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A/N: Yeah I still got nothing to say...
So enjoy the show...

On the balcony of the prince's quarts the young blond prince sighed. It wasn't a sigh of disappointment, in fact it was a sigh of relief. He and just finished his final classes with Shanks. No more lectures. No more work to do. He enjoyed his time with Shanks, he was a great teacher, but no school meant no school. He was free at last.
Happy as could be, Prince Sanji couldn't wait to tell his uncle and his friends. He raced out of his room and down the halls, lucky for him he wasn't wearing a kimono. He sported a white top with black pants.

Once down in the courtyard, he looked around to see if anyone of his friends was already on duty. He gazed up into the sky scanning the watchtowers.
"Ah! Hey Luffy!" Sanji shouted and waved. The young man in red spun around then waved back.
"Hey! Sanji! Whatcha doing?"
"I just finished all my classes with Shanks. We can go out tonight and celebrate!"
"Yeah! Let's get meat. We can go to Onami's!" Sanji laughed at this.
"Yeah. We'll invite everyone!"
"Okay, can't wait!" The lad waved once more before disappearing.
Sanji decided that he was next going to tell Zeff the great news. Then suddenly, as if on cue, he spotted his uncle walking down the open halls of the courtyard. With a smile on his face the young blonde was going to approach him, that is, until he saw that Krieg was walking beside him. Sanji halted and scoffed lightly.
"Ugh. I'll tell him later." He turned his back on them and began making his way in the opposite direction. Just then, his face lit up again.
"Ah. Hey!" He called, "Perfect timing. Guess what Zoro, I finished all my classes today. So we're all meeting at Onami's tonight to... hey, are you alright?" He stopped himself. Zoro was walking toward him, but he was walking strangely, "Are you sick or something?" He asked but Zoro didn't reply. They were only a few feet apart when the swordsman abruptly stopped. It was silent for a moment.
"W-What's wrong?" Sanji didn't like the silence between them. Something was definitely wrong. The prince stepped infront of his former bodyguard. With a closer look, Sanji could see that Zoro was sweating profusely, and he was breathing heavily. Concerned Sanji placed a hand on the side of the swordsman's sweating face, "You're burning up!"
Then, slowly, Zoro's one good eye opened.
The blondewas taken back as he saw that Zoro's iris was red. And then he growled. Like, like an animal. The blond had a horrified look on his face.
Bam! Zoro slammed himself into Sanji's body. It was like he was being hit by a train. All of the air in his lungs left his body as he gasped.
Sanji hit the ground with a thud. He coughed.
"What the he-" *cough* Before he knew it he was pinned down, Zoro's huge muscular body looming over him. The prince's blue eyes were wide with shock. He saw the look in his eyes. This wasn't Zoro. Something was wrong. Really wrong.
He kicked and tried to get him off of him.
"What are you doing Zoro? Stop it! Get off!" He tried using his hands to push him away but Zoro grabbed both his wrists with one hand. Then suddenly, Zoro lifted his fist, "Stop!" Sanji yelled as Zoro's fist came rushing down and punched him across the face.
"Hey!" Sanji heard someone shout. He knew it was Zeff. He could hear them rushing forward toward them. But there was no time to think about that now. A rush of horror filled Sanji's emotions as Zoro gripped his neck. He coughed and gagged. He screamed, "No! Get off me!"
He wasn't stopping. He was squeezing. His grip was getting tighter.
"Z-Zoro..." Sanji could feel himself slipping away.
More shouts from more voices all around could be heard. And he was just about to black-out when he saw a flash of red, it was so fast. The next thing he knew, he could breath again, and he was in Zeff's arms. Zeff was calling his name and shaking him.
The king was frantic, though he'd never admit it. The young prince was not responding. He had bruises on his wrists, blood dripping from his face, and his eyes were rolled back.
"Say something kid! Come on!" He shook him, "Look at me!" He shouted, "Look at me!"
Sanji's eyes fluttered opened. He saw on the grass before him, Zoro. Luffy had pinned him down with a firefly look in his eyes. Sanji didn't know what to think. The man he loved was pinned down on the grass, eyes red, teeth bared, and growling angrily like he was a demon. A monster. He could only mouth his lover' name, before shutting his eyes.

Sanji awoke in his large bed. His soul nearly left his body when at least a dozen people shouted his name happily. On the side of his bed, leaning forward in a chair was King Zeff.
"I knew you'd wake up sooner than later brat. How ya feeling?"
Sanji opened his mouth to answer but no words came out. It was as if they were stuck in his throat, trapped. There was a lump in his throat, like the ones you get when trying to hold back tears.
"Please don't try to talk your highness." It was Law, "Your throat needs to heal after such trauma." Despite the young doctor's orders Sanji tried to speak, looking at his friends. He saw Luffy standing at the foot of his bed, he looked so serious, it made him seem older and more mature.

"Z...Zoro," He croaked, "Where..."
"He's being held in the dungeon your highness," it was Mihawk this time, "We will be there until he calms down."
Calms down? Sanji thought, mean he's still hostile like that? What's wrong with him?

"Prince Sanji," said a calm, cool, collected voice. It was Robin, "Do not use many words to answer, but, have you and Captain Roronora gotten into a fight of any kind recently?" Sanji looked down at the white silk blanket of his bed. He shook his head.
"I see."
"Do you know if he was cross with you in any way?" Inquired Brook, "Maybe he was upset about something?" There was a pause. The prince shook his head.
"Being a little upset about something does not cause anyone to attack someone they way he was attacked today," said Mihawk.
"Yes," Shanks continued, "There's something deeper we must be overlooking. We need to study Roronora's behavior, see what he does next." All captains present nodded in agreement.

Sanji knew he had to get healed up quickly. He had to see Zoro, before any of the captains tried to question him. But it he found it quite difficult to heal when he could hardly sleep. But of course, eventually he succumbed to the urge to sleep.

He awoke the next morning feeling much better. He tried to speak — it was still challenging as his voice came out more like a whisper and very raspy. But it didn't hurt as much as it did before, thanks to several warm soothing cups of tea.
He put on his clothes, made his bed, and snuck out of this room. He knew no one wanted him out of bed, especially Law. Even Chopper, who had checked up on the prince while he was sleeping, left him a note saying to get a lot of rest. But who cares what the doctors think.

Down the halls he crept, keeping a look at as he swiftly and silently trotted down steep stone steps. It was a spiral staircase and it was slightly damp. It was also cold, as Sanji felt the hairs on his arms stand as he ventured further into darkness.
Coming to the end of the staircase he was met by a thick looking wooden door lit by torches flanking it's sides. Cautiously he opened it. His upper lip twitched up slightly as it made a louder-than-expected creak. He stepped inside. He looked around the room. He saw iron barred cells all around. Most of them were empty. He couldn't find what he was looking for.
Suddenly, he was startled by a voice.
"You're highness!" Sanji jumped. It was a guard who was kinda fat and had a big mustache and big green eyes. He almost looked like the cook upstairs, "What are you doing down here sire? A dungeon is no place for a prince!" The man protested after his bow.
"I need to see-"
"What is all this commotion?" Growled another voice. Sanji saw a large figure walk into the dimply lit room. Once again his upper lip twitched. It was Krieg.
"Ha, well if it isn't Prince Sanji. Are you supposed to be out of bed?"
"Where is he?" Sanji didn't waste time.
"Who do you mean?"
"You know damn well who I mean," Sanji snapped back. Krieg didn't seem to like the remark.
"You mean Roronora Zoro? He's locked up in the strongest cell there is in this palace. Chained to a wall..." Sanji gritted his teeth as Krieg added, "As the animal should be."
"I want to speak with him."
"There is no speaking to an animal like that-"
"You'll take me to him now!" Sanji demand as harshly as his voice would allow him.
It was silent for a while. The poor guard between them looked back and forth.
Finally Krieg gave in, "Fine," said he, "You may see him. But only for a short time. He is... unstable." He opened yet another door and as Sanji passed through it he said,
"Don't forget you're merely a guest in these palace walls. You don't have the right to order me around." Krieg looked at him angrily yet said nothing. But his expression changed into a smirk as Sanji disappeared into the dark damp cell.

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