Chapter 18

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These past few days have been weird. After Ron's admittance towards his feelings. Our bond seems a little disturbed. Kriya has been right all this time.

"Sami, what is it, you seem distant what's wrong?"

Looking up at Rose. I didn't know how to answer.

" common you can share anything with me " her reassurance gave me the boost to open.

That was all it took for me to let all the thoughts out in the open.

"RON has feelings for me, I don't know what I feel for him. IF mom comes to know she would be disappointed in me and worst if dad comes to know he will be furious."

"He looked so dejected when I turned him down. What if now he breaks our friendship. What am I supposed to do?"

"First breathe in. How do u feel about Ron"?

"See to be very frank, he is a nice guy, I know he will never hurt me. He knows me, my dreams, my values."

"No, this all is general are you emotionally attached to him, did you ever have any feeling towards him romantically."

"To tell you the truth I had developed a crush long back, at that point he wasn't into this dating and romance. He wanted to settle in his college life, make his career."

"what about now samiara?" her voice was tender and soft.

I have never heard Rose talking this softly to me it was welcoming to know that she cared for me and is being considerate toward my feelings

"My crush ran out soon after it was evolved. After that I had never pictured him into anything but friends. Right now, my biggest fear is that I am hurting his feelings."

"Samira you are hurting yourself as well, you have been setting yourself for a lot of emotional stress, looking at you now makes me worried that sooner than later your emotional stress is going to make you fall sick."

"This and coming academic year is very important for us. Our grades cannot fall in any way. Now you are going to pull yourself together and face all those fears and difficulty head on." Her eyes held such determination and faith for me. Which made me believe in myself. I gave her a tight hug, resonating all the gratitude I had felt towards her.

No words were needed we looked into each other's eye and with a slight nod she responded back.

After our conversation I felt like I could breathe again. I now know what I had to do.

Giving her one last squeeze I left for work.

'Ron lets meet today. 😊 ~ Sami'

Hitting send I continued listening songs.

Reaching River Valley, I took my duties and began working with a new set of confidence.

Completing my day. I headed towards my locker, changing into my casual I fished out my phone.

'Yeah cool, Lets meet up near park @7 ~ Ron '

Peering at the time on my phone; It was 6.45, I had fifteen mins to reach there.

My eyes were hunting for that person who could take me there.




I hope u guys like it :)

"True to the Heart,That's when the Heaven Part"

                                                          - Mulan

Rose in the pic above

( all the pictures are taken from google. I don't know them)

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