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Days have turned into weeks. Weeks turned into a month. I sort of understand why everyone wants to find the one. Being with that person is magical, you can talk about the day, tell him how you really feel without being judged.

Our relation still has the freshness. The silly arguments are a part but never the focal point. Him motivating me, Me motivating him. We kind of balance each other.

I haven't said I love you yet. But he has made it a point to mention his love for me. I don't exactly know if what I am feeling is love or like.

Our relation is of long distance. Our foundation is of trust. Which has grown stronger. He knows so much more about me. I know so much more about him. It's funny we think we know the person well. Yet there are so many layers of them. I have discovered so many new aspects about him. Like, he needs a proper bye or farewell before ending our call. He hates it when I think of bunking a day of work or college. Sometimes he starts acting my dad. Which is adorably weird.

My step has a bounce, when I look at myself in the mirror, I see a shine in my eye. Everyone is wondering why I am happy. But nobody knows the reason. I smile a lot more I care a lot less about my edges.

College has been smooth, works the same yet the days look brighter. The evening is what I look forward to. But is this Love?? How does one find out that he has fallen in love? Is what I am feeling right now is love?

Lost in my thoughts I never knew when the class ended. Jazz broke my chain of questions to bring me back to present.

"Sami where are you mentally?"

"I was just thinking."

The corridor is getting crowed. We were slowly navigating towards the grounds.

"Something is different about you, A good different"

My smile gave me away, "I feel different"

I don't know why but I don't want to let everyone in knowing about my relationship. It's like a bubble I am in with Ron, I don't want anyone entering it just yet.

College has been uneventful, Work has been a roller-coaster ride. Duke has been in talks with some hotel mogul for some kind of expansion. With that river valley has been attracting some major foot fall after a renounced food critic Ellora Demonteo wrote a positive article over our food and service in the most popular magazine 'Foodies Lover'. We had no clue who Ellora is and who served her, she is known as the best secretive food critic in the industry.

I remember the day when Duke saw the article. Our star chef Michael had was speed walking across the dinning area, ignoring everyone and going straight into Dukes office. No knock No Hi nothing. He clutched the magazine walked ahead. We followed him thinking it was bad news.

Duke looked shocked when he saw us busting in his cabin. Everyone was silent, all waiting in anticipation. Michael slammed the magazine on the desk and announced in his deep voice " We made it, We got the review!"

Everyone came into action all at once, Duke read the article, we girls were hugging each other, some of the kitchen staff fist bumping, chest bumping each other. Some of them picked me and other girls and twirled us in circle.

That day it was celebration in the restaurant we served deserts as complimentary, Duke had framed the review. It hangs proudly near the reception area. As soon as someone enters the restaurant, they would see it.

Ron was so happy when he came to know about it, Life is good I hope it remains like that


That's it, 

True to the Heart, That's when the Heaven's part.

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