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 "Sam!! Come down we need to talk to you" moving as fast as I can I rushed downstairs to meet my parents in their study.

Knocking twice on the door I entered. My father looked up from his papers and motioned me to make myself comfortable on the small sofa which was near the shelf of books.

"dad you called?" "yes, your mom and I need to talk to you" 


Was I in some kind of trouble now did I do something? I swear I tried remembering everything that I had done in this week to get a slight hint if this talk could lead to any trouble.

"no, you are not in trouble, you have not done anything wrong" Sighing in relief I stare at my mom and dad confused as to where this talk was heading to.

"honey your father and I need your help, and only you can help us" they were in problem and they needed my help of course I would do everything to get them out.

"of course, I would help but what do you guys need help in I would do everything in my power" "honey the thing is you need to marry Ethan Sequiera" hearing this i stilled.

EXCUSE ME WHAT I think I didn't hear it right I need to MARRY??

"Hashanah, guys this isn't funny anymore, this was you trying to joke, I will give you that it was a nice try but common the joke is over pull out the cameras" when I glanced at them their faces where grim.

My father looked in pain as if he was made to pull out his own tooth, my mom looked rather uncomfortable as if she would be any other place than here.


"Princess I know it's too much to digest but I assure you we are dead serious here, You can go back to your room think about it and come to a conclusion"

I just walked out from their study and made way to my room all this information made my head spinning it's like I am on autopilot mode. Without bumping into anything on the way from study to my room could be consider miracle. Slipping on my bed I just wanted to sleep and wake up from this nightmare


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Keep Believing  :) 

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