Reward for Great Deeds

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A/N: WARNING ⚠️ this chapter contains strong sexual activities. 18+ ONLY! Enjoy the show...

Sanji was aware that Zoro wanted to speak with him. It was odd that the mussel-head swordsman wanted to "speak with him", usually he would find him and pull him aside. Usually they just ended up making out. But this time he actually wanted to talk.
Sanji sat at the table in the dinning hall of the palace with King Zeff across from him. The blond recalled Zoro's words from that morning.

"Hey, I need to talk to you later."
"Tonight. It'll be quick."
"Then why not right now?"
"I've got too much to do right now. Is around eleven good?"
Sanji shrugged, "Fine by me." Zoro nodded and left in a hurry.

I haven't seen him all day, Sanji thought to himself, ...he must be real' busy.

The prince didn't even realize that he was playing with his food he was so deep in thought. I wonder if it's important. Why at that time? All the servants retire for the night at that time. He swallowed, Is it about what happened the other day. M-maybe he thought it was too rough for me? Or maybe I did something wrong?

He began to feel uneasy. And it must have been showing too because suddenly Zeff cleared his throat to snap him out of it.
"I'm pretty sure that meat is dead so just eat it."
"Shut it old man! Ugh." Sanji blushed and shoved the food in his mouth. Zeff smiled as he watched the boy eat. He could tell he was thinking about something, and he was pretty sure he knew what, or who, that someone was.

After that whole ordeal, Sanji was so flustered that he vowed that he was avoid the old man for the rest of the day.
He decided to go to the palace library to clear his head. Once there he was greeted by the Royal Librarian, the woman said, "Good evening your highness, it is an honor. What can I help you with today?"
"Well let me see." He had to think of something, he needed an excuse to lay low there for a while. He thought, I wonder if they have books that could help me get ideas for tonight?
He nearly blushed at the thought of his plans.
"I think I would like to read about good healthy relationships." The librarian was stunned.
"I-I beg your pardon highness? What kind of relationship?"
"Can you keep this between the two of us?" He whispered and leaned in close, she nodded and did the same, "I'm thinking of a mature, romantic relationship." The little old lady blushed and said, "Oh... I see your highness, right this way."
"This was a personal favorite of mine when I was your age." She added under her breath, "it helped me land my husband." She bowed and let the prince read in privacy.
It was a large scroll with the title Art of Love. Straight to the point.

Now, Prince Sanji wasn't looking for mere relationship advice, he was looking for the good stuff, the down and dirty, good ideas for "in bed" activities.
He was surprised when he found a whole section on sex. It looked pretty worn out too. "Seems like some of us have been getting busy." He read through every inch of the scroll and even found more to get "ideas" from. Frankly, they were inspiring to him. He was, after all, a pervert.
He read for so long the sun was setting. He stood up, put everything back inconspicuously and was off. He had some preparing to do!

Sanji knew he had to get his excitement under control, if Zoro saw it then he wouldn't be able to do the things he planned for that night.
The blond looked around the room almost frantically. Is everything in place? He asked himself, I can't screw this up. You may only get one shot at this Sanji!
His throughs were interrupted by a knock at the door. It was at times like these that Sanji was glad that the palace rooms were done in a more western style versus traditional sliding paper doors, if they weren't well... let's just say that the whole palace would hear everything, and I mean everything.
The prince made sure he looked presentable before opening the door. The swordsman never ceased to take his breath away, he didn't even have to try.

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