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Waking up from the same nightmare is getting irritating. It keeps me on the edge throughout the day. Well it's my first that I would be getting the same dream successive nights.

As the day was passing it was pretty much of the same busy and uneventful. It is becoming a routine to get up in morning get dressed for college leave from college go to work then come home, help mom or make dinner by myself then sleep dreaming about god knows what which will eventually become the same nightmare. All things are the same.

Lately there is only one change my parents are becoming more busy day by day. The talk in the house is of some kind of project. They are using all of their resources and efforts to make it work I hope they make it.

Sighing I make my way towards my room. Tunes of earned it from weekend was floating in the air glancing on my phone it was Ron answering it "Hello, Ron"

"Hey Sammy. How are you?" "I am good, how are you, everything ok?" his voice is always strong but today it sounded different like either he is excited or nervous or like he is not telling me something."

"I'm good, everything is also ok. I have news for you I AM COMING BACK"

Omg he's coming back, when, for how long? his voice broke my chain of thoughts "Day after tomorrow and for how long u will soon come to know" did he read my mind "no, you are talking loud to yourself" oops "we will surely meet after you come"

"Of course, I have been counting days till I could come, now let me go I need to complete my packing" "ok ok bye, go pack fast come fast" my voice for sure was high due to all the excitement.

At least there is one good news he is coming back I will meet my friend after so long. Our story started with us meeting in Spanish class in our senior year. He was one of those students who created trouble yet scored well. A little chubby average height and dark eyes nothing in him scream like charming or handsome yet his personality was another story. The only word that can describe his personality is INVITTING.

He is the kind of person who will listen to you tell you where you go wrong and tell you how to correct it. He will look into things differently and wont shy away from giving his opinion until it doesn't hurt someone's feeling.

Thinking all these things I didn't release when darkness came over.

I am walking in the same darkness where there is no sign of light. It looks like a tunnel I can feel the brick wall it has been guiding me till now. Under my hand, I can feel some kind of inscription engraved on it.

Suddenly there are no more walls there is no tunnel I am standing on the field a sky with no stars above me. An open space surrounded with the smell of wet mud. It felt like it has been raining and the pouring will again start with the heavy clouds that are hovering above.

Its cold out here, I can see a figure walking ahead of me. He is good couple of meters ahead of me. At once he stopped walking and now is facing in my direction. Without any proper light. I can't seem to guess who is it but I can feel it I know that person. It's funny how you can trust a person without really knowing him it's like waging your trust on someone only because your gut feeling says that he won't hurt you.

Turning to another side of my bed, I slowly come back to the present. Glancing up at the wall clock, noticing that I have yet again woken up a bit early from my scheduled time.

It seems like I can never get to end of the dream it's like they are revealing each part one by one. Like saying something it gets confusing. I have stopped reading signs in these.

I remember reading somewhere that destiny has a way of showing things, if you are going to get hurt then you will; weather you are prepared or not. if you are going to face trials or happiness you will get that weather you like it or not.

Going through my usual morning routine. My new blank page is ready for me to paint this day in my book called life.

Today feels a little better, getting into that spirit. I feel the house too calm for its own good it's no shocker that my parents left for office so early that they were not there for breakfast. It's depressing but it's their work which I can't hold against them.

On fridge, I see two post it notes one is from mum n dad saying they had to leave for an important meeting. Going through other it was from my sister saying Bruno and she has left for her friend's house for project and call her once I wake up.

Well fixing myself a cup of hot chocolate I left a message to zee and mom about my location.

The park near vicinity is my destination. I have always loved swings. It has always given me a rush while going all the way up and the feeling of down where your stomach just goes down in the bottom. As I stated growing up I began appreciating the other things which the place had to offer; the fresh air, kid's laughter and young romance that surrounded.

Often, I have found myself contemplating about life while sitting in fresh air. It always opened my mind to a lot of possibilities.

Well now that Ron is back. It would feel like old times. He is the first boy as a friend who got close to me. He didn't judge me for my looks my money he has genuinely been interested in understanding me as an individual.

After the short break from my normal routine I had to induced myself to proceed the same old day.

While laying in bed I started remembering our time together.

Beep checking my phone I see his mssg typical of him to systematically write down all the details of his flight n how is he going to meet me at our usual hangout place.

I did not know when I feel asleep this time the dream is more cryptic, I see myself in a cross path there are two ways on either of my side on my right it looks like bed of roses but something just doesn't feel right its more inviting encouraging or commanding. On my left, it doesn't look like a path taken by most it's rough it's not keeping a façade of everything right its barren laid with oppsticles it has thorny bushes but on looking closer it has rare flowers on it.



I hope you didn't find it boring.

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