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Woah reading this text I am having goosebumps, talk about melodramatic "hey what's wrong you look pale" Harry's voice snapped me out of my thoughts meeting his gaze I narrated the whole situation that I am in.

"hmmm so what's the problem, just go...I will take your shift from here on"

"you would, thanks you are a lifesaver "

I quickly left for my locker to change. Within 5 mins I was near the back door trying to open it but just my luck it was jammed again "it's ok we can make it on time there will be other way too" chanting this mantra I gave it one last try but no It won't budge. Now I have to find a new way, out by jumping of the window no way I'm gonna break my bones then what oh the main door.

Oh, no the main door all the guest is there, well there is no more option desperate times calls desperate measures.

As soon as I reached the dining hall, my quest to search harry or duke either one of them. Quickly scanning the area, I couldn't spot any just when I was turning to reach kitchen I spotted harry going towards Mr. hot jerks table.

SHOOT!!! How can I suppose to go to his table, this man is lethal to my health I shouldn't go to his table, DAMM where is darek when you need him?

Oh, god looking at the time I knew I am late by 5 mins doing a quick calculation in my head I concluded that I can't waste any further time. Gathering up all the courage I could muster I stalked towards them.

Oh lord...what is happening, why am I feeling something different, what is this feeling like I have never felt like this before; is it because irritation but I have never felt it like this, is it nervousness? partly I have been nervous for exams and a lot of things but this is too intense.... dam this is more frustrating than an incomplete puzzle whose last piece has been missing.

I know one thing, that this feeling is caused by MR ETHAN SEQUIERA!!! And I don't like it not one bit of it. I have to maintain distance from him at all cost.

Correct that's my solution I have to be far away from MR ETHAN SEQUIERA.

ATTA girl

"harry I'm leaving now, thank you so much for covering up I will meet u tomorrow if I can still breath ok, bye"

After saying all this I was rushing for the main door without meeting Ethan's eye they are the most dangerous part of his, they can swallow you without any difficulty. He was trying very hard to catch my eye and as I am moving away from their table I know a pair of eye is still struck to my back-burning holes. I bet all my money that it's his eyes.

"wait up sam, women I know you are late but you don't have to run like P.T Usha you are too fast, take my bike, you will reach on time & you will definitely be breathing. My baby is great; just make sure she is safe."

I hesitate a moment not sure if this will be a good idea to reach on time personally I feel traveling on bike is like asking death trapped in a beautiful parcel & oh if dad gets to know he will flip like anything.

"Are you scared Sami, won't you be able to handle the speed??" Harry's smirk is quite irritating I swear if I had time I would have slapped it from his face.

"Samira isn't afraid of anything, I can handle everything, weather its speed or adrenaline rush you just wait and see" I snatched his baby's keys and started running for front door.

When I was gripping the door handle, I was getting this sudden feeling or voice I can't explain like something in me was asking me turn, more like a tug from a string that's being stretched. Surrendering to that pull I turned around and was met with worried looking Ethan directly looking at me. His eyes were searching something in my eyes his brows were furrowed but his lips had a smirk like 'look u finally had to catch my eye' it was totally mocking but for some reason I found that fake like he was totally hiding his real feelings behind that.

I can't explain but I wanted that frown off his face, that's absurd I don't know this guy still I didn't like to see him upset for any reason. Before this thing becomes more complicated I had to leave. Taking one last glance at him I slipped from the door away from Ethan, away from my work, away from these feelings ...



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'True to the Heart, That's when the Heavens part'

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