Break out the Big Guns

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A/N: This is a nice loooong chapter for you guys (mostly gals). Enjoy the show...

"Okay! You understand the plan Luffy?" Usopp shouted as the two young officials sprinted atop the palace walls.
"Yeah! Of course I do!" Luffy replied.
"Okay so that's a no. I'll try to explain it to you as we go along!" Usopp groaned and Luffy chuckled.
They came to a sudden halt so fast the bottom of their shoes made a
skid sound.
"Here we are Luffy. This should be the entrance to the underground tunnels Captain Robin was telling us about. They run all under the palace. Once you guys are in, look for a big door with the number seven on it and get it open. Then all you have to do is wait."
"Okay got it! Wait- what do you mean 'you guys'?" The raven haired boy tilted his head. Usopp pointed.
"Choppers coming with you."
The sound of hooves running on stone could be heard. Then a full sized reindeer approached them.
"I'm here!" Said Chopper.
"Great! Now you guys go ahead and we'll try to be quick on my end!"
"Got it!" said Chopper And Luffy.
"Good luck!" They watched as Usopp darted off with his usual lighting speed, then they to began their mission.

The running didn't stop for the long nose young man. Usopp was the fastest of all of them, which was why Captain Robin assigned him his job. His job was too get Luffy and Chopper to the tunnel doors, then he was to rush back to help Onami and Franky.
He halted suddenly, his boots making a skid noise once again as he did so. He hid behind a corner. Cautiously he peaked. There were four, no, five of Krieg's men standing in his way.
"Where did she go?" Yelled one.
"She couldn't have gone far. And we should be able to find her easily." Another said while the one beside him laughed,
"Yeah," said he, "She'll be easy to spot with that blue hair of hers!"
Are they talking about Captain Vivi. I can't let them find her. She has better things to do then deal with these thugs! Usopp jumped out from his hiding place, "Special attack Fire Bird Star!"
The men were suddenly engulfed in flames, "Take that!" Usopp shouted and ran past them, "Hope you like barbecue! So long suckers!"

Meanwhile, on a twisting, winding staircase in a dark damp dungeon, Franky and Onami descended. She stayed so close to him that she could have been mistaken for another one of his cyborg gadgets.
"Where are the cells?" She whispered.
"They should be down these stairs. Just a little further," he answered, speaking in a normal tone.
"Eek! Something hairy just touched my leg!" Onami squirmed, "Ew I stepped in something wet!" She nearly hopped on Franky.
"Here we are!" Her troubles  were soon forgotten as Franky busted a thick wooden door down with ease. They stepped inside the dungeon.
"Pretty empty," Onami noted as she looked around.
"Whad'ya expect? Grand Jipang doesn't have much crime. Not with samurai like Luffy and the guys around!"
There was a sudden noise that startled them both. Their weapons were drawn, but it was not necessary. She gasped, "Look!" She rushed over to a figure lying on the ground. He wore little armor, but Onami could see the symbol of Grand Jipang on it, "Sir, can you hear me? You are alright?"
"Yes. I'm fine. But, is he still here?"
"T-the green haired swordsman."
"Zoro? We don't know. We're here to look for him and get him out!"
"No!" the man said abruptly, "If he's still here you can't let him out!"
"Huh?" The other two said in unison.
"I... I tried to get him out when I heard the palace was under siege. He was so calm in his cell, for some reason I thought he had come to his senses," the guard grunted in pain, "But I was wrong. As soon as I put my hand on his shoulder he tried to attack me. If it wasn't for those chains... who knows what could have happened."
Onami and Franky's eyes shook. The man couldn't be lying, he was indeed hurt. But was it really Zoro? Their Zoro? "Please, if he's escaped somehow, who knows what he'll do to someone else. And after what he did to our prince-"
"Don't worry. We're here to help him. We'll put some sense into him."
"Franky..." Onami watched as Franky went deeper into the dungeon.
"Please stay here sir. We'll handle everything. Don't worry, it's going to be alright." She placed the guard sitting up against a wall and went after Franky.

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