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A/N: Sorry this took so long. It's con season people! Enjoy the show...

It all happened in a flash. No one had time to react as they were suddenly pounced upon. The Vinsmoke kids had their arms forced behind their backs and then were forced onto their knees. Zeff and Judge were tied up tight.
"What the hell is the meaning of this Krieg?!" King Zeff demanded.
"Quiet old man!" Krieg hissed.
"Who do you think you are?" Growled Judge, "Do you have any idea who you're dealing with. I can-"
"Oh shut up you fool!" Krieg was behind Reiju and Yonji, "I'd be careful of what you say to me. After all," he grabbed the two by the hair, making them wince, "I can take their heads whenever I feel like it!" He then glared at Yonji as if inspecting him, "You know what? I think I'll take this one's head right now," he took out a knife, "This disgusting green hair of his reminds me of that bastard swordsman!" He raised the blade in the air.
"Wait!" Sanji yelled in his most authoritative voice he could muster up, "Let him go."
"Oh Prince Sanji. How I would love to put you in your place." Krieg released Yonji harshly and slowly made his way toward the blond haired prince.

Just as Krieg and his men had captured the royal family, the two guards outside heard loud screams and shouts.
"Did you hear that?" One said.
"I think that was Lady Reiju!" said the other. They both placed their hands on the doors massive handles and hauled them open. They were shocked to see Krieg's men surrounding the family, and Krieg himself had his hand under Prince Sanji chin, forcing his head up to look at him.
"Get help now!" Yelled Zeff and Sanji at the same time.
The two guards wasted no time and dashed away.
Krieg gritted his teeth and growled. With an armored fist he struck Sanji across the face. The boy went quite a distance, hitting the marble floor with a thud.
"Hey!" Zeff and the Vinsmoke boy's shouted.
"Kill those guards they'll ruin my plan!"
"Yes Lord Krieg!" Three of his men darted out the Courtroom doors.
"Now. I think you've caused enough trouble for today." Krieg marched over to Sanji's body on the floor.
"If you lay one finger on him-" He ignored Zeff's threat as he grabbed onto the prince's arm and yanked him too his feet.
"Take them all! We don't have much time!"
"Yes Lord Krieg!" His men manhandled the royal family harshly and dragged them away.

The two guards rushed out into the courtyard and from above they spotted a tall figure in yellow and black.
"Captain Trafalgar! Sir hurry please!"
"What's gotten into you two?" He asked, shouting so they could hear him.
"Krieg's men! They have them sir! They've kidnapped they royal-"
Swoosh, an arrow quick and swift pierced one guard. He yelled in pain and collapsed instantly. Law was now fully alert, with his hand on the hilt of his sword and his golden eyes searching.
"Krieg's men have taken the royal family!" The other guard finished frantically.
"Captain! The palace is under siege- Ah!" Another arrow struck him down. Law clenched his teeth.
"What was that sound!" A young man run up to the captain.
"Usopp shoot down that archer!" Usopp saw where he was pointing and caught sight of the archer. In an instant, and without hesitation, Usopp pulled out his weapon, aimed, and fired. A large fireball was launched into the wall across the courtyard. They heard a man yell and saw him fall to the ground down below. Law raced off and rang a loud bell, a bell that was only used to alert the palace of an invasion.
"What's happening?!" Usopp shouted over the noise.
"That bastard Krieg captured the royal family! All of them! Call all captains, alert all officers! There's going to be hell to pay."

The whole palace was in an uproar. There were men running up and down the halls frantically, women were rushing in and out of doors. Everyone was shouting, some barking out orders. There was noise everywhere.
The only place where order reined over chaos was the huddle of captains. All of them where together.
"What the hell's going on?" Demanded Crocodile.
"Krieg has taken over the palace," announced Jimbe, "...his men are swarming this place!"
"And he's taken the royal family hostage," Robin added calmly but urgently.
"We all have to admit this," said Mihawk, his voice loud and stern, "We have all been bested by Don Krieg. We turned a blind eye as he laid out this entire operation. We were foolish, and now the royal family is paying the price."
"All of Grand Jipang will pay the price of we don't take action immediately!" said Jimbe.
"At this point the only thing we can do is to split up with our squads and attack his men. Head to head!" Shouted Crocodile, slamming his hook onto the table before them.
"Unfortunately I also agree that that is our only option  at this time," Mihawk sighed, "We don't know where Krieg has taken the royal family, and we don't know what else he has planned." He stood tall and strong before his fellow captains, "Take your squads and do as you see fit. And remember... all of Grand Jipang is counting on us!"

Meanwhile, the city of Grand Jipang quickly heard news that the palace was under siege, all became frantic there as well. It's citizens quickly got the closest things to weapons that they had and made their way toward the palace. And of course, among those citizens, were Onami, Chopper, and Franky. Onami didn't have a weapon but her shear desire to aid the ones she cared about. Chopper had was stocked up with Rumble Balls. And Franky was a weapon in and of himself.
The three pushed through the crowd at the palace gates. Once in front they saw guards trying to keep them from entering.
"Please!" Said one guard, "We understand you want to help. But we can't risk all your lives!"
"We don't have time for this!" Shouted a commoner, "Let is help his royal majesty!" The crowd shouted in agreement.
"We won't get anywhere if we stay here. Come on, this way!" Onami grabbed the boys and darted off to the side.
"Where are we?" She heard Chopper ask.
"Ya hear that?" Franky said suddenly.
There was faint screaming and clashing of weapons over the walls of the palace.
"It's coming from the courtyard!"
Chopper sniffed several times, "Wait!" Said the furry little creature, "I think- I think I can smell- there he is!" He pointed with his nose, "Usopp!" The three yelled out Usopp's name. The long-nose spun around from atop the wall.
"W-What are you guys doing here?!" He nearly feel down from astonishment.
"We came here to help. What else?" Answered the orange haired girl.
"Get out of here. It's not safe!"
"As if we'll do that!" They smiled at him. Then he smiled back. He didn't need much convincing.
"Alright then. Let's do this!" Usopp looked over his shoulder and shouted at the top of his lunges, "LUFFY!"
The three on the ground below began to feel it shake. They were shocked to see the young raven haired boy lunch himself from the chaos of the crowd and land at Usopp's side.
"What're you guys doing here?!" He shouted.
"Never mind that! Get us up there!" Onami yelled. Then suddenly a rubber arm stretched around the three of them, and Usopp said a small prayer before they were launched into the air.
They landed in and instant. Franky was the one who took the fall for the other two.
"I don't feel so super~" he whined.
"What an entrance." Said a voice.
"Captain Robin, they're here to help us!" Usopp informed.
"Well well well. We can't loose now." She smiled at the group, "Shall I give you orders then?"
All stood to their feet while the world around them was fighting. They were serious and stood with great purpose. They all said in unison: "Yes!"

A/N: Boop!

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