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'Normalcy is something I am familiar with. Its comfortable, A routine make me feel safe. But many times, it becomes boring and mundane. Is this the kind of life I was destined? Then why do I feel there is something more to do?

These unasked questions in my inquisitive minds keeps repeating, my curious souls keep trying to find.

They say we meet people for a reason, either they are blessing in disguise or a lesson to be learnt for future. Then why do I try to find my answers in them...'

My professor kept pouring her thoughts on the concluding paragraph. My mind kept recollecting Ron's confession, our talks, our time spent together. What is he in my life a blessing or lesson? Is my decision of being just friends with him wrong? Am I denning both of us something beautiful something perfect? Or am I saving us and our bond from something ugly?

Past few days have flew by, there have been few changes that are made into my life. Zee and I have been crushed into a routine of papers, assignment, work. Dad and Mom are busy with this big project. They have been pulling out all stops. I miss them, I miss my fathers booming laughter, my moms nagging not so much but yes, her voice. Ron has been good, he asked me out 4 times and with each time it's hurting me more than him. He asked me a question yesterday after I declined him.

His voice filled with agony. "Samira answerer me, why do you not want to be with me? Tell me the reason." What do I tell him...?

He is smart.

He is caring

He is serious in his life

He is attentive

He will be loyal

He understands me.

He is sweet at times

He respects me.

I had once in the very start had a tiny very minute feeling for him. But as I began to know him those feelings turned to respect.

"Samira do tell me what are your thoughts on the topic." Professors shrill voice bought me back to present. Jerking my head, I looked at her. All were looking towards me, expecting me to share something. The only problem was I don't know where these people ended their discussion. How do I wiggle out of this?

"Ah..." "my dear tell us what are your views?" her stern voice didn't help a bit.

"Honestly, we are all finding questions, true! I feel these questions lead us to where we are supposed to be. Where we are needed to be. The answers are important so is the journey of finding them. We all are so in rush to find the right answer that we tend to move so fast that we don't really have anything to remember when we meet our answer."

"That's deep Samira." With said that she floated around the class carrying on the discussion. Philosophy class are easy to get by. I somehow winged it and it worked.

Leaving class with a still messed up head. Jazz kept talking about her relation with darek, Filling me on all their relation status. She has a light in her, A bounce in her walk. Love suits her. Im happy for her.

"Oh, Samira there's nothing better to be loved. It gets better when the one you love, feels the same for you. Why don't let someone in? yes there are times when it can be a pain but when you are with him you just know everything is so worth it."

I smiled at her but how do I tell her that there is someone. It's not my first proposal but This one is different from others. Here rebuffing his proposal hurts. Seeing him suffer hurts.

By evening it was quite evident to all that something was on my mind. I felt immense gratitude towards them for giving me space and not start rail roading me into spilling all my thoughts into them. After a daylong of pondering. Sharing was the only logical conclusion that struck me.

At park when I met Kim and kriya everything just fell into place. Filling them into the current situation and everything related to it. I held nothing back, so they could understand and give their honest opinion.

"Sam I am going to straight out tell you. You already know the ans to your problem, you want to try this with him. You are scared we got that but you trust him enough to think about it." Kim kept divulging this while looking me in the eye. She had experience in this department so maybe she is right.

"Why don't you give it a chance and see where it leads you guys." Kriya added to it.

Listening to them the idea of giving in feels more appealing. Yes, Yes, I am going to give him a chance.

Giving each of them a hug, we parted ways not before promising them about keeping them in the loop. Now the thing I could do is to wait for him to call, to ask one more time. I hope he just doesn't give up on me now. Please Ron don't give up now.


Ta da ,

Heavy? Seriou? okish? 

hella , I hope you guys like it. 

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"You must be true to your heart, You must be true to your heart, That's when the Heaven's part." ~ Mulan 

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