Chapter 41

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(How... tf... I mean, I know I spammed two "chapters" for the poll, but still... how?! Thx nonetheless, I guess!?)

Frisk's P.O.V

Once the bathroom door closed, I felt my muscles relax. Letting out a sigh to calm myself further, I glanced at my arms, one of the sole reasons I "went to the bathroom". I know I still have the rest of the party to get through before I can go home and wear something to cover them, but I needed this little break to prepare for anything that could happen. I closed my eyes and opened them again to see a skeleton a few feet away from me, an eye-catching, red dress hugging her literal magic features.

"You seem troubled, child," she said, her voice soft and soothing, reminding me of Toriel's voice. "Your mind is wild and frantic, and I can see it poking through to the outside."

"I-I'm fine, Arial," I reassured her, a bit surprised that she found that out so quickly. Then again, I should've expected her to find out, with the way she can teleport: sensing for a person's mind instead of picturing a place like Sans. Speaking of which, I couldn't wait to see his face when I show him who I found.

Arial gently grabbed one of my arms, turning it slightly so she could get a better look at the scars. "May I ask what brought you to do this?" she asked with sorrowful eye sockets. I took in and let out a quick breath before nodding. That life is behind me now, so why should I continue to keep it locked up?

"My parents," I answered. "My real parents," I clarified, remembering that I was an official Dreemurr. "Some are actually from them."

"I'm sorry this had to happen to you, Frisk, but if you think about it, some good things have happened because of these scenarios. I probably wouldn't be alive right now. Just a lonely, wandering soul where no one can reach me." She gave me a small smile, and, as though it was contagious, I smiled back. She acted so much like the best mother one could ask for, even though she died after the birth of her second child. Once again, I caught myself wondering if she had learned from Toriel, or raised Asriel alongside the motherly goat.

"Well if it isn't little Miss I-can-do-anything-I-want-because-I'm-the-ambassador," a girly, high-pitched voice said behind. I saw Arial narrow her eye sockets before I turned around to face the monster, already knowing who it was. "And cheating on her 'boyfriend' with another skeleton!" Fuku was standing in front of the door with a smirk on her flaming face along with two other monsters, one of them being the purple, skateboard riding monster girl I've seen her with in other runs.

"I'm afraid you're misinformed, Miss Fuku Fire," Arial replied calmly as she moved to stand in front of me, which I thought was crazy, because I was a bit freaked out and panicked that the fire monster saw it that way. "One, I'm too old for her. Two, Frisk is loyal to her boyfriend, unlike how you would be."

"Tsk! So what? I would have him be deserving of my love for the time that I'm with him," Fuku argued, shooting daggers at the both of us. "Unlike their complicated relationship!"

In the blink of an eye, the motherly skeleton was in front the group, light orange flames coming from her eye sockets and three monster souls up in the air.

"You make fun of Frisk or my son again, I will make sure proper punishments are given," she threatened. "Do you understand?" Nods came from the younger monsters before they were released from the magic holding them in place. As soon as they could move, they bolted out of the bathroom, stumbling from each other or from something outside the door.

"Okay, whoever made Fuku run for her life is my new best friend!" a voice exclaimed, the owner of it coming into the bathroom. Light purple feathers stood out to me as the monster fully entered into the bathroom.

"Violet!" I cried happily, running up to the Snowdrake and hugging her. After a moment, as though she had to get over her surprise, she hugged back.

"Frisk! It's been a while, huh?" Violet added with a smile as we pulled away. "So was that you who scared Fuku out of her mind?"

"Actually, that was her," I answered, stepping aside so my friend could see Arial. "Violet, this is Arial, Sans and Papyrus' mother. Arial, this is Violet, one of my best friends."

"You're Sans and Payrus' mom?!" Violet repeated, a surprised look to her face. "How come they've never talked about you? And why haven't I seen you in the Underground before?"

"It's a long and complicated story that I would rather tell once when everyone is around," the female skeleton said, very vaguely answering her questions. "But right now, I want to see my sons," she added with a teary smile. I smiled back at her and gestured them to follow me back into the main room, the fear of someone noticing and pointing out my scars forgotten.

As soon as we were out, I could see that the other guests had separated themselves into three groups: one at the dancefloor, or the area considered as the dancefloor, one at the bar, and the last one at the tables. The second thing that attracted me was a pair of eyes caught between the three groups. I smiled at Sans when our gazes met, and led the two monsters over to him, Sans cutting the time by teleporting over. I giggled at his bewildered expression before speaking.

"So, as you can see, I have a surprise for you," I told him happily as though he wasn't staring at his mother with such a confused and shocked gaze.

"y-yeah, i can see that," he replied shakily, glancing at me with the same look before staring back at his mother. "but... how?"

"As I told Frisk's Snowdrake friend, I want to be able to tell everyone the story, instead of telling it multiple times and exclude details," Arial answered, sounding like she might be on the verge of crying as well.

"i can get everyone to gather," Sans said. He gestured to the tables before going on. "you guys should probably find a table big enough for everyone to sit at." He flashed me a loving grin before he teleported away.

"I'll get Dogan!" Violet exclaimed, a light blush appearing through her feathers once she mentioned the monster dog's name. "He'd be so excited to see you again!"

"Luckily they'll be under normal circumstances this time," I joked, getting a laugh out of my friend and a confused and curious gaze from the female skeleton. "It's a long story," I explained to her, while Violet went to the table group, where I assumed Dogan was.

(A/N: Okay, probably one of the worst ways to end a chapter, but I got nothin for how to make it good xD
(It's too early!!!! (>A<))

Anyways, I just want to thank you all again, for reading this kinda cringy story of mine and almost 10k reads. Never would I have thought this was possible, but apparently it was, and it's all thanks to you guys!

Looks like only two more chapters until the epilogue~

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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