Cry for Help

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A/N: WARNING: This chapter contains some sexual abuse and is not suitable for younger readers. 18+

Enjoy the show... or... not...

Our blonde prince was currently pinned down to a thick wooden table. He was pinned by Krieg, who was looming over him. With a wicked grin Krieg's hot breath could be felt on the boy's face.
"Now now Prince Sanji. Is this anyway to treat your king?"
"You are NOT my king!"
"Perhaps not yet... but after that uncle of yours is out of the picture, well... I think you know."
Sanji began to thrash under the large man. He tried to yank his wrists free from the man's tight grip.
"Release me!" He demanded with as much valor he could conger.
"When I'm king boy..." Krieg licked his lips, making Sanji cringe, "I'll make you mine and only MINE!" He tightened his grip around this wrists making him wince, "You'll do as I say and only what I say. Your job will be to serve me and all my needs."
Sanji's eyes grew wide as he heard a click then realized his wrists were chained to the table. He couldn't move his arms.
"What will you do Prince Sanji?" He got closer. Too close, "What will you do as I ravish you? Tell me. Will you scream for help? Or... will you be pleased?" Krieg ran his hand down from Sanji's neck to his abs. But before he could go any lower the blonde spat in his face.
The older man instantly pulled away. He then took one glove off.
"Hmm," with two fingers his wiped off the saliva from his cheek, "That was very rude. I'll have to teach you some manners."
In a flash he grabbed the boy's jaw with one hand and forced it open.
Once again Sanji's eyes grew wide as Krieg's to fingers were shoved in his mouth.
The prince coughed at the sudden intrusion. Krieg watched as the boy gagged on his fingers as he grind deep into his mouth. With a sharp motion he pulled out and Sanji gasped for air. He hadn't noticed Krieg had disappeared.
"Don't worry your highness," said Krieg's voice in the shadows, "I'll take good care of you..." He came out of the shadows, "I always take good care of my new toys. I'll show you what it means to be my Queen."
Sanji gritted his teeth at the word "queen". How dare he. He wouldn't be his "queen" if they were the last two people on earth, and at that moment he was so angry he was going to let Kreig know just how he felt.
As Kreig came closer he growled, "You're sick. Queen? Honestly? I'll never be your queen or your prince or anything for that matter. You disgust me."
"Oh do I now?" That wasn't the reaction Sanji was expecting at all, "Well I'm sorry to hear that Prince Sanji. Let me say that it will be much easier for you if you submit to me now my dear. We wouldn't want something bad to happen to your dear uncle would we?"
"You won't lay a finger on him as long as I'm-"
"You're what? Let me explain something to you boy," Kreig bent down and tightened the chains around the blonde's wrists, making him grit his teeth and wince, "That useless king will die by my hand by the time the sun sets today. And when his head rolls on the ground Grand Jipang will be mine, everything in it will be mine. And that includes you. You will submit to me. And serve me." He grinned wickedly at that.
"Ne-" The prince was about to tell him how it would never happen when a thick cloth was forced into his mouth and tied behind his head. He couldn't speak and his protesting was muffled.
Sanji's blue eyes grew wide once again as he watched Kreig pull out a knife, long and thin.
The older man placed the blade just below Sanji's chin.
"I've wanted you since the moment I first laid eyes on you. You were just a young prince then. But I watched you everyday. Such a fine young man." The daggar was pressed into his skin lightly, "From the moment I saw you, I knew that I'd make you mine. I've wanted it," he twisted the blade, "Your body!"
With a quick downward motion the knife cut right down the boy's shirt, cutting it open.
Kreig wasted no time, he began to caress Sanji's chest and sides all while the boy squirmed beneath him.
Sanji tried to kick and fight back but it was no use.
The blond felt something hot and wet touch his jaw. His body stiffened when he realized Kreig was licking him.
With all his might he tried to push the man away, but to no avail. He tried to scream as Krieg roamed his huge gloved hands over his body.
"Tonight I'll make you mine boy," Kreig whispered as he kissed and licked Sanji's neck. Kreig forced himself between the blond's legs and Sanji could feel the man's bulge between his legs.
More panic set in as Sanji realized that no one knew where he was, his family was taken away, his friends didn't know his location, and Zoro. Well... Zoro was in a dungeon somewhere. And now this man was forcing himself on him with no way of escaping.
"Stop it!" He wanted to shout, "Get away from me!" He wished he could scream.
Kreig was now caressing Sanji's groin and moaning disgustingly in his ear, "I'm going to do wonderful things to you boy. You'll be screaming with pleasure all night long."
Sanji screamed for help as loud as he could with the gag in his mouth even if no one could hear him.
This was it, he thought, he was going to be forced by some old man, by Kreig! He didn't want this. He only wanted one man. Only one man could have him.
The prince squeezed his eyes shut. Then-
The blond's eyes were wide.
No. It couldn't be.
It had to be. But was it even possible? Krieg raised his head from the boy's body and gritted his teeth.
"That little-"
Sanji screamed as loud as he could as Krieg grabbed the knife.
"Sanji where are you?!" The voice called. Sanji screamed for help, but the man above him gripped him tightly by the throat, forcing his cries for help to cease. He coughed and choked. He couldn't breath. He was killing him!
Then, like an answer to the most desperate prayer, the door was flung open.
He saw him. The love of his life there to rescue him from the hell he was living.
"You! How did you..." Krieg shouted, his hand still tightly gripped around the boy's neck while the other hand held the dagger, "Don't move or I'll slit his throat!" He held the dagger up to Sanji's neck.
"Just hold on," Zoro put his hands up, "Alright. I give up. Just release him."
There was a pause. Sanji could feel his consciousness slipping away.
Then Kreig threw the dagger at Zoro who dodged it and swung at Krieg. Krieg dashed away and disappeared.
Zoro instantly removed the gag from Sanji's mouth. The prince gasped for air. He watched as the swordsman broke the chains with his bear hands.

In a flash they were in each other's arms. Sanji yanked Zoro into a rough kiss. He wanted to feel him. He wrapped his legs around the older boy's waste so that he could feel him in all the places Kreig and touched him.
"You're here," Sanji breathed for the instant their lips were apart.
"I'm here," Zoro responded quickly.
Sanji took a moment to look into his eyes. They weren't like the eyes of an animal any more.
"You're back," said Sanji in an almost dreamy tone.
"I'm back." Zoro said with a warm smile as he caressed Sanji's cheek with his thumb, "We can't stay here." It took all Zoro's will power to pull away from the blond, "Can you stand?"
"Y-yes," he managed.
"Let's get outta here."
"Yeah," Sanji smiled wearily. He was so happy to see Zoro again, and in his right mind, it took all of his willpower not to attack him with love and affection.
He was saved.

A/N: Felt short...

Only a few chapters left~

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