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I started scanning the parking lot for Harry's baby which he calls it Ashley. I don't know the reason so don't ask. Boys are plain stupid in these matters. No offence boys

Well luck is on my side it was near the exit but a nice stretch of walk was awaiting me. well here goes nothing

I started jogging towards Ashley I noticed corner of my mouth where up!!

I am smiling no shocker there but the shocker is I didn't come to know I was smiling like a fool. what's wrong with my body, dam anybody who saw me, they must think I am a fool.

Silently groaning I approached the bike. Settling the helmet on my head; I put the key in ignition to kick start Ashley. It roars to life I swear the guest in dining hall could hear it. I slowly started coming out of parking behind me a Porsche turbo was coming out as well.

Dam that car is hot with a capital 'H'. I should start moving faster to give him space. While speeding up a little I got a glimpse of the owner of the car through my rearview mirror and he was none other than MR. ETHAN SEQUEIRA!!!!


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Lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I reached jazz house that's like 30 mins opp directions of river valley n looking at my watch I have made it in record time.

Wow I don't know how I didn't get pulled over or caught up in an accident. It's like my body was on autopilot mode.

Well maybe some guardian angel was looking out for me. Without wasting any more time, I made my way towards her house.

I rang the bell and waited patiently for someone to answered the door. Well Blake answered the door. He is younger brother of jazz. Difference between them is only 3 years he is quiet adamant guy according to jazz but I personally feel he is more of shy &quiet person but not introvert he can get along with people but he chooses them.

When he saw, it was me his face showed pure relief if that was my imagination but the sigh he exhaled confirmed my imagination.

"Open the door buddy before your sister gets anymore panic attacks"

His chuckle echoed in the whole house and again the silence was draped on the house its opposite of our house you cannot get the house this quiet without all of us sleeping.

"SAMIRA!!! This better be you" and the silence is broken like the storm hitting and tearing up the silence before it.

"yup that's me open the door and let me in" her room is in the far corner. Rubbing my hands together I started preparing for the mission on hand 'THE DRESS UP' gripping the handle I gave it a soft push to let myself enter on the battlefield.



I hope you liked it. Samira on the bike above!

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