Fast Pace

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A/N: Hi. I'm back. And with another chapter no doubt! So please, enjoy the show...

It was still quite early in the morning when the gang finally returned to the palace. On the way, the prince glared at the green headed swordsman, who in return, ignored him the whole time.

"Welcome back your highness!" The guards at the gate greeted. Sanji nodded at them as they passed.
Zoro was the first to step off, then Usopp and Luffy jumped from the top of the carriage. Sanji winced as he stepped foot on the ground.
"Are you alright?" asked Zoro.
"Gugh. Shut up I don't wanna even know why I feel this way." He growled as they made their way inside.
They had not been in the palace for more than ten seconds before a young man ran up panting, "Prince Sanji! King Zeff has summoned you to the Courtroom, there is a visitor!"
"Great, that's the last thing we need, more visitors. I'm still trying to get our current visitors to leave!" Zoro instantly knew he was referring to the Vinsmoke family.

Apparently the guest was a very important person, because even all available captains were summoned as well. So there the moss head stood, with Luffy and the long nose by his side. They watched the events below from above in the upper level of the Courtroom. The bright colorful heads of the Vinsmoke kids stuck out like a sore thumb.
"Gees. They look like candy," Usopp mumbled.
"Candy~" Luffy moaned.
Zoro spotted the golden head of the prince, which seemed small from where he stood.
The royal family took their seats as the event took place. The doors of the Courtroom swung open wide. At least fifty men entered, and at the head of them all was a large mall that toward above them all. He had light purple-ish gray hair and wore golden armor as if to stick out even more, just to make sure he was the center of attention.
"Damn he's ugly." Luffy picked his nose as he watched with an almost disapproving look.
The man and his men walked straight up to the king's throne. They all bowed. And when they rose the large man spoke.
"It is an honor King Zeff, to be so welcomed back into your magnificent kingdom."
"I have to admit we were quite surprised that you've even bothered yourself with this country again. I thought our previous meeting so long ago would be our last. But you've seem to come around. I hope you're here on good terms. I wouldn't want to kick you out again, Don Krieg."
The man laughed at this. But to Zoro it didn't sound like a laugh full of joy, Krieg? I've never seen him before.
"Oh you forget King Zeff, I was slightly younger back then. And... naïve."
"Hump," the king grunted.
"Actually I was hoping for a trade."
"What kind of trade?" Asked Zeff.
"One that involves the strength of my military, and the riches of this fine country," Don Krieg glanced at the three Vinsmoke brothers sitting off to the side, "Perhaps we can come to an agreement. An agreement where your county is able to call upon the might of my army-" he then looked at Judge, sitting beside Zeff, "-in exchange for some of your country's treasures." He glanced at Sanji sitting to the king's right. The blonde shifted in his chair under the man's gaze and looked away.
"Hm. Damn punk, coming all this way for something like that," Zeff didn't seem to be fond of this man from what Zoro could tell, but he listened intently as the king continued, "I suppose since you're here you mine-as-well stay while we negotiate a trade." Then he added beneath his breath, "Like we're not as full as it is." Judge snickered at that.
"Heard that old man," he mumbled.
"Who you callin' old man you twerp?" He snapped back. Sanji's siblings smirked at the older men's verbal abuse toward one another but he himself did not give the argument a second thought.
Something was strange about the man who came so suddenly. He glanced back at him. The blonde was shocked to see that Krieg was still staring at him.
He looked away instantly, his face made it clear that he was uncomfortable. From the corner of his eye he saw the man smirk which made Sanji's face red with embarrassment. He just wanted to leave.
And soon enough he was allowed to take his leave he desired so much. He rushed out of the King's Courtroom like a animal runs away from a hunter: swiftly and earnestly.
The prince took a breath of fresh air, enjoying the freedom of being alone once again. But this freedom was short lived as a hand clasped his shoulder.
"Hey~ whatcha thinkin' about?"
"Ugh. Go away Yonji. I'm not in the mood to see that ugly face of yours."
"Huh!" The voice of the bright green haired man changed quickly, "Ugly? Just so you know we practically have the same face!"
"Why are you in a daze?" Yonji questioned.
"Why do you care? I hate meetings like that and I wanted out. Now leave."
"Yeah, they suck," his brother continued and ignored the last part of his sentence, "It was amusing watching the old dudes fight though. But that other guy gives me the creeps. Now he's ugly. I've seen rhino-pigs butts that look cuter than his face!" Yonji broke out into what Sanji considered "annoying laughter" and began walking away, "Later squirt!" Then he disappeared to a place Sanji intended to avoid for a good long while, leaving him alone once again.

After awhile he decided he wanted a smoke, but as he sifted his body to move, his backside and legs ached. Then he remembered the events from the night before. Well, actually he didn't remember anything, but no one just gets this kind of pain in their backside from just anything. He nearly growled, "I'm gonna show that son of a bitch! Why I outta-"
"Well well well. Look who we have here." Sanji froze. It wasn't his fathers voice. It wasn't his uncles voice. And it wasn't any of his brother's voices.
"Prince Sanji is it? How nice to finally get the chance to meet you face to face." He slowly turned around. His eyes widened when he saw the man with the golden armer, "Allow me to properly introduce myself. I'm Don Krieg, king of the neighboring kingdom to the south."
"Nice to meet you," Sanji managed. And then Krieg did something really weird: he grabbed Sanji's hand and kissed it. The blonde was a split second away from splitting the guy's head open with his foot.
"What a elegant kimono," continued Krieg, "Is it silk? I hear silk from this country is very fine." With his middle and index finger, Krieg grabbed hold of the kimono fabric near the prince's chest. Sanji's eyes grew wide.
"I-I just remembered that I have to be somewhere. Someone's expecting me!" And he darted off as fast as his kimono would let him. He didn't know where, he simply wanted to get away from that man!

Panting out of breath, Sanji rested his back against a pillar.
"That bastard," he thought. He then launched himself off the pillar, "Tch. He sure as hell better not do that again."
He was just outside his room when the blonde stopped. Standing outside was a group of soldiers were huddled around one another like they were talking about something that was only meant for them to hear.
"Sir!" They said as they suddenly departed. Then the prince saw that it was Zoro that had given them their orders. Sanji didn't know it, but he was blushing, He looks so good in uniform. The swordsman turned around, his eye widened at the sight of the prince.
"Hey," he greeted, "Long day?"
"Yeah. I hate those court meetings," the blond replied, "What about you? You seem busy."
"Extra security thanks to the arrival of our new guest," Then he added under his breath, "Like your family wasn't enough..."
He looks really really good in uniform.
"The more security I give the less men I'll have-"
Really good.
"-so that means-" Zoro was cut off my a peck in he lips. He was caught off guard. Then he received a peck to the cheek. Then the other cheek. His chin. His jaw. His throat. His neck. His-
"Hey. What are you doing?" Zoro asked with a growl in his voice. Sanji sang,
"~Nothing," And continued to kiss his lover's bare neck. His slick hands began to travel down his chest, down to his abs, and to his hips.
"Oi." Sanji gripped Zoro's belt and tugged, "Oi! I'm on duty!"
A wicked mischievous grin grew gradually on the prince's face.
"Hm~?" He suddenly grabbed the moss headed man by the collar and pushed him back into the wall. They were slightly hidden between two pillars, "That's why you're going to keep still. Keep very~ still." Sanji purred and dropped to his knees. Zoro's breath quickened as the slim pale fingers of the prince undid his belt buckle. He tilted his head back as his member was released.
"Mm-mm. Hard already?" Sanji mocked.
"Just hurry up and get it over with already," the beast above him growled.
Zoro wouldn't admit it, but he felt his stomach knot up at the sight of Sanji opening his wet warm mouth to almost eagerly take him in. The swordsman held back a moan as the prince took him in, deeper and deeper into his throat.
He nearly lost it when the blonde began to bob his head back and forth. Sanji then used his hand to stroke whatever he couldn't fit into his mouth, his pace growing faster every second.
Sanji pulled back, his mouth making a slight popping sound as the captain's cock was released.
"Shhh. We don't want anyone to hear you now, do we?" The prince cooed, "What if someone found us like this?" As he spoke he swiftly stroked his length. Zoro let out a loud exhale, "What if they found out you like having the prince suck your dick, hm? You love it don't you?" His pace quickened as he licked the tip.
Then the blonde whispered, "You love getting your cock sucked by me."
Zoro clenched his teeth. Faster. Quicker. Closer. Sanji had pushed his length deep in his throat and tightened his mouth and his grip around Zoro's length. The expert swordsman could not hold back any longer.
Sanji's eyes rolled back slightly as he stood on his knees with his mouth gaping open, waiting for his lover's hot come to enter his mouth. He moaned when he felt it on his tongue. Zoro was panting as the prince stood to his feet. He placed his still throbbing dick back into his pants. He could tell by his face that the moss head wanted- no, needed more. But that wasn't happening. Sanji wanted his own revenge for the night before, this was only the beginning.
As the buckle of Zoro's belt clicked, the prince leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Break time's over. Back to work."

A/N: This day went from 0 to 100 real' quick. Huh, looked like Sanji picked up the pace.

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