He Dumped Me

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"Alright, you guys were amazing! Thank you for coming," Matt smiles.
I walk over to where my bag is to see Anthony sitting there on his phone, "fuck, you scared me," I place my hand on my chest.

"I'm sorry," he smiles as he gets up.
"What are you doing here?" I ask as I get my stuff together and walk out.

"Oh, I remember you telling me that one of your favorite artists was Phora so I went online and noticed he was on tour with G-eazy and Trippee so I got us this," he hands me an envelop. "I ubered here to give them to you" (fun fact about me is that I love Phora)

I open the envelope, with a guess of what's inside, "no way!" I hug him so tight. "You bought us tickets?!" I start tearing up. "Fuck, I'm crying," I laugh.

"No, don't cry," he wipes my tears away. "I'm gonna tell you something that's gonna make you cry even more," he says

"I got us meet and greet"

I sat on the floor with my arms around my leg and I cry into my knees, "I don't deserve you," I cry.
"It's okay, come here," he picks me up. "Why don't we go to the Team 10 house and hang out there?" 

I nod as we head to my car and he drives. "You know how long I've dreamed of this?" I ask looking at the ticket that are for tonight.
"How long baby?"

"I've been there since day one, so about almost three years!"
"So what's like his fan base called?"

"We're called phoraheads," I laugh.
"That's a weird name," he laughs

"Shut up"

I laugh as we continue the ride, "You wanna hear his new song? It's called Come Thru," I ask.

I connected my phone to the aux cord before going to my music and playing it for him. (Song above)

"He's not bad," Anthony shrugs. "Play another one"
I play Holding On then Boss up before we pull up to his house. "His music is really good," Anthony says as we walk in.

"It is, like he actually talks about how we feel not some fake ass rapper that's trying to feel like that," I say.
"Yeah it is, his songs remind me of my first heartbreak," he says.

"Who's songs?"
I turn around and see Jake, "Phora," I say.

"Who's that?" He asks
"My favorite rapper that Anthony got me tickets to meet," I kiss Anthony's lips.

"Some lizthony moment for the Jake Paulers," he says before walking away.
"You wanna go to the game room?" Anthony asks

"You guys have a game room?!" I ask surprised as he takes me to it. "Is it like a video game room?"

"Yup," Anthony says before we walk into a room where Chance and Alex are at a computer playing fortnite.
"This is so cool," I laugh

Anthony sits at a computer and sit to the one next to him. He gets it set up before I decide on playing battle royal. I wait in the waiting room for like two minutes before I'm on a blimp.

I jump off and go into a house where I find a chest, it had a rifle, amo, and some thing to drink. "Girls who can play Fortnite," I hear Anthony say.

"Yeesss!" Chance agrees referring to Alex.
I turn to him to see him recording me, I laugh before going back into the game. I see someone going into a house and shoot them, killing them.


"I should get going," I say once I've died.
"Why," anthony looks up at me since I'm standing.

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