One Must Try

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"You're a captain now, huh... Zoro?"  The young captain stood there in awe.

What is this? He thought to himself, My heart... it's beating so fast...

He couldn't believe his eyes and ears. The prince of Grand Jipang was standing only a few feet away from him. He was speaking to him. His mouth was moving but the captain couldn't hear a single word, he couldn't move a mussel. He felt all eyes on him, as if they were waiting for something.

"H-huh?" was all he managed. Usopp shook his head and Luffy looked confused. Shit, was he talking to be the whole time?! What did he say again? The young captain swore in his head.

There was a pause among them. Then, slowly, the prince walked up to the captain, still keeping his distance. His blue eyes shined like daggers, piercing the captain's chest; and his thin lips curved downward, in a slight frown.
"I said... you're a captain now... huh Zoro?" There was another long pause. The longer the pause got, there more the prince's expression changed into a smug one, to an annoyed one.

"Tch." He turned to leave, walking past Usopp and Luffy he said, "Glad to see people never change." He left. Slowly, Luffy and Usopp gave Zoro a look that read 'that-was-the-moment-and-you-ruined-it'.

"Zoro," Luffy whisper-showed, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"That was a perfect moment man!" Usopp scolded the older man.

"I just... I don't know," The captain grumbled.

"Well, what are you gonna say when you see him again?" asked Luffy, innocently.

"That's if he lets me see him again," Zoro commented.

"Why wouldn't he?" asked the straw hat lad.

It had been two years, and Zoro had never told anyone of the fight he had with Sanji before he left. So, as you could imagine, the boys were a little confused with Zoro's behavior in front of Sanji, and how Sanji was acting cold toward him. Of course they figured something must have happened, even Luffy could figure that. But still, it was a mystery.

"I'll figure something out," was Zoro's response, "I have work to do. I'll see you two tonight." Luffy waited for the green haired man to disappear before saying,

"Hey Usopp? What's he gotta figure out?"

"No clue."

Hours later, Zoro was ready for a nap. He had just finished his lessons with the guards-in-training. These guards-in-training were very young, the youngest was about seven the oldest was thirteen. Zoro was in charge of them all, (even if he didn't want to be).

At the moment, he was staring into his cup of booze, when someone from behind patted his shoulder.

"You are absent minded," said the man. He had dark hair and a goatee, but what was the most obvious, was his yellow eyes.

"Excuse me Mihawk-sensei. I'll try to keep a clear mind." The man known as Hawkeyes Mihawk, sat beside the younger man, facing the opposite direction.

"I see no harm in a mind full of thoughts, as long as those thoughts do not fog your judgment."

"Yes Sensei."

"What is troubling you then?" asked Mihawk. Zoro was secretly hoping he wouldn't ask that question, though he knew he would. There was a long pause as he chose his words carefully. Should he mention the prince? Or should he leave his name out of it?

"I'm..." he started, "Having trouble... with someone. I don't know what to do about them. I don't know how they feel about me." Without even thinking, the green haired swordsman muttered, "It's been so long." Mihawk smirked instantly, but kept his assumptions to himself.

"Love is a strange thing." Zoro tensed up at his reply, "I would say the best way to deal with it, is to talk it out with them... speaking from experience." Zoro's eyes widened.

"Experience?!" he exclaimed, but Mihawk had vanished, He's got a habit of doing that to me. Either way, his Sensei was right, Even if he doesn't want to talk to me, he thought to himself, I have to try.  He straightened his back. Stood up tall. And made for the prince's room.

There he was, standing in from of the doors of the prince's room. I'm here but... I can't bring myself to knock. It took several good long minutes for the captain to hit those darn knuckles against that wood. And when he did, he was in for a real surprise, because it wasn't a blond prince who opened the door, but a pink haired princess. It was Reiju.

Zoro, like an idiot, stood there and just stared. She was indeed the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"I-I, Um. I-I'm looking for Sa- I mean. Prince Sanji." The woman was quiet for a moment, then smiled.

"You have green hair." She giggled at this. Zoro hated it when people did that. But she took him by surprise again when she said, "You must be Zoro. I've heard so much about you. You must have thought Sanji was here." Zoro nodded in response, "He doesn't sleep here anymore. He lent me his room while we stay here. Shall I take you too him."

"I don't wish to trouble you your highness."

"Oh no, please." She stepped out of the door way suddenly, nearly smashing her huge chest into his torso. "I can't wait to see the look on his face."

He followed her down the halls, it took awhile for them to reach their destination, because Zoro got lost twice. Moron. But now they were both standing in front of a pair of dark doors. Reiju wasted no time in knocking, but when there was no answer, she was brave enough to open the door herself.

Inside was no prince, but a middle-aged maid, "Oh, Princess!" she then saw Zoro walk in hesitently, "And good evening Captain!" He gave her a nod, "I'm sorry but his highness isn't here right now."

"Where can we find him? This captain has some pressing business."

"I wouldn't call it 'pressing'", Zoro mumbled to himself.

"Ah. He is in the baths with your highness's brothers, ma'am," the maid replied sweetly.

"Thank you." Reiju smiled and they left the room. Once out, she turned to him.

"Well," she said, "I obviously can't go with you to the baths. Will you be alright on your own? You won't get lost again will you?" He turned away, face red.

"Of course not!" He began to leave, "T-thanks for your help." She watched him leave with a soft smile on his face.

"He may not listen," she said quietly so only she would hear, "...but good luck all the same, Roronora Zoro."

A/N: The next chapter gonna super SMEXY. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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