32 2 0

Waking up from the dream or more like nightmare. I was back on the land of living. My pillow and quilt are soaked with sweat. My heartbeats where still drumming in my ears.

Glancing at my phone I realized I got up five minutes early to my actual time. Deciding to start my normal routine. It was no point delaying it. I was still terrified from my nightmare.

I had read that dreams are an indication of our inner feelings and supposedly our future, well in my case I had no negative feelings before the dream so inner feelings are canceled. Then the only option remains are the future.

As soon as this thought had, came into my mind I stilled and my hands suddenly came by my side from where they were massaging my scalp with shampoo. A quick panic settled but after a min or two I started losing the edge that was there from the dream but it didn't completely leave my body. Its effect must have faded a little but it was still there.

Continuing my routine, I was ready quite early. To kill time, I straight went to kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Reaching downstairs, I noticed no one was present only the maids who are there to clean the house were working.

I started preparing tea for mum and dad, hot chocolate for zenia and coffee for myself. Taking a pan and heating some oil, I began cutting some onions, coriander, some green chilies. Mixing them with eggs in a bowl. Adding some salt and seasoning making a mixture of them.

Pouring a part of these mixture in the heated pan. Taking a plate, I began slicing fruits for fruit salad.

Got some butter out of fridge. Took breads from the bread box I inserted them in toaster.

Dancing along with singing a thousand year. I started taking the omelets from the pan and setting them in plates garnering them with little coriander.

I placed it at the breakfast bar started collecting the toasted bread and then setting them in a plate I kept it beside the other plates. Lastly pouring the respective beverages in their respected cups I set them on the breakfast bar.

I did a slow bow towards the table satisfied with the breakfast turning out.

I heard claps coming from the threshold. Quickly turning towards the sound, I met with grinning faces of my family. The amusement was shining bright in their eyes. I motioned them towards the breakfast bar.

After Everyone settled. We started having our breakfast enjoying it thoroughly. They kept completing me on the taste. I am enjoying this morning, looking at them I knew with them beside me I would be able to handle anything and for protecting them I could do anything.

After breakfast I was exempted from the cleaning duty. Setting my bag, I began my journey towards bus stop. I still had some thoughts lingering in the small conner of my mind but after reaching college I had no time for them.

Suddenly jazz came beside telling me how darek had treated her like princess. They had gone to fair he had won her a teddy. He stood up for her dignity when some really pretty girls where insulting her. I hope this couple can stand through difficulties which life is going to throw their way. I can clearly see that she is getting attached to him quick I can only pray that he is what he shows he is.

Classes passed by quickly. My next destination is River Valley. Today's business was good, all customers are really sweet, they are having a good time without causing any commotion.

"Hey Sami the guest has specially asked for you" turning to Kaira I raised my brow wondering who could have specially asked for me.

"I hope there is no pervert who has asked for me"

Mentally sighing I made my way towards this supposedly asked guest.

Woah table 22, they have chosen the same table as Mr. Sequiera. Aha groaning inwardly I made my way towards that table.

Sitting there were pretty ladies chatting among themselves.

"Hello, my name is Samaria, I would be your server today are you guys ready to order or shall I give you some more time?" giving them a pleasant smile I waited for their response.

"Nope we are ready, could u get us a plate of red sauce pasta" giving me a polite smile strawberry blondie gave her order. She was quite beautiful and you could feel the cheerful personality.

Turning towards the other lady she was a little older to the strawberry blonde she could easy pass below thirty-five. She is quite attractive, her features looked familiar, shaking my head I cleared my throat to gage her attention; her eyes snapped back on my face and her face lit up as if she approves of what she sees.

"With that green salad and and two glasses of water, that will be all." Taking their menu, I started making my way towards kitchen area.

"Hey tony plzz finish this order fast I will be back to take these" heading back with some orders for other guest I returned to my work station. Getting lost in work was never a new thing for me but today was different it felt like I was immersing myself in work to forget somethings.

Getting back to the elegant ladies table with their bill and both the customer book. 'so, this is your bill and these are the books we provide; it would be a delight if u guys could fill these for us."

Leaving them in peace I started making way towards another guest. I had this weird feeling that I just gave my interview or an important exam.

Noticing that they had finished their comments in one of our book and were waiting for me, coming near their table taking the card I swiped it and gave them the machine and took a step back to give them privacy. I started collecting both the books. Strawberry blond suddenly asked for my name. "you are the Samaira parker first daughter of crystal and james parker, why are you working here when you are born with a silver spoon" she was looking up to me in aww and at the same time with confusion. Like I had grown a second head.

Furrowing my eyebrows "I am privilege that I was born in well doing family but that doesn't mean I take things for granted. This job gives me an opportunity that I can be independent without using my family name; to me all work is equal, I believe that only hard work can get me success. I rather be a self-made person than a person who is noticed because of her family name" looking back at her I was still frowning not understanding about this whole fuss.

She was looking at me like I am some jewel that's too rare to be found turning to the other one I was met with the same expression but the difference was that she was looking at me with a proud look mixed with a look like she has just found her answers.

The rest of the day was not that eventful after completing my routine I was sprawled on my bed still thinking of today. The older lady and the strawberry blonde face kept flashing with their proud grins. I couldn't help that I feel like I have cleared though an exam with top score. 



I hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Apologies my exams are over today, Now I can update.. Yea!!

Im hurt no comments no votes *ahh, sad life* 


"True to the Heart, That's when the Heaven's part" 

The Wager of LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang