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Today was being pleasant and normal day. Had I known it was silence before storm...It was just the beginning of a roller-coaster ride ....

I was completing serving table 14 when Mia was showing 2 more customers towards their seats. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine and a nagging feeling that something big is going to happen. I tried shooing them, I was quite busy and had to focus on my job.

As time passed my 2 tables were free and had given me heavy tip and good approving comments for me in our book of satisfaction.

We have 2 books one for satisfied and other for dissatisfied customers who ever had most positive comments over negative will be employ of the month. I already had won twice one for as receptionist and other for serving. I have been hoping for this month too.

"Sami, I need ur help. Please take my table no 22; you are free right now and I don't feel good I will ask Mia to take your 2 tables" While saying all this Kaira was giving me the puppy dog expression that I couldn't resist "Fine, I will do it." to which she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I owe you thanks love, go see If they are ready to order " I rolled my eye started to make way towards table 22. Nearing the said table the nagging feeling of something important something big was getting prominent.

As soon as I reached table that, I notice two men wearing suite. If I were to guess then i would put my money on Armani. They had chosen the best spot in river valley it was in a schedule corner which gives them privacy and it had a beautiful view of sunset and night sky in perfect harmony with the busy city which is quite peaceful.

I made my way near their table the person facing me took notice. "HI I'm Samira, I would be your server for today, Are you guys ready to order or should I come back in some more mins "

I may have addressed it to them but didn't get the time to see them. I was busy with my small notepad to jolt down the orders. "We are ready, I would like to have chicken platter and a glass of red wine preferably from 2002 that will be for me beautiful "with that said he sent a wink my way to which I politely smiled and turned towards other one.

Turning to the other, Our eyes seem to connect as if a magnetic pull was built for us ,Our eye contact is so intense that all air has left. He was staring straight in my eyes his electric blue eyes were staring straight at my chocolate brown eyes, it felt like only we were there and rest of our surrounding was vanished.

I was brought back to my surrounding where a throat was being cleared I had to blink twice and let out a low sigh to form words with a soft smile "and sir what will be your order?" He chuckled softly "I would like to have chicken resort with white wine and you" his last part of the order had my head snapping to him with a raised eyebrow he ignored my reaction and continued "you should be more attentive to your job and stop spacing out that will be all be quick "with that he sent a smirk my way to which I gave him a cold smile and resisted their order with promising them it will be soon.

When I was leaving to place their order; I heard the one who called me beautiful said they were in no hurry. Involuntary I rolled my eyes thank god, they couldn't see it.



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' True to the Heart, That's the Heavens part'

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