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Finally, the man of the hour, 'Liam can you do me a favor and drop me to Sweet house café' "Sure sweet Cheeks hop on." Things are finally looking up.

Liam's car can never be too near or too dirty. His car somehow portrays  him as a neat guy but not a clean freak. The light bantering among us helped to keep my mind away from the thoughts about what I am about to do.

Reaching my destination, I waved him bye and jogged my way into the café I wasn't late but I wasn't on time either. My initial plan to give myself the prepping time was gone.

Well for once Ron's tardiness came in handy. Seeking all the thoughts and courage, combing them I was getting my speech ready. I was building my backbone for all the possible outcome. The breathing exercise came in handy to calm my nerves.

My wait wasn't for long. He moved easily in the café. His light pink shirt, only he could pull off, He smile looked easygoing on the front but I knew better it was slightly strained.

Liam's car can never be too near or too dirty. His car somehow shows him as a neat guy but not a clean freak. The light bantering among us helped to keep my mind away from the thoughts about what I am about to do.

Reaching my destination, I waved him bye and jogged my way into the café I wasn't late but I wasn't on time either. My initial plan to give myself the prepping time was gone.

Well for once Ron's tardiness came in handy. Seeking all the thoughts and courage, combing them I was getting my speech ready. I was building my backbone for the all possible outcome. The breathing exercise came in handy to calm my nerves.

My wait wasn't for long. He moved easily in the café. His light pink shirt caught attention of the onlookers , only he could pull it off, He smile looked easygoing on the front but I knew better it was slightly strained

Its time Samira giving the final boost. I smiled as natural as I could. 'Hey Sam, Ssup' This was supposed to be a casual greeting but it turned out so awkward.

"Enough Ron I can't take any more awkwardness anymore, nor can I act like nothing happened. Yes, your admittance caught me off guard. I am honored and flattered, you are my best friend. You hold a special place in my heart but not romantically. I respect you, our bond and your feelings. Its hurting you to act normal like nothing happened and I can see it. If it is getting too much for you. We can part ways."

Ron smiled at me his genuine smile, I knew he heard and understood me. He always did.

"This is what I like the most about it, you are honest sometimes too honest but non the less honest, you have always been a troublemaker.'

'What can I say I want us to have a proper conversation. Not the awkward greetings, or the tip toeing around it felt like walking on eggshells.' Shrugging I met with his gaze head on.'

"Now that u want honesty then I shall meet you half way then. At the very least let me know why I am being rejected. That might help me cool down.'

"Ron to tell you the truth I keep seeing you as my best friend and nothing more nothing less. Now tell me will u be able to move forward and not bring this up again. If its too much we can break it off the choice remains yours."

"Are you really this confident that you will be ok with me leaving? Does are bond mean nothing to you?" he looks ridiculous with the hurt look on his face. I seriously don't understand this guy.

"Do you really believe that our bond has no value to me? It means everything to me. It takes two to tango. Any bond cannot be deepened if both the people who are in it can't make it work. No to ans you I am not confident it will hurt like hell but its better o part with good memories than dreadful ones."

"Sam you have guts, you always have. You accept facts and never hesitate to speak them out. What so ever they are."

Shaking my head, he keeps surprising me with compliments. His observing skill have blown my mind many times. He has an eye for all the details and traits of people. That most seem to overlook.

"I can't change facts the only thing I can do is accept them, and look for ways to better them." Shrugging I sipped my coffee."

"Fine... I would try to not bring it up, but no promises. There's something I need to let you on is that I would be leaving by tomorrow noon. My initial plan was to stay for a little longer but they need me there. And before you think its because of you no it is not."

My confused expression in the beginning turned into pout. Had to give it to him he knew me well.

"I gonna miss you. Don't be a stranger."

"I will miss you too, Never. Its late bounce back"

Giving him a half hug, we started following our own direction. Now it feels right. Like how everything has found its place.

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