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Getting up it's a task when your comforter is actually like cocoon which acts as a shield to the outside world and the bed is warm from the body heat it's too peaceful to move.

Starting my day, I tried to get my lazy ass out of bed; here key word is tried. Looking up at the wall clock it; that set me in motion. It's really funny how one moment you are being the laziest person in the world and next moment you are up on your feet like the devil is hot on you heals.

Rushing through my morning ritual then compromising a little on the dress up time. I rushed out of my room straight to dinning to get hold of whatever is edible and accessible.

Grabbing an apple from fruit baskets I started making my way towards the door. "STOP right there miss, where do you think you are heading of to without having a proper breakfast."

Facing my mother, I know I was in for a lecture. Pasting a pleasant smile, "Good morning, dear mother! I was just leaving to catch the bus that could take me to college."

Narrowing her eyes to slits she wasn't even looking remotely impressed. Time to change the tact, "Mumma, I am going to be really late please let me skip breakfast this once I promise it won't happen again." Well if everything fails then puppy dog eyes and innocent smile always work.

Mums eyes had softened but still her stance was the same. "wait right here for a moment" listening to her strict command I knew I dare not go against that or I am as good as a dead man or in my case women.

"MOM faster please" I am really late today. Today's first lecture is important and then I have to directly go to work in evening I have to meet Ron at café then come home to complete assignment and finally I would be graced by some sleep. Today is going to be a long day.

"Here take this power bar and leave." "ok mother the great, I love you I will be coming a little late so don't worry I will keep you posted about my location, byee!" jogging my way out of the gate I was waiving to everyone from the gardener, our trusted watchman to mom.

Nearing the bus stop I was just in time for the bus. The short journey was normal like every other day but there was something different, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

College went by smoothly with no hiccups. Joining my work mates, I was missing harry. He had left for his college his break was supposed to end. Hopefully he has completed all his assignment. The work was as usual busy. Looking around when I see all having a good time it just makes me feel satisfied that I could help them.

Its finally time to meet Ron after so long. I couldn't stop smiling and from the looks of all my workmates they were considering different things in different direction.

Thanks Heaven nobody had straight out asked me about the reason of that grin which was fixed on my face.

As expected he was late, waiting for him in the same cafe. It felt like nothing has changed like he had never left. Looking around reading different post it I tried to pass my time. One particular post it caught my eye. "Since you've been around I smile a lot more than I used to..." it had a small arrow at the end pointing towards the other note. The note looks old and it seems like a feminine handwriting. The other note was also old "I think about you a lot more than I should" this was definitely a man's writing. At the end of this note as well there was an arrow pointing towards the previous note. In my mentally awing state I didn't even notice Ron had turned up until he pulled a chair opposite for me.

"You are late again." I know he is going get annoyed at my greeting. Narrowing his eyes, he looks up from the menu card "Hello Samira, I am good. My flight was long but comfortable. How have you been?"

"I have been good, so what have you been up to in LA?" and just like that we started discussing about our life's latest gossip. Time kept passing but none of us paid any attention.

Ting sounded in distance signaling someone had entered the café. It would have been pretty normal instance but it wasn't. A shiver ran down my spine. I felt someone was near whom I need to meet someone important but didn't know whom. Turning around I tried to find this important person that my soul knows.

Snapping fingers brought me back to present following those fingers I was met with Ron's face. He was too close to me, jerking back I tried to create some space. Noticing this he backed himself but not before giving me his smirk.

His eyes which held amusement till now suddenly turned serious the atmosphere around us changed as well. His hand reached my hand which was placed on the table. 



I hope u guys like it.. 

"True to the Heart,That's when the Heaven's part"

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