be due to the hypnosis that you needed so long to rest. They say that you did not sleep or even rest while you were hypnotized."
"I see." The boy glanced to his side and saw a try of food still warm with steam ascending from it. Zoro's good eye widened. He knew exactly who made it.
"He's made you breakfast every morning in the event that you may wake up."
Zoro picked up the try and placed it in his lap carefully. While the boy stared at the colorful culinary contents of the tray, Mihawk gazed out of the window.
"Well, I will take my leave." He said suddenly and in the doorway added, "Perhaps, you would like to take a walk in the garden once you are dressed..."

Zoro quickly finished his meal — delicious as always — but not fast enough to not enjoy it. After which he dressed and readied himself as fast as he could and made his way to the garden.

The weather was wonderful but as you could imagine the swordsman was too busy to notice the bright blue sky with its white fluffy clouds and the peaceful breeze. The world did not care that a battle had broken out some days ago, all that mattered was the present.
Running into the garden to find that particular someone seemed to be a new tradition for this swordsman. The maze, mostly demolished from the battle, still proved to be troublesome for him. He gritted his teeth but still denied the though of him having no logical sense of direction.
Damnit! He thought to himself, "It's half gone and this maze is still too damn difficult. Who designed this crap anyway?"
Another tradition he was starting was at the end of every annoyed maze-related thought he made it out of the maze. His expression would calm, his pace would come to a halt, and he would see that special person. The one he searched for.

Standing by the pond stood a blond young man wearing a dark green kimono, like the color of moss. The sound of a small waterfall trickling in the background added to the tranquil atmosphere.
The prince lifted his hand to his face as he held a thin pipe in his hand. Zoro watched from the side as the pipe made contact with the prince's lips. Ah, those lips.
The blond puffed out smoke and Zoro smirked.
"Ya know, it's not good to smoke when you're recovering," he said.
"Mm." Was the response, the prince never moving his head. Zoro stood next to him and gazed at the water, the sun glistened off it. The taller boy looked to his side at Sanji, eyeing his abdomen. The front of his kimono was open exposing his chest and abs, which were covered in bandages.
Suddenly, Sanji felt a large warm hand placed lightly over the bandages. Still he kept his gaze on the pond and it's inhabitants all the while taking in another puff of smoke.
Zoro kissed the boys temple that was covered by golden hair.
"What was that for?" Asked the prince calmly breathing out the smoke.
"Breakfast," replied the swordsman, "Thank you."
Sanji smirked at this lightly and looked forward again.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He said coyly. To this Zoro chuckled deep in his throat that secretly made Sanji's stomach swirl.
"Well," the swordsman then bent down slightly and kissed the crook of Sanji's neck letting it be slightly wet, "My compliments to the chef." He pulled away just enough that he could look the boy in the eye.
Sanji titled his head back slightly and with half lidded eyes blew smoke into the captain's face. Zoro, incredibly turned on by this action, slowly leaned in and planted a soft kiss over the blond's lips. It was so soft it was like he was hovering ghostly over them. Then his hand returned to the boy's abdomen. His expression hardened.
"I should have been there."
"Ugh," Sanji rolled his eyes, "Here we go."
"It's my job to protect you," Zoro said defensively.
"No it's not. You're not my bodyguard anymore. That's not your job or mission."
"It will always be my mission to keep you safe." To this Sanji was quiet for a moment.
"You're not my protector... you're my lover."
"Wasn't I always your lover?"
"Hm." The blond chuckled at this and kissed him lightly. He then walked to the stone bench, untouched in the battle, and sat on it. Zoro noticed how he held his abdomen as he did so. He took a seat beside him.
"You should be resting."
"I'm alright, Law and Chopper did a number on me as soon as it was all over. So I heard. I'm fine now. There's no pain."
Zoro felt foolish for sleeping as long as he did. Sanji must have read his mind,
"You certainly slept a lot." Zoro swallowed, "It only makes sense. Usopp said you didn't sleep at all when you became hypnotized. You were awake for days."
"I should have been by your side while you recovered. I'm so-"
His good eye widened suddenly as he was cut off by a pair of wonderfully smooth lips.
"Mm. Don't talk about it anymore. It doesn't matter. The point is we're here. Right now. Together."
"Yeah." Zoro said as he grabbed the back of the blond's head and kissed him deeply.
This is what they had wanted for so long. They wanted to be together without wondering or worrying. They cherished this moment.
Like an animal, Zoro became more and more into it. He slowly became more aggressive.
"Mm. Zo-" It was difficult for the prince just to get a word in the larger boy was kissing him so hard. The moss head grabbed on to Sanji's left wrist that he was using to support himself on the bench, then moved his other hand to the back of the blond's neck to further deepen this kiss.
Sanji felt like he was living the dream. How he longed for the swordsman's taste and scent and touch. He closed his eyes and allowed him to do everything he wanted with him.
Abruptly, the green haired boy pulled away. His breath was hot and quick, Sanji panted also.
"Mm," Sanji ran his long slim fingers through his green hair, "How the hell do you make me feel these things Swordsman?"
The swordsman smirked. Then, all of the sudden... he growled. Growled. Like a beast, looming over him, wanting to consume him.
Sanji's eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly ajar. Then his stomach whirled at the thought that crossed his mind.
He tilted his head back slightly and looked at Zoro through half-lidded eyes.
"Do you remember what you did to me when you were hypnotized?"
"No," Zoro replied simply.
"You attacked me, like an animal. You forced me to the ground and pinned me down."
Despite the more sexy provocative tone the blond was using, he could tell by Zoro's expression that he didn't understand what he was going for. So Sanji continued, "They told be you were chained up, and you wouldn't be able to hurt me." Sanji brought his pipe to his lips.
"Why are you telling me this?" Asked the swordsman. Sanji blew his accumulated smoke into his lover's face once again.
"Because..." he placed the pipe down without breaking eye contact with him, "I want you to be rough with me just like when you were hypnotized. I want you to slam me down and pin me to whatever you want. I want you to chain me up just like you were chained up." He leaned in so close that their mouths would touch as he spoke, "Release your anger on me. Use my body for whatever you want. I want it." Zoro's eyes grew dark and in his deep growling voice said,
"I don't think you know what you're asking." Now he leaned in and whispered ghostly in the blond's ear, "Do you know what I'm capable of?" Sanji swallowed at that and for a very small instant regretted it all. But then he looked Zoro in the eye. His words sent fireworks in Zoro's spirit.

"Zoro... undo what he did to me."
Instantly Zoro stood to his feet. He grabbed the prince by the arm and pulled him to his feet as well. Sanji was taken by surprise which quickly turned to excitement as he began to walk out of the garden. His grip wasn't too tight but just enough for Sanji to feel like he was being dragged.
For a moment Sanji didn't know where they were going and he thought the moss head had gotten lost, which would totally ruin the moment. But then his heart skipped several beats when he saw where they were headed...

The Dungeon.

A/N: I never read 50 shades of grey and I've never watched 365 dni but I'll try my best in this next chapter.

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