Mending Broken Bonds

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A/N: Yeah this chapter is a little short... but worth it. I wanted to get it out to you guys, SO! Enjoy the show...

The prince's eyes, blue as ever, almost looked sad. But the eyes of the swordsman were calm, and serious, as though he was about to take on his biggest challenge yet.

This was it. No turning back... And so it began.

"I know you may not want to speak to me right now, you probably don't even want to see my face, and that's alright. I understand that. So I'm going to make this quick, and I'll be out of here. All I ask is that you listen to what I have to say."
At this, the blond said nothing. He simply stared. Zoro wasted to time, yet he chose his works carefully, as though they were to save his life.

"Two years ago, the day you left I said things that should have never been said. I didn't know what was happening, everything happened so fast, and before I knew it... you were gone. I was young and stupid. I didn't know how to truly handle the feelings I had for you, nor did I know how to handle you leaving for so long; so I took out my frustration on you, and said things I didn't mean. These past few years I wake up everyday and think about how I ruined everything you loved and cared about. So... I'm only here to do one thing." There was a pause. Then, the prince's eyes widened when he witnessed the swordsman getting on his hands and knees, "I'm here... to ask for your forgiveness! I said things I wish I could take back, but I know I never can! I'll regret it for the rest of my life!" His forehead touched the cold rock ground as his words displayed signs of earnestness as he grew louder. He plead, "All these years, there's only one thing I've wanted to say to you... You can find the All Blue! I know you will!!"

Sanji's blue eyes shook. He didn't know what to do, "Please... forgive me." Zoro lifted his head, and the prince saw in the swordsman's one good eye that he had told the truth, whole-heartedly.

He said nothing. He didn't know what to say. Instead, he slowly turned his head away from the man on the ground.

Zoro waited for several seconds, panting lightly from holding his breath he didn't know he was holding. When he blond prince said nothing, the stood to his feet again.

He slowly bowed, stood tall again, then turned to take his leave. As he did so, his earrings chimed together. Causing Sanji to make a small noise, "Mph." He turned his head to see the green haired boy start to leave.
"W-wait!" This surprised them both. They peered at each other with widened eyes. But Sanji quickly averted his gaze away, back to the pond. He had Zoro's full attention.
"A-anata wa mada watashiwo aishitei masu ka?"*
Zoro's eye widened instantly. He took one step closer.
"Watashi wo anata no koto o itsu made mo aishimasu."**

That was it. That made the blond's tears that he had been holding back fall down his cheeks.

"B-bastard!" He swiftly spun around and grabbed the swordsman's collar. Before Zoro knew it, Sanji had his lips on him, kissing him deeply.

Zoro gently placed his hand on the back of Sanji's head, feeling that smooth hair under his fingers. That smooth hair he longed to feel for years.

The kiss deepened and became more passionate. They clung on to each other as if one of them were going to disappear, as if they were going to be forced apart once again.

It lasted for as long as hey could make it, until they couldn't let it anymore.
They ripped apart, gasping. Starring into each other's eyes, they caught their breath.
With his thumb, Zoro wiped away a stray tear from Sanji's cheek.
"I was beginning to think that you'd never say it. I thought that maybe I should be the one..."
"No. No. It had to be me," Zoro responded, rubbing his soft cheek lovingly, "I was the one who started it all. It was my fault."
"If I just told you what was happening back then, you wouldn't have been left in the dark."
"None of that matters now. What's important is that we never let it happen again." Sanji nodded at that. Then smiled.
"I missed you... moss head." Zoro smirked but still hated the nickname.
"I missed you too... Blondie." This time, Zoro went in for the kiss, which heated up quickly, soon Zoro trailed kiss down the blond's neck, while the blond played with his hair. Zoro had his hands on the blond's hips. And Sanji used one hand to stroke the captain's chest, which was covered by the swordsman's armor.
Suddenly Sanji broke away, "Shit!" He swore, "I forgot about tonight." There was a moment of silence while Zoro tried to recollect the events of the night.
"Ah crap. I'm needed back there by now."
"So am I!" They looked at each other. Then broke out in laughter.
"This happened the first time too, remember. It was your birthday," said Zoro.
"We should head back. Hold my hand." Zoro willingly to the other boy's hand.
"Why?" he then asked.
"So you don't get lost of course!" Sanji smiled as Zoro grumbled. And they ventured out of the gardens, together again.

A/N: So I put some Japanese in there for you, but I did it in Romanji (obviously) so you could actually read it. XD This is what hey said:

*Sanji: A-anata ha mada watashiwo aishi tei masu ka?
Means: "Do you still love me." ~Roughly.

**Zoro: Watashi wo anata no koto o itsu made mo aishimasu.
Means: "I will always love you." ~Roughly
Hope you all liked this chapter!!

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