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A/N: It takes me forever to update this story and yet you guys still read it. I'm trying to finish it before the year is up. Can I do it though...? Hmmm.

Enjoy the show...

"Why do we have to do it? Have one of your guys do it!"
"They've already got their hands full. Now get your ass moving and do as I tell you."
"You want it done then you can do it yourself you know! And you can't tell me what to do! We're the same rank!"
"As far as I'm concerned your just a snot-nose brat that just got lucky!"
"Wha'd you say?!"
Chopper and the guards watched helplessly as their captains duked it out before them, until one brave soul stepped forward.
"Um, excuse me. Captain Crocodile, Captain Luffy? We should hurry and-"
"Shut it!" The captains yelled in unison as the poor guard flinched.
Now the captains were head to head growling at one another. Things were heating up.
"What's going on here?" Asked a calm beautiful voice.
"Oh thank god," said all the guards together.
Luffy's expression changed to a happy one as he waved.
"Vivi! Long time no see." The blue haired captain approached them.
"It has been a long time. But unfortunately there's no time to catch up. I had to come down here to pick up your slack. We have no time to quarrel." She then rolled up here long sleeves, tied them back, and picked up a box as best she could, "there's no time to waste. Let's move!"
"Yes ma'am!" Everyone picked up what they could and headed out. Crocodile grunted and said to the boy,
"Tch. Whatever. Let's go ass hat."

Meanwhile Usopp and the others were thick in the battle above. The fight had escalated to the outside of the palace. Now, Krieg's army as fighting against not only Jipang's military, but it's people as well.
None of this made Law's job any easier. He had to fight as well as give orders as well as protect the citizens. He was begging to get in way over his head.
"Any news of the royal family?!" He shouted over the noise.
"Nothing yet sir!" Replied Penguin, "But Captain Robin said she sent off her finest to rescue them!"
Law knew exactly who she sent out, Be safe... Luffy.
Then the Captain's golden eyes grew wide, "Watch out!"
BANG! Krieg's men now were shooting cannon fire at them, stolen ammunition from the guard towers. The cannon fire was so loud it could be heard from the dungeons below.

"Did you hear that?" Questioned Yonji, "They've got cannons now. This shit's gettin' crazy."
"Let's hope they be rid of this bafoon's men so we can get out of here," Ichiji said calmly. Reiju stayed silent. Strangely, so did Nichiji. He was struggling and tossing around.
"What are you doing?" Asked Yonji, clearly annoyed. Then the blue haired young man stopped, and was still. With he grin he said, "I got board so..."
With a clank the chains constricting him fell to the floor. His siblings gazed at him in shock. He stood up, dusted himself off, then tuned to them, "Who's next?"
"Never mind us find Sanji!" Reiju demanded sharply.
"What? No! Let us go first!" Said Yonji.
"No, find Sanji," added Ichiji.
"Huh?" His younger brother was not having it.
"Sanji is the prince of this nation. If something would happen to him then Uncle would be upset." There was  very little emotion in the red head's voice, but what he said was meant with a full heart. Nichiji didn't move for a while, "Now you fool!" Their brother darted off to where they saw their blonde brother last.
He kicked down doors (mostly because he thought he was too cool to just open them), and ran down halls.
"Geez, I thought the bastard just took him to another room but... this place is a maze! You'd have to be an idiot to come down here."

Zoro was in the maze. He kicked down doors (because he had no time to just open them), and ran down halls. All the while thinking of one thing and one thing alone.
Please be okay. Please fight back! He broke down another door and a women shrieked lightly.
"You guys!" Said Zoro.
"Mossy," said Reiju. Zoro bent down and broke her chains with his bare hands. She blushed lightly at his strength... and he was shirtless... that was a bonus. She stood to her feet.
"Thank you Mossy."
"Where's Sanji?" He demanded.
"We saw Krieg take him this way. Nichiji is looking for them now."
Zoro darted off, as did Reiju in the other direction.
"Eh- where are you going?!" asked Yonji, desperately.
"I'm going for help. We need to let someone know Krieg is down here and has Sanji captive!" But before they could protest she was gone.

Zoro checked every room and cell he came across. Nothing. He wasn't sure if he was getting somewhere or running in circles. He grew angrier and angrier the more he searched.

The two chained brothers waited in silence. There was nothing they could do. Then from a door came Reiju, but she was alone.
She began to unchain Ichiji with some keys she had found, "Ichiji, I think I found our suits. I managed to snatch yours but I can't get the rest, so you'll have to use your powers to get through."
"Fine," He said as his chains fell to the floor.
"Let's move!"
"Wait! Wait! You're just gonna leave me?!" Shouted Yonji.
"I only have one key!" Reuji said as they ran out. And now the green haired boy was all by himself. He swallowed, not a hundred percent sure anyone would come back for him.

Still, Zoro searched. He looked for any kind of clues. But there was nothing. He began to call out Sanji's name but there was no reply. He began to worry.
"What if Krieg-" He shook his head and continued, "No. Sanji is too strong. He can beat him."

Yonji was beginning to question things. Like if anyone even cared about him at all to come and save him. Maybe he said things he shouldn't have to people he shouldn't have. Maybe that's why no one would save him. Did anyone care if he didn't come back? Did anyone- another door was kicked down.
"Bro!" He cried.
"Bro!" said Nichiji.
"Get me outta here man!" The blue haired boy nodded and tried his best to break it with his hands. No such luck. Then he stood up, positioned himself, and kicked the chain. Yonji was free. Nichiji wiggled his eyebrows up and down as he said with pride, "We Vinsmokes got strong legs."
The two young men found stairs leading upward. And they knew upward meant out. They raced up those stairs like it was nothing. Kicking the door down (it was a door kicking kinda day) Nichiji stepped out and yelled, "Daylight finally!" Yonji was not too far behind.
"Geez What the hell happened here?"
All around then were soldiers in the ground, still. They noticed it was all Krieg's men and with a smirk they said, "Lets join the fun."

A/N: I've been writing this story for too long. I think I need to wrap it up soon. Like... honestly it's been years. 🙃

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