Chapter 36

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Day #1

Frisk's P.O.V

A knock at the door caught my attention whilst I was laying on the couch, flipping through channels, and having nothing catch my eye. It was strange, since it was so different compared to all the other knocks I've heard on the front door, and my own. I shivered as I remembered some, before the break up, where my door wasn't even knocked on before the person on the other side opened it, their mind set on ill intentions.

The strange knock came again, and I realized I was the only one home. My mom and dad were off somewhere, maybe work - whatever that was - and Chara said she had somewhere important to be. I sighed, turned off the TV, and went to answer the door. I opened it and was almost met with a fist to the face. Me and the fist pulled back in time and I glared up at the owner, who had an apologetic look plastered on his face.

"What do you want?" I asked him none too nicely, watching his expression change to guilt and shock. "Haven't you caused enough trouble?"

"I... didn't realize how much damage that video would do. I didn't even think it would go viral."

"Everything about me goes viral," I muttered, leaning on the door frame glaring daggers at my unwanted visitor. "Almost everything, at least. I've yet to see anything about people theorizing that my absence is caused from me and Sans breaking up." A little twinge of pain came from my heart when I said that, but I kept it from showing. No way in hell would I show such a weakness in front of him. Justin was quiet for a few moments before speaking again.

"I'm sorry." I stared at him with wide, shocked eyes, which is a lot of emotion compared to the numbness and pain I was feeling before now. "I'm sorry for everything I have done to you, your friends, your family. It was a stupid obsession, but I can't say that I regret all of what I've done." I quickly got over my surprise when I realized that was all he had to say. My lips turned down to a scowl.

"So that's it?" I snapped, catching him off-guard. I thought I saw hurt flash in his eyes, but I put it aside and continued, my voice rising. "An apology and a realization? Do you think that will make up for how I'm feeling? You don't have any idea about how torn apart I am because of what you did!"

"I know that," he replied, a hint of coldness wavering in his voice as though he was trying to keep his voice level, unlike me. "But I know how my brother felt when his girlfriend died, and I know how I felt when he died." His voice wavered again, but this time with sadness.

"Why should I believe any of your bullshit!? How can I believe that you are just suddenly over me?"

"I swear, I never meant to hurt you. That video was just supposed to be a joke. I wouldn't have posted it on purpose if I knew how much it would hurt you... and how fast it would spread."

"Why should I believe you?" I seethed.

"If I truly wanted you to be mine, I would have broken you two up long before now, and seeing you now, I know how much he meant to you. How happy he made you."

"Well, if that's all you have to say, then bye." I started to close the door, but Justin wedged his foot between the frame and the door, making it unable to close.

"Hang on! Isn't there anything I can do to make you not hate me?" he asked urgently. I turned away from him in irritation as he pushed the door open a bit more so it wasn't crushing his foot.

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