Chapter 4

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Frisk's P.O.V

Damn it, Azzy! I shouted in my head. I may have been fine last time he came in, but that was because I knew everyone was awake. I don't even know if Mom is awake.

"ya gonna stay submerged under your blankets, kiddo?" Sans asked, once again sounding a little cautious.

Well he should be! I thought before replying, "Well, I bet it's better than whatever sickness I have."

"so ya would rather die than try to live, spending time with family and friends?" His voice changed from cautious to threatening in an instant. I felt scared, and the sudden feeling of distrust hit me again. I didn't know why I didn't trust him. Maybe something from the battle on the last run, the last genocide run, triggered something in me.

I decided not to reply.

"fine. well, anyway, tori asked me to get you."

"I'm not going anywhere. Why does Mom trust you so much anyways? I don't," I added under my breath and started coughing. Once I stopped, I felt cold hands wrap around my shoulders and legs and I was lifted into the air, my blanket falling back onto the bed. Sans had picked me up, bridal style, I might add.

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed tightly on the back of his jacket. I was afraid he might drop me, either by accident or on purpose, although Mom had told him to get me.

"heh, you've grown taller, kiddo," Sans said as he carried me over to the door.

"So have you," I added shakily.

"heh. i'm still taller then."

I saw a little light light up my room. The hallway light wasn't on, so it must have been the one in the main room. I heard voices, but what was said didn't come through. I felt as though I was in a daze, my eyesight occasionally getting blurry. My grip on Sans' jacket relaxed.

"ya alright, kid?" His slightly worried voice cut clearly through my daze, and it seemed to wake me up a bit. We were downstairs now.

"Yeah," I replied. "Where are we going?"

"asgore's castle."

Fear and surprise shot through my body. "Will we be teleporting there?" I asked, trying not to let my voice shake, but while doing so, my throat started to tickle and I had a bit of a coughing fit.

"no," Sans replied once I had finished. "i deemed it too unsafe to arrive before your mom. plus, tori might kill me if both you and i had seemingly disappeared."

"Right." I felt cold hit the bare parts of my body. I only wear a t-shirt and shorts to bed, and I don't think I really had the strength to change out of my pjs. I removed my arms from around Sans' neck and crossed them to try to keep warm.

Sans must have noticed my shivering, for he knelt down and set me on the ground. He took off his blue jacket and said, "here kid. i know it won't do much for ya legs, but at least it'll keep ya warm." He helped me put it on, then picked me up again.

"Thanks, Sans," I said, snuggling into him and his jacket.

"uh, f-forgetaboutit, kiddo," he stammered.

His jacket was warm, which was the opposite I had expected since his hands were so cold. It smelled of ketchup, hamburgers, and fries, which wasn't new.

Maybe that is what is keeping his jacket so warm, I thought as we traveled through the woods of Snowdin. Everything looked almost the same as when I would start a new run, only that the path seemed a little more beaten down.

I only felt worse when we reached the "gate" Papyrus had made. I felt nauseous.

"Sans," I whispered, getting his attention.

"yeah- woah, kiddo, are you alright?" he asked, stopping in his tracks. "ya look like ya saw a ghost, an' i don' mean nabstablook."

"I don't feel well," I simply said, which wasn't true. I felt horrible, but I didn't want to worry him more. I felt him quickly turn to the left and set me on the ground. I turned to the side and threw up, unable to hold it in any longer. I felt Sans' cold hands hold back my hair, which had grown longer since I had fell down here.

It stopped after a few seconds, and my face was slick with sweat. My body shook, having lost almost all my energy, and my eyelids were drooping.

"Frisk, my child, are you alright?" I heard Mom's voice say. That was the first time I noticed that Mom, Chara, and Flowey were with us.

I gave a small nod of my head and leaned backward into Sans, closing my eyes. My breathing was more of a pant at that moment.

"Do you think here would be a good place to rest up for a while, Sans?" Mom asked. "I know all of us didn't get enough sleep."

"'specially you, tori," Sans replied, all humor gone from his voice. "ya spent almost the whole time tryin' to order medicine, didn't ya? and yeah. only paps and i patrol these parts, and if any of the hounds found us, they won't be able to cross the bridge."

"And why is that?" Chara asked, clearly interested.

"they've been given strict orders not to, even if they were to see a human. they are to call me in that sense, and papyrus if there is an injured, hurt, sick, or lost monster wandering the woods past that point."

"How do you know they call you? Do they have phones or something? And how do you know they won't disobey orders?"

"they're all too obedient for that. and they have a specific howl for both me and paps."

"Can we just go to sleep already?" Flowey asked, though not too nicely or quiet. "We're keeping ourselves and Frisk awake by talking."

"yeah. but, let's rest in the woods, instead of right here."

"Will that be safe?" Mom asked, who was probably looking at me. By now, my legs were freezing, and their voices started getting quieter as I started slipping off to sleep.

"i'll stay up if ya want, if ya don't feel it's safe."

"No, I'll trust you. What we all need is rest, and I'm sure you have lived here your entire life. Come, my children and Sans." I heard faint footsteps walk away from me as they headed into the woods. Sans picked me up once again, and his presence was all that I knew before I completely fell asleep.

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