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"hmm. hum...hmmm" while humming I was clearing up her room a little. I don't want her to rile herself up for cleaning the room.

Once I finished tidying the room a little that it could surpass decent place to sleep and walk around without tripping. Informing Blake that I was leaving and advising him to eat before sleeping. Blake is kind of like shy younger brother that I never had.

Closing the door behind me I started making my way towards Harrys bike. Noticing that my hair was still in a messy bun, I slowly slid off the rubber band from my hairs allowing them to loosen up shaking my head little I allowed them to fall freely. Running my hand through them I tried taming them and removing all the bangs which where dangling on my eyes.

Placing the helmet and securing it tight I slowly slid on the bike. Putting the key and turning it to left in ignition the bike roared to life.

Backing the bike, a little I started my journey towards my home. Darek word where still ringing in my mind, my thoughts kept on repeating like a broken recorder that wouldn't stop, only one question was imprinted in my mind that was it possible that even man could be this passionate for the person they merely liked, his sincerity and fairness has caused a lot of doubts in my mind about time, relation.

I was so consumed in my thoughts that I failed to notice that a car was following me from jazz house to my house.

Passing through the gates and drive through I parked Harrys bike near dad's cars. I knew dad was home this was strange. Fishing my phone out I looked at the time and was shocked that it was nine thirty.

Time just passes by when you thought are being consumed with questions, whose answers you try to find in yourself.

Rushing inside I made my way toward dining hall where mum and Samantha our chef where discussing while steering some pots.

"I am home!!" I shouted to let everyone know my presence I hate surprise because they are unexpected and can be real upsetting when they are not up to mark.

"good honey, dinner will be ready in sometime go freshen up" was my mom's reply.

Following her instruction, I went to change into something comfortable. Choosing a cotton tee that I borrowed or stole from dad and cotton pjs a knot on the right side of tee that it could fit my body.

I rushed downstairs to check on dinner. I could feel all mouse having a race from one point to another in my tummy.

Today seems to be stressful not only physically but also emotionally. Let's hope tomorrow will be a lighter day.

"good you are just on time for the dinner, go call everyone as well as Bruno. Till the time, I will set the table." Shooing me to get everyone, mum started setting the table with Samantha.

Taking two step at a time I was moving towards zinnias room, knocking twice I entered.

"zenia come let's go down have yummy yummy diner. come Bruno come let's have dinner" zenia slowly closed her laptop nodding her head she was leaving her room.

Now skipping my way towards third floor I knocked dads study and slowly entered. I have always found this room with serious or thick atmosphere.

Standing at the threshold I was greeted with the desk covered with papers which I am guessing was important for business the pen stand had very few pens and pencil rest all where on scattered on the desk.

Looking little further I saw my dad was hunched over the desk reading these papers with so much concentration like a schoolboy memorizing all ans just before exams.

His brows were furrowed showing some age lines showing on his forehead. Then reading some line his right eye brow rose then suddenly picking a pencil he was lining something or canceling I am not very sure of that.

Coming near him. I whispered sounding like ghost "I have been knocking on the door"; To which I felt him stiffening up. He quickly closed whichever paper he was reading and turned towards me with amused eyes "and I have been hungry for human for so long" he mimicked me.

"well then go down mom is a superhuman and her blood will be nice" I started backing up slowly to which he only raised his right eyebrow "yes, I will have mommy I guess there are lot of things I could taste" I was confused for a moment and then when realization skunked in I was beyond horrified and quiet a loud NO escaped from my mouth from the steps a deep chuckle could be heard.

Why dad why had you put that thoughts in my mind. I will surely have nightmares. Groaning I started making my way towards the door.



I hope you guys like it!

Its my birthday!!!!!

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"True to the Heart,That's when Heavens part"

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