Now Is the Time

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Embarrassed. Agitated. Annoyed. These were some of the things captain Roronora Zoro felt as he finished his dinner that night.

He was mostly annoyed with himself, for totally forgetting what his mission was three days prior. Falling asleep in an onsen is just about the dumbest things you could do. Zoro thought to himself, Well... I've done dumber things. The 'things' he was thinking of  replayed in his mind as he slowly finished. He swallowed hard, "I can't let that happen again."

"What are you referring too?" said a voice calmly from behind.

"It's nothing sensei," Zoro replied. It was Mihawk again, and he strolled up beside the younger swordsman.

"Do not think I haven't notice your mind racing. You've been distracted lately, Roronora."

"I'm sorry sensei."

"Now, why do I sense that I am not the one you're meant to apologize too?" At this, Zoro was surprised. He knew Mihawk could do weird stuff like that, he certainly wasn't stupid, but this was just creepy, "What's troubling you, and answer fully." The green haired man was uncertain. It wasn't exactly 'easy' telling someone that you had an affair with the prince of your country to the point where you slept together several times, only for it to end in disaster, and, what Zoro assumed, hatred. Yeah, don't say that.

"Sir, I... I had a fight with the Prince of Grand Jipang, before he left two years ago, it was... bad."

"Where you very close to the prince?" There was a pause it this. Then, a small nod.

"But I screwed it all up, and now I'm wondering if it's too late to fix it all."

"Why would it be too late? Has he vanished into thin air?"


"Is he now invisible to your eye?"


"Has he sworn to never speak to you again?"

"No." Not that I know of,  he thought.

"Then I don't see what the issue is my young friend. A word of advice, you won't know how he feels if you don't approach him." As he began to leave, with his back turned, he stopped suddenly, "Oh," he said, "And one more thing... How do you know the prince doesn't feel the same way?" He smiled and turned away. Zoro was left with his one eye wide with realization. This is something Zoro had never even considered. It had never crossed his mind. He began to fall deep in thought.
What if he really does feel the same way as I do? What if he feels bad about what happened? But then again. Why would he be? I'M the one you yelled at him and shattered our relationship! He shivered a little bit at that. Still... he may have some feelings left. Even if they're nothing much. He shouldn't be sorry for anything. It was me who ended it the way it did. I should be the one to apologize. He abruptly stood to his feet, That's it no holding back. I'm going to talk to him tonight.

Of course tonight of all nights was when the palace opened its gates wide to many travelers, merchants, and citizens. The palace was full and people were enjoying themselves. The palace officials were assigned to jobs that night, so Zoro found it quiet difficult to slip away, despite the fact that he was a captain. In the past, he was a bodyguard, so he had to stand around and do nothing, but as a captain, he supervised men under him, and was able to walk around to check the others. But because of the high need for his attention everywhere, he hadn't found the time to be able to sneak away and get the chance to talk to the blonde prince.

It was getting later in the night, and he was beginning to think that he would no longer get a chance at all. That is, until a vise captain known as Mr. 1, who worked under Captain Crocodile, called his name, "I'm here to take your place captain," he said. Zoro nodded and was off without another word. Now was his chance.

"Where am I supposed to find him in this place?" he asked out loud as he made is way through the crowd of happy commoners. This was all too familiar to him. How many times has he done this now? Judging by his history, he should be able to find the blond sitting beside King Zeff, and if not...

"Hey, Zoro!" someone suddenly clamped down.

"Gugh, what is it Luffy?" Luffy didn't seem to notice how annoyed the other young man was at the moment. His mouth was full of food as he asked,

"Do you know where Law is? Everybody tells me his out on a mission, and hasn't been to the palace for a while."

"If that's what people are saying then it's probably true. All I know is that he's still in Grand Jipang. Now, is there anything else?"

"Nope. Thanks anyway though!" And just like that, the boy disappeared, most likely to another dinning table. Now, back to the matter at hand. Luckily, due to the fact that this was NOT a royal celebration like the one held for the prince's return a few weeks ago, there was not many people in the place. This made it easier to maneuver around guests and Zoro was able to reach the throne faster. In addition to this, the young captain had gotten used to addressing and being addressed by the king. He stood tall and strait before King Zeff, despite the fact that Judge and his four (colorful) children were also staring it him.

What're you looking at? Zoro thought, I look normal compared to you.

"Ah! This is Captain Roronora Zoro, he's the kid who used to be Sanji's bodyguard." Everyone seemed to narrow their eyes or snicker at him; everyone, that is, except Reiju. Her eyes sparkled lightly.

"You haven't been a captain very long have you kid?"

"Almost five months your highness," Zoro replied.

"Hm." Suddenly, Reiju cut in.

"The gardens are awfully beautiful aren't they?" Her blue crystal eyes seemed to see right through the captain.

Why is she asking me that? He stuttered a bit, still unsure if he was the one she was speaking too.

"Y-yes, princess. They are."

"They're even more gorgeous this time in the night. Anyone would want to take a stroll through them." It wasn't until a warm smile spread across her face, that he realized that she was giving him a secret message. His good eyes widened lightly.

"Thank you your majesty, I will do just that." He bowed to her, then turned to bow to the king, and was off. Knowing exactly where he was going... just not, how to get there...

Several, and I mean several, minutes later. Roronora Zoro found himself in a familiar spot...The entrance to the palace gardens. He tried to ignore the fact that it had took him so long to get there, and that you-know-who may not be there anymore. Instead, he focused, like a man on a mission. There was just one tiny problem: despite the fact that he had lived in the palace for nearly three years, he was never able to conquer the garden's maze.

Another several minutes went by when he was finally freed. Familiar events took place after this.

There was full moon that night, which shimmered and glistened off of the koi pond. There was a small sound of trickling water, from the new waterfall that mingled with the pond water. There was the last of the Sakura petals falling in the cool wind*.

But the most beautiful sight in the garden, was the boy with blonde golden hair, standing before the pond. He pulled a cigarette away from his lips as he blew smoke. The swordsman stood in awe at the sight. The prince's back was turned to him, yet he could still make out his gorgeous curves in the moonlight.

The prince blew smoke from his mouth once more, then, slowly, turned his head. Their eyes met. They said nothing. They did nothing. They simply stood there, looking at each other. The prince's eyes, blue as ever, almost looked sad. But the eyes of the swordsman were calm, and serious, as though he was about to take on his biggest challenge yet.

This was it. No turning back...


* When the last of the Sakura petals fall, that does not mean spring is over. I just wanted you (the reader) to know so you get a good idea of what time of the year it is in the story :)

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