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I almost choke on the piece of pancake in my mouth, "What?"

"I think I like you Liz," he says not looking into my eyes and rubbing the back of his neck.

"But we just met yesterday, you saw me drunk," I laugh.

"You were really funny," he laughs. "You told me that when you were little your mom threw a sandal at you because you screamed at her," he says in between laughs.

"I'm Hispanic, I screamed no me voy a ponede este vistido and she told me si no te le pones, te voy a chingar vas aver. I didn't believe her and she ended up grabbing her chancla and throwing it at me hitting me on the side of my head," I say making Anthony laugh. "Then this one time I told her no me gusta huevos. Then she told me te lo has a comer y te va gustar."

"Oh god, so do your parents live around here?" My parents are something I NEVER want to talk about.

"Ummm... I don't-"

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," I laugh which causes him to look confused.
"They're not dead, it's just a touchy subject," I say

His cheeks flush a bright pink, "shit sorry, we won't talk about it if you're not comfortable about it."

"Thank you, I'm not ready to talk about it just yet," I say

"If you ever wanna talk, I'm here for you," he says putting his hand on top of mine.

I smile, "Thanks, so about Rocky what are you gonna do about her?"
"I think I'm gonna break up with her, it's not fair for me to keep dating her if I'm losing interest in her." I see the pain in his eyes, he interwinds our fingers from across the table.

Once we finish eating, he says he wants to take me somewhere. We head to my car and he drives to wherever he wants to take me. We stay in a comfortable silence, until we got to the park and found a little bench. "So, what do you want talk about?"

"It's pretty cozy. We can get to know each other," he says

"I like the park"

"Me too, since it's really close to the house, I come here to clear my thoughts or when I just need some peace and quiet. Rocky came to visit like two months ago and she basically lives at the Team 10 house, and whenever we get into an argument I always come here to calm down."

I nod "What's the Team 10 house?"
"Oh I didn't tell you huh?"

I shake my head, "okay so, everyone who lives in our house, is a vlogger or a YouTuber. Except Chance's girlfriend, but anyways, Jake formed this group called Team 10, over the year people have left, got kicked out, and joined the group. We all live in the same house, which is called the Team 10 house."

"Ooh, So Jake is a vlogger too?"
"Yeah actually, he vlogs every single day, he even made a song called It's Everyday Bro. Wanna hear it?"

He pulls his phone out and types some things in and shows me the video.

"What do you think?"
"You want my honest answer or a bullshit one?"

"Okay, I don't know how to say this without being rude, but it's kind of cringey" I laugh, he also laughs. "I just don't think singing is his thing"

"What about you? Can you sing"
"No, I honestly can't sing to save my life!"

"Let me hear you," he says
I shake my head, "come on please," he begs.

I give in and start singing There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back by Shawn Mendes "I wanna follow where she goes..."
"Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back!" I finish.

"You're really good! I don't know why, you think you can't sing," he tells me

"You're just saying that," I tell him.
"No I'm not," he says, I turn to face him to see he's already looking at me.
I smile and bite my lip, "don't do that. Whenever I look at you I have the urge to kiss you, and when you bite your lip weellll..."

I chuckle and look down, still biting my lip. I feel him put his hand under my chin and lift my head up, "you're beautiful"

I look at him and he leans in and so do I, our lips connect, it felt I don't know, magical. I pull apart and smile, which quickly turns into a frown. "What's wrong?"

"This," I move my finger towards him and then back to me, "you have a girlfriend"

"I'm gonna break up with her, I really like you."
"But you guys aren't broken up right now. This isn't fair, you have a girl who is waiting for you, and you're here, kissing me. I know if it were the other way around, you wouldn't like it," I tell him.

"True, I think I'm gonna break up wi-"

"Anthony Trujillo, is this your girlfriend Rocky?" A guy with a camera says walking up to us.

Anthony swears under his breath and whispers in my ear, "don't answer any questions unless I ask you to" I nod, "no she is not, this is my best friend"

"Then why were you kissing her? Are you cheating on your girlfriend?"

"I wasn't kissing her," he says sounding a bit angry

"I have video of you guys kissing, this is Hollywood Fix and you saw it here first ladies and gentlemen, YouTuber Anthony Trujillo was caught cheating on his girlfriend, Rocky Garcia" he shuts his camera off and looks at us, "Wow, that is some great content, hope your girlfriend sees that. I'm sorry you had to be part of this. What's your name?" He asks pointing at me with a small, sarcastic chuckle.

"Don't worry about it," I say getting up and heading to my car. I spent a couple of minutes just sitting in the car, the drivers door opens, I look up expecting it to be Anthony.

I was so wrong

Liz's Instagram

Liked by imanthonytruj, itsjazz, and 392 otherselizabethgrey Cuz I'm out of this world 👽 *comments disabled*

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Liked by imanthonytruj, itsjazz, and 392 others
elizabethgrey Cuz I'm out of this world 👽
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Hey guys, I'm so so sorry I didn't post yesterday. It's just, I'm sick and I kind of forgot, I know it's not an excuse. Well anyways rn I'm on my way to the fair, I wasn't gonna go but my friend is coming and they all said no to her and I felt bad so I'm going. Who do you think was in the car? Thanks for reading, love you❣️

Ig/ trujillocute
Janzuary 10, 2018

QOTD/Who's your favorite team 10 member?\

To The Moon And Back|| An Anthony Trujillo Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now