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"Hey Brayan order for 22 is one chicken platter, one chicken risotto and a glass of white and red wine and please make it fast"

"Roger that muffin how is the crowd anyone interesting? "

I had to roll my eyes ;my mind directly wonder to certain someone who's electric blue eyes are just so alive that it could brighten anyone's day with that square shoulder who are ready to shoulder all responsibility without getting tiered that sharp jaw that could cut ice that kissable lips that were so full and plum ,that straight nose and those hairs which were wild like he had run his hand on them many times oh those hands rough and big just thinking about them made me shiver. He has to be the most handsome man I had seen till now.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts. "Nope just the usual except for a jerk and flirt. Well call me as soon as their order is ready " placing a soft smile.

I headed to other tables. I felt as though some one was watching me but when I turn around I couldn't find anyone I just shrug and continue my work. "muffin order ready for 22 " "aye aye captain " I was balancing their order on both my arms while setting their plates I could feel some one's gaze burning holes as I looked up I caught the same electric blue eyes.

There were some emotions in his eyes that I couldn't place my finger on slowing breaking the moment I blinked twice and started to leave while passing them a small smile I'm sure my face was a tomato by now.

As I was leaving their table my heel was struck on something I closed my eyes tightly and was ready to take the epic n embarrassing fall.

I was waiting for pain to sky rocket in my back of the head but it never came. Slowly opening my eyes, I was greeted by Mr. hot jerk. He has his hands on my waist that were preventing from my fall; in his arms, I felt this sudden feeling that I never felt, my one hand was on Mr. hot jerk shoulder and my other hand was grabbed by Harry.



I hope you guys liked it. Mr Hot jerk up there  ; )

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