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When I entered the room, I was not prepared for what I saw; Not even in a million years. This was not jazz room her usual room is quite clean and neat. it's quite organized.

But this was complete opposite, her bed was covered with clothes like jeans to skirts to shorts; it was a complete mess. Her dressing table was crowded with all the makeup which she wouldn't use for any occasions well you can say we are not a big make up fans. Her study table, where here books where arranged properly today they were crowded with all the accessories.

Coming out of bathroom jazz looked fresh but the stress and nervousness was still evident. Sucking a deep breath, I was ready to prepare jazz for her date.

Well at 7 darek is supposed to pick jazz for their 'date' and now it is 5:30 right so we have roughly one and half hour.

I guess we are short of time but nothing is impossible, if we try we can put up a great show. So, gathering up all energy; I started looking for the appropriative clothing.

''so, has Darek told u where he is taking you for the date?"

"nope, he just said wear something comfortable, now how do I decide what to wear; women it's so frustrating" she sighed it was more of defeated sigh.

"no worries I got something here which can qualify as comfortable and stylish" holding up the black skinny ankle length jeans that would be perfect for outdoors as well as restaurants for a peaceful dinner. With that I took her white full sleeve white top which were showing reasonable amount of skin on upper arm. It had orange design on it with a little sparkle.    

"yup that's it, it's perfect;let me try it on" she snatched them from my hand and rushed towards bathroom.While she was changing, I set the makeup that would be needed, and put theextras to their respective places.    

"see does it look good?" she did a small twirl "ohh ohh yes today darek is going to thank his star that he meets you" she did look good "well now time for makeup, actually you don't require it, but still let's just get it done."

She is really beautiful darek is lucky to get a chance with her, I just hope he doesn't lose it because of his stupidity.

Setting a quick layer of foundation on her face, then goes eyeshadow I tried the Smokey look on her which will make her blue eyes stand out, after that I applied a clean streak of eyeliner once this was done I moved toward her lips dam that's sounds so perverted but yeah, I applied a lighter shade of pink which will make him swoon and kiss her like theres no tomorrow. "well done now look how's it, I haven't applied blush because when you would be with him you would get that rosy tint automatically so it won't be of use" I half smirked and half shrugged telling her all this.

I was already greeted with the rosy tint on jazz face by only mentioning darek name he had this effect on her.

The loose strands from my bun kept on coming on my face which kept on distracting me from hearing her ramble on how she is going to be trying her best for darek.

"Girl get a grip, be what you are, be who you are. Never change for some one. Change for yourself but only for good. Today you change for him tomorrow he realizes that you are not what he wanted then. He asked you out because he liked what he saw he liked you for you not for some changes"

"Yeah you are right but what if he thinks I am boring then what should I do?" sighing "then you should let him go, and wait for the one who would like you as you not someone you could be molded into. It's not love where you are not true to your partner and yourself. In that situation you both won't be happy"

"yeah that's right I will be true to him, then he doesn't like it he is not my one; thank your Samiara till I have you I won't need any boy; why aren't you a boy I would definitely date you" to which I just laughed "ha-ha, because I possess female body parts and I am straight as an arrow you may be as beautiful as rose but I am still not interested in you"

"heaven me I am as straight as arrow but you are gorgeous like stars and sunshine that even I will have feelings for you but not in that way" "you just don't let love enter your life"  

ok why does everyone keep saying that life am I seriously blocking off  love out of my life. But there are no suitors!! Whom are they suggesting as my suitor ? 

"I just don't see anyone with me in future, so what's the point; I don't want to start something that I can't finish" "true that"

"so, let's grab your black booths and you are all set to make his life dazzle"

Looking at my watch we finished her dress up within one hour fifteen minutes I did a small victory dance and pat myself on my back.



I hope you guys like it. This is one of the chapter that is closest to my heart..

Do vote and comment! It would be really nice if i could get to know you guys and your feedback till now..

"True to the Heart, That's when the Heavens part"

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