Chapter 24

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(A/N: Just an fyi, the song above applies more to the P.O.V change, but you can play it whenever. Anyways, on with the story!)

Undyne's P.O.V

"Sir, I know a lot of other important things are going on right now, but I need to know what to do with the royal guard," I said to the king, who was sitting on a patch of grass near the camp. I could see the human guards posted around the edge clearly, their type of camouflaged armor not doing them any good, and too light to protect them from anything.

"What do you suppose we do with the guard, Undyne?" Asgore asked, his voice light as he gazed up to the darkening sky.

"I don't know," I admitted, plopping down beside him with a sigh. "I can't exactly have them guard anyone; that's their job." I pointed my thumb to the watching soldiers, gesturing who I meant. "And more monsters are coming to the surface, despite me giving your orders to stay underground."

"Maybe there will be something for you all to do when the humans trust us enough. They have to accept that we are real and have returned to the surface some day."

"Not to mention that some of us are kinder than we seem."

The king laughed. "Yes, that as well. Speaking of which, how is Papyrus coming along?"

"He's an excellent training buddy, an excellent fighter, although a terrible captor, and he trains Dogan when I can't or in his own free time. He's completely serious about everything the guard does."

"And how is Dogan's training going?"

"He's had a couple day's break because of the barrier breaking and all this stuff with the humans, but he's been doing well. He may be a kid, but he can certainly pack a punch!"

"Can he now? Reminds me of someone." He glanced over at me, and I blushed lightly with the complement, but gave him a toothy grin in response.

"Thank you, sir."

"How about you and the guard start training again early in the morning tomorrow? I'm sure the humans would understand the sense to continue sharpening our skills, unless they consider us as prisoners."

Most of the guard was on the surface, but a few were still underground, like RG 01 and RG 02, watching over and protecting the citizens. Before I could say something about that, the queen walked up to us, a pie tin with half a steaming pie still left in it in her hands. It smelled like butterscotch-cinnamon, her signature favorite among the other monsters. Flowey was on her shoulder, his vines wrapped around both of her shoulders so he wouldn't fall off, gazing at us with as much interest as watching paint dry or grass grow.

"And what kind of prisoners should go without a slice of pie to eat?" Toriel said, a warm, although almost forced, smile on her white-furred face, inviting us to eat. She glanced at Flowey, who, while letting out a quiet growl, gave us both paper plates, forks, and a piece of pie.

"Thanks, Queen Toriel!" I thanked her, already digging in.

"Thank you, Tori," Asgore followed. "Would you like to stay with us and eat? There's no use feeding others if you're just going to starve yourself."

"Yeah, thank the person who made it, and not do so as well for the servant," the prince grumbled, adding a few inaudible grumbling after it. Toriel glared at him, but shook it off as she answered.

"I'm afraid I cannot," she declined. "Someone has had a bad day today, and Justin has posted guards at his tent because of what happened earlier. I hope by bringing food they will let me see him. I want to know in case Frisk asks and she isn't allowed to see him."

"How is Sans?" I asked past a mouthful of pie. "You were one of the last people around him, and I left his tent early."

"I don't know," she sighed in defeat, "but somehow Frisk's visit earlier only brought him lower. I'm not sure if he is even mad that he's listed as a dangerous, unstable monster by the humans."

"Let's hope he's not like that. I don't know how I'd break that kind of news to Papyrus."

"I hope so, too," she whispered before turning back to the tents and heading into the maze.

"I hope for all monsterkind that all of this gets sorted out soon," Asgore muttered, a dark yet sad look on his face. "The last thing we need is for matters to get worse."

Yeah, I inwardly agreed bitterly, although my expression said it for me. Wonder how that's going to happen. Something bad is going to happen no matter how many times we try to avoid it or go around it. I just don't know what that bad thing is.

"I'll go see if Alphys has eaten," I said, standing up and walking through the maze to my girlfriend's tent. Reason why we didn't sleep in the same tent like the skeleton brothers: the freaking robot.


Sans' P.O.V

"Are you alright, Sans?" Toriel's voice spoke through my gloominess. I didn't look at her, nor did I move my head to aim my empty eye sockets in her direction. I was in a different tent, one without a nice covering on the ground, since Papyrus and I had shared one previously.

"the kid doesn't trust me... again, tori," I answered flatly. "should i be?"

"They chained you?" she gasped, eyeing the metal handcuffs around my hands and the ball and chain attached to one of my legs.

I threw my hands up in the air, though with difficulty because of the chains. "sure, why not? i'm a dangerous, out of control monster, so why shouldn't they?"

"Why don't you get yourself out of them, trash bag?" Flowey spat. "I know you're capable of doing so. And since when would you listen to a douchebag like Justin, anyways?"

"Asriel!" Toriel scolded quietly.

"since earlier, weed," I said tartly, emotion finally showing in my voice. "she wouldn't, she couldn't, meet my gaze. now, after watching the tin can's video of what happened, she could never trust me again. i was a fool to fall in love with her. i shoulda told her what happened in the last timeline, just to keep her away."

"The last timeline was when Chara released her hold on Frisk's body, was it not? What would have happened to make her trust you less?"

"Sans, you fucking idiot! How dare you call yourself a fool for falling in love with my sister! I know you love her. That's the whole reason for that promise! You break it now and I'll make your life hell."

"try some other threat, weed. i'm already there."

"...Mom, can you leave us alone... please?"

"Alright, my child." Toriel set him down with a piece of pie and turned around to exit the tent. "Behave yourselves, and I mean it," she added sternly before leaving.

"You know, I wonder how you could have said you loved her in the first place, if you're just going to dump her when everything gets too tough for you," Flowey said angrily once she was out of earshot. "If you truly think this way, then our promise doesn't matter! Tell Frisk about the last timeline, the real one, and tell her what you did to her! How you killed her without thinking, without a second thought about what Chara told you before resetting! Without a single thought like, 'hey, maybe there's a chance she's Frisk again. I just have to play it cool like every single run before!' No wonder you hate making promises. You never can keep a single one!" He took a deep breath after letting out his anger while I remained the same as I had been. "She's going to come visit you tomorrow, you know that. Tell her then." With that, he burrowed into the ground and left my sight.

"sure," I muttered to no one after a few moments, my smile widening. "after all the hell i've been through, this'll be a fuckin' piece of pie."

(A/N: Heya, my guardians! I hope you enjoyed this chapter... and that's pretty much all I have to say. Other than that, I can't believe this story is so close to 1k reads! (Though it will be over 1k by the time the next chapter's out) I'm so happy that you guys like this story so much and (assumedly) look forward to each chapter!

Anyways, I hope (again) that you guys enjoyed and I'll see ya later!)

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